Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, September 12, 2015

以赛亚书 55:11 我口所出的话也必如此,决不徒然返回,却要成就我所喜悦的,在我发它去成就的事上必然亨通。

在路1:37 “因为出于神的话,没有一句不带能力的“很清楚告诉我们神说话算话。就如同我们能在创世纪1看见, 神藉着他的话创造了世界 (希11:3)
当神说”要有光”, 就有光。(创1:3)


他的话说“修复是你的”, 那么不管你所面对怎样的破碎都能在神的荣耀里完全被修复了!
他的话说“神能倍增5饼2 鱼”, 那么在你的生命中肯定过着福杯满溢的生活!
他的话说”神借着摩西开红海”, 那么在你生命中同样也能经历神那浩大的能力如何在看似没有出路的时候开启那红海!
他的话说“彼得能走在水面上”, 同样的你也能走在你生命中的问题上!


His Word

Friday, September 11, 2015

Isaiah 55:11 So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Do you believe the power of God’s word?
In Luke1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God” tells us clearly that God means what He said. Just like what we can see in Genesis Chapter 1, God created the world by His word. (Heb11:3) When God said “Let there be light” and there was light. (Gen1:3)
Whatever God said, things happened according to His word. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. (Psa33:9)

So, stop listening to what the world says, do not focus on what the circumstances say, do not entertain what your feeling says, but start to listen to what the Lord says and even start to proclaim the word of God in your life.

His word says “you are rich, you are prosperous”, and therefore you are to live life abundantly as what the word of God proclaimed!
His word says “by His stripes you are healed”, and therefore you are healthy and well in Him!
His word says “restoration is yours”, and therefore whatever brokenness you have in life shall be restored by God’s glory!
His word says “God can multiplies 5 loaves and 2 fishes”, and therefore your life shall be overflows with lots of blessings!
His word says ”God opened red sea through Moses”, and therefore you can open the red sea in life through the tremendous power in you where it seems to be no way!
His word says “Peter walked on the water”, so do you, can walk on top of your problems!

So, grab what the word of God says, believe from heart and act on what the promises of God said! Surely, you are to receive freely and effortlessly from Him!


Friday, September 11, 2015

希 12:28 - 所以,我们既得了不能震动的国,就当感恩,照神所喜悦的,用虔诚、敬畏的心事奉神。





Friday, September 11, 2015





He Is Taking Charge of Your Life

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hebrews 7:25- Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

God is able, yesterday today and forever. Therefore do not underestimate the power of God that can save and transform you!
You may be facing great challenges now, you may feel dismay and discourage on your present situation, you may feel like
you are all alone to walk in life and no one can understand you; but be assured again that Jesus loves you and He understands.
So all the more you are to go to Jesus, for only He can save you and help you!
So my friends, when you go to Jesus, he is able to save you completely from all harms and evil one. He lives to intercede for you,
which means now your matter is his matter, your concern is his concern! Why? Solely because He loves you and no one can change that!
When He is taking charge of your life, worry not! For all things are possible in Him!

Quiet in His Love

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Zephaniah 3:17- “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Do you know that love empowers? The love of God empowers you over all challenges in life!
Therefore, you have to know and believe that God loves you and He does not hold any grudges over
you. In fact, He takes great delight in you, you're His joy and satisfaction. Therefore, instead of focusing
on the bustle of life, quiet down in His love. Meditate and think of how much He loves you, be reminded
again and again that you're being loved even when you were at your worst, trust Him that His love is unconditional
and immeasurable.
You know what? You'll know that nothing is impossible when you truly know He loves you deeply!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

诗 55:22 - 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,祂必抚养你,祂永不叫义人动摇。

每一个人,都有自己的重担。有的人是家庭重担;有的人是经济的重担;有些人是事业的重担;有些人则是健康的重担。不管你现在背着什么样的重担,也不管这重担把你压得有多么透不过气来,或是处于一个什么样的环境中,我们都要学习把这一切交托给神,因为知道祂必抚养我们。祂告诉我们,凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。(太 11:28)祂告诉我们一个秘诀,若我们要得安息,就当要负祂的轭,学祂的样式,这样,我们心里就必得享安息。因为祂的轭是容易的,祂的担子是轻省的。(太 11:29-30)很多时候,我们却是想要靠我们自己的能力去把这重担担起来,但是往往却不为我们所愿,因此,我们一次又一次的面对伤害,一次又一次的跌倒。

神的话告诉我们,纵然高山再高,问题再大,都没有什么能够大过耶稣的名。你知道吗?当我们来到神的面前,我们可以坦然无惧的从神那里得着怜恤,蒙恩惠,作我们随时的帮助。每当我们不晓得该如何走下一步的时候,在神那里有我们要的答案,我们只要信靠祂,依赖祂,跟随祂的脚步行。在神那里永远有我们要的解决方案,在祂那里我们能够得着一切所需要的。今天,就算我们四面受敌,也不被困住;心里作难,却不至失望;遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不至死亡。(林后 4:8-9)神公义的右手常托住我们,祂也应许我们,对我们是不离不弃的。



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

诗篇5:12 『因为祢必赐福与义人,耶和华啊,你必用恩惠如同盾牌四面护卫他』。



但当你存着一顆感恩的心,圣经说:上帝要大大傾福於你,甚至使你无处可容;每当你转身,就有人拿好東西給你,或沒有任何理由,就喜欢帮助你,這就是上帝的恩惠,使你在人群中与众不同。是的! 上帝能在你生命中的各个领域帮助你。当你存着一顆感恩的心,你將開始在每一天的生活中看見上帝的美好。。。阿门!

Your Sins Are Removed

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Micah 7:19- You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

How wonderful and blessed to know that God will remember our sins no more, solely because of the
perfect performance and sacrifice of Jesus alone! If we are to achieve salvation by our own, the word of
God says that it's impossible. For only the perfect blood of Jesus is able to remove us from all sins and
My friend, in Christ there's no longer condemnation, your identity has changed from a sinner to a righteous
man in Christ! Therefore, when Jesus has tread your sins underfoot and throw all your iniquities into the deep
sea, why would you hold on to it? You're set free my friend, not because of how good you are but how good
Jesus is! Therefore live your life knowing that Jesus has become your basis, and ultimately when sin is no longer
hindering you, you're able to take freely all your inheritance!

The Power of Your Tongue

Monday, September 7, 2015

Genesis 1:3- And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

The first thing that faith moves is your mouth. Look at what you've been speaking
recently and you'll realize what you've been believing in. If you're speaking of defeat,
then you're believing defeat in you; but if you're speaking victory recently, then you're
believing in victory! You see, when darkness all over, God never speak what He saw but
instead what He wanted to see. When He said let there be light, there was light. Likewise,
change the way you speak, speak what you want to see instead of what you're seeing now.
For death and life is under the power of your tongue, so you're to choose which fruit that you want
to bear! For when you speak death, there reaps fruit of death; and likewise, when you speak life,
you'll reap the fruit of life!
Therefore, start to change the way you speak by having a change of mind and believe. When you say
let there be health, there was health, let there be joy, there was joy; just because Jesus has done it all for you!


Monday, September 7, 2015

箴 4:23 - 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效,是由心发出。





Monday, September 7, 2015

哥林多后书12:9.。。 因我什么时候软弱,什么时候就刚强了。




Source of Wisdom

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Proverbs 4:5- “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.”

Do you need wisdom in all the affairs of life? Do you need wisdom in making decisions?
Do you need understanding in that particular situation?
The word of God is the source of wisdom and understanding, the moment when you keep yourself
in the Word instead of what the world is giving you, the Word of God enables you to have clarity in your
situation, and the best Helper - the Holy Spirit will be able to guide you in all your decisions through
reminding you the Word of God!
Therefore, keep the Word in you and do not let it go, for it shall bring you life, good health, wisdom in
making decisions and abundance!

He Understands Yet He Loves

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Psalm 139:1- “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”
Are you having sleepless moments that you think no one actually understands how you feel?
Have you ever feel like what you've gone through is too hard for you alone?
If you think that no one understands you and care about you, then you're wrong.
Jesus is the one who always knew and understands you. Whatever issues that you're going through
now, He understands you totally and yet He gives grace to you all the time!
Know that although He understands all your failures, your weaknesses, your wrong decisions, but still
He is always there ever ready to lift you up, and empower you once again with His unfailing love!
My friend, He never gives up on you, He still loves you now and forever!


Saturday, September 5, 2015






Welling Up To Eternal Life

Friday, September 4, 2015

John 4:14
But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Shalom friend! How is your day?
No matter how busy you are, always remember you need to abide in God who is the spring of water in your life.
We all know that we cannot live without water, likewise, we cannot live without God.

Though you might have problems like mountains surrounding you, but bear in mind that problems come to pass, it cannot stay! Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psa30:5)
Jesus is the fountain of your life, therefore, the supplies you can enjoy is endless and without limit! (Psa 36:9)

When we have Jesus in life, prosperity welling up to eternal life, lacking becomes more than enough;
When we have Jesus in life, good health welling up to eternal life, sicknesses be healed;
When we have Jesus in life, good relationship welling up to eternal life, bad relationship been restored;
When we have Jesus in life, right opportunities welling up to eternal life, right doors opened;
When we have Jesus in life, success welling up to eternal life!

So, let’s come to drink the water given by Jesus and we will never thirst!
Praise the Lord!


Friday, September 4, 2015

创 1:31a - 神看着一切所造的都甚好。

很常的,我们会听见别人批评我们,说:“这个人真糟糕!”,“哎呀,你怎么那么笨?”,“你怎么那么逊?这一点小事也办不好!” 等等负面的评语。若对这些评语介意的话,就会造成伤害。但在圣经里,神却不是这样看我们的。在最起初,神创造世界的时候,祂无论创造什么,祂都看为美好的。同样的,当祂造人的时候,祂是按着自己的形象造人,祂也看人是甚好的。想想看,若今天这个最伟大,无人能敌的宇宙创造者都认为我们是美好的,那么在这世上还有谁能够批评我们,把我们看为不好的呢?




Friday, September 4, 2015

以弗所书6:12因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的, 以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。



争战是在你的思想里。我们常常带着错误的思考模式,把自己局限在失敗自怜中。而这也就是为什么正面思想是那么重要。也许在你的生命当中,有人浇了你满头的冷水说你永远不会成功,你永远达不到目标等。別去听信谎言,要听真理,因为唯有神的话(就是真理)是对你有益处的(诗篇119:72)。 如果上帝要为你成就,谁能阻挡你呢(罗马书8:31)?所以你要充满张力,愿意接受挑战,愿意多走一里路,让你的心安定在全新,正面態度的信念中。这将改变你的生命。啊们!

You're Being Loved Deeply

Thursday, September 3, 2015

John 3:35- “The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.”
Today, do not doubt the love of God for you. The love of man may change, but the love of God is
unceasing and He remains the same! Therefore, in order to live your life full of boldness and being fearless,
it is so important that you know that you're being loved! Knowing that you're being loved empowers you to move
on in life, experiencing miracles and transformation, so without a shadow of doubt, you're the beloved of God!
My friends, Jesus has done all things at the cross for you and I, He has made all things yours! Therefore, know
that it's never about your perfect performance but by His grace, He has made you healthy, strong, prosperous, in
great peace and joy; He has made all things available to you too! The reason is simply simple: just because He loves
you deeply!

Restful In Christ

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Matthew 11:28- “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
If you look around on what happened around the world now, you'll realize that everything seems to be so restless.
People are worrying over issues of life, worrying over future, struggling over their past encounter, and even troubled about what
happens now right before them. The devil comes to give restlessness but do know that Jesus came to give us life abundantly, and it's
a restful life!
So, are you weary and tired over issues of life now? Let not your heart be troubled, go to Jesus and He will give you rest. Let His word be
established in your heart, look up to Him, consider Him who has suffered for you, and you'll find assurance and peace in Him! Remember,
the same God who brought you through from that circumstance before, is also able to bring you through now, all you need is to trust Him!
For only He is able to bring you restful increase in all areas of life!