Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, August 24, 2015





You Deserve To Be Joyful

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Isaiah 61:7- “Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs.”
God is a God of restoration, therefore instead of being under confusion and worries, rejoice in The Lord!
Rejoicing is a choice and decision that you can make, it's either you live your day wisely knowing how much
that The Lord has done for you and rejoice over Him with singing and praising; or you may live your day unwise
by focusing on the past and the circumstances around you, and causing your precious joy and all those that Christ
has purchased for you with His life being robbed by the enemies!
You know what? God has promised you, for you're not only possess double, but all unlimited resources that the Father
has! So when you truly know how much that you're blessed and loved, you know that how much you deserve to be in joy!
You're the precious one in Christ, He loves you dearly, and His will is to see you living in everlasting joy! So instead of looking
at your shame, look at Jesus; He has taken your shame and your worst, and has given you the honor and the best!


Saturday, August 22, 2015

诗篇118:17 我必不至死,仍要存活,并要传扬耶和华的作为。

不管你现在面对什么问题,无论那大山看起来有多大或周围的风浪有多猛,你可以放心,因为你所信靠的-耶稣,已经战胜了这一切!(约16:33) 他甚至胜了这世上最难的问题-死亡!


记得,因着耶稣基督的完工,你现在可以坦然无惧地来到神的施恩宝座前得怜恤蒙恩惠,作随时的帮助! (希4:16)

Will Not Die But Live

Friday, August 21, 2015

Psalms 118:17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.

Hi friend, how are you?
No matter what problems you are facing right now, regardless how big the mountain seem to be or how big the storm is surrounding you right now, take heart for the one you trust-JESUS has overcome all these! (John16:33) He has even conquered the hardest problem in this world-death!
So, now in Him, you are more than conquerors (Rom8:37).

In time of trouble, you will not die but live, and will proclaim how God opens way when it seem to be no way.
In time of lacking, you will not die but live, and will proclaim how God supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches.
When you face brokenness in a relationship, you will not die but live, and proclaim how God restore the relationship with tremendous love.
When you are sick and suffer physically, you will not die but live, and will proclaim how you are healed by the stripes of Jesus.
When you been rejected by the people around you, you will not die but live, and will proclaim the acceptance God has extended to you.

Remember, because of the finished work of Christ, you can now come boldly to the throne of God to receive grace and mercy, not only that, He is your ever presence help! (Heb4:16)
In Christ, you are strong, you are strengthen and you are truly blessed!
There is no dead end in the path of righteous one. (Prov12:28) So do not lose hope but to move on for greater glory in life with the supernatural power of God.
In Him, you can!


Friday, August 21, 2015

罗 11:29 - 因为神的恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。

我们每一个人都是神精心挑选的。经上记着说:惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民。(彼前 2:9)我们是被神所拣选的,而不是我们拣选了要来相信耶稣基督。(约 15:16)今天,纵然在我们的生命中,我们有软弱,我们有优点,当然也有缺点,但是神却从来不看向我们的长处短处,因为神看的是被我们所批戴的耶稣基督。上帝的眼不看向我们的不足,不看向我们的瑕疵,祂只单单看耶稣基督为我们所做成的。而今,我们得以因着耶稣而成为神的儿女,能够享受神所为我们预备的福分。




Friday, August 21, 2015




Thursday, August 20, 2015

Colossians 1:12- “and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”
Dear friends, you're blessed, you're healed, you're enjoying in abundance not because of your qualification.
You can never qualified yourself for these, but rather because of Jesus' once and for all sacrifice, He has perfected
and made us qualified forever!
Hence, the good news is you're qualified for blessings, abundance, long life and good health! His finished work at the cross
has redeemed us from the separation into celebration! We are able to celebrate whatever that He has blessed us and qualified
us with! How great!
So remember, You're made qualified not because of yourself but because of His goodness, so give thanks to Him in all circumstance
for all things are already yours!

Have Faith In God

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mark 11:22- ““Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.”
Faith is never upon yourselves but rather it's upon what Jesus has done for us at the cross.
Relying on your own faith may not last, but as you look at the finished work of Jesus, you'll know
that it will never be about your performance, but His perfect performance! As you choose to put your
faith in Him, you'll start to see impossible turning into possible in your life!
My friend, faith empowers you to see things that are not as though they are; so start to see yourself blessed!
Start to see yourself healed! Start to see yourself in abundance! Just like Abraham, being fully persuaded that
God has power to accomplish what He has promised you!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

诗 121:8 - 你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远。


朋友们,耶和华是我们的亮光,是我们的拯救!我们还怕谁呢?耶和华是我们性命的保障!我们还惧谁呢?(诗 27:1)是的,当神是帮助我们的,我们还怕谁呢?谁能比神更大呢?有什么事情能够把我们从神的手中夺去呢?断乎没有!因为在天上地上,没有任何名字比我们耶稣的名更大,更有能力!祂就是我们的保障,是我们的避难所,是我们的高台。在祂里面,我们是安全的,我们的被保护的。



Wednesday, August 19, 2015


当你得着启示,你就要凭信心放胆观看,凡你所能發現的一切土地,都可以归属於你。 你要尽可能的放远观看,因为你所看見的一切,都会是你的。你以神儿女的身份所盼望的一切,都包含在已经赐给你的一切属天福份里了(以弗所1:3)。来吧,開啓你的心扉,让你整个身心灵都来接受祂,沉浸在祂的爱里。当你晓得祂所有的一切,都是爲了你,你的心就会是何等的喜乐,你只想拥祂,更多认识祂。当你领受祂所应许你的一切諾言,聆听祂所提醒你的每一句话,凡你目光所及的一切福份,都是賜給你的,你必蒙福,而你也要叫别人得福。(创世记12:2)
当你白白领受祂的恩寵,打从內心的信服祂,就晓得祂是神。 祂在我們们心中注入天國的盼望,当我們知道来跟从祂,我们一生必蒙福。阿门!

【他們去了,所遇見的,正如耶穌所說的】。 路22:13

Shalom Peace

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

John 14:27- “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

There was once in an art competition that all the artists were required to illustrate on the title "Peace".
Many made great masterpiece of people helping the poor, a calm and blue sea with azure sky; but the first place
goes to one who drew a great storm, it was all darkness and chaos, but there was a bird nest drawn with mother bird
sleeping with the rest of the baby birds. It portrayed exactly what peace means.
Likewise, the peace of the world existed when things are going smoothly but vanished when things go wrong; but the shalom
peace of Jesus is even when you're in the midst of storm, you'll still be at rest!
The kind of shalom peace that Jesus has is far more than what the limited situation and surroundings can influence, but
that shalom peace is able to keep you constantly in mind of Christ even when you're in the midst of chaos.
Jesus rebuked the storm when the disciples called him up from sleeping, but do you know what? All you need is to sleep together
with Jesus in the boat, and as long as He is there, it will not sink, and not even the storms is able to hurt you!
So my friend, do not be troubled and be afraid, for Jesus is still taking charge! Rest in His peace, for this peace is not just a state of
peaceful mind, but it consists of all prosperity, health, abundance, success and all that you need! You've receive this package the
moment when you accepted Jesus, so enjoy it!

Expect Blessing

Monday, August 17, 2015

Deuteronomy 28:6- “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.”
Don't ever think that you're not blessed, for when Jesus accomplished all things at the cross;
He promised and He has written down your name on every single blessings! Therefore, your life
is blessed, your family is blessed, your career is blessed, and your future is blessed!
Therefore get rid of those lies that tell you that you will never be blessed but instead choose to replace
it with the word of God.
My friend, know that the favor of God shields you no matter where you are, therefore you are blessed when
you come in and you're blessed when you go out! Expect good things to happen to you today, that blessings
are cornering you and hunting you down! They will not give up until they get you!


Monday, August 17, 2015

希 4:12 - 神的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,甚至魂与灵、骨节与骨髓,都能刺入、剖开,连心中的思念和主意都能辨明。

神的道,就是神的话,神的气息。神的话是有能力,是带着功效,是能刺入、剖开我们生命中一切的问题和阻碍。神的话句句都是炼净的,祂所出的话没有一句是不带能力的。你知道吗?今天当神的话语一解开,就发出亮光,使愚人通达。(诗 119:130)意思就是,当一个人明白神的话,得着神的话,并且开始运用的时候,神的话能够让人明白他所不明白的;能让人看见他所看不见的。就是说,神必带领一切相信祂的人,使他们都因着神的话凡事顺利。




Monday, August 17, 2015

民数記14:28 “你们告訴他们,耶和华说:『我指着我的永生起誓,我必要照你们达到我耳中的话待你们。

而約書亞和迦勒卻有著不一樣的看見,他们的回应是:『摩西,雖然那地看似艰难,但我們知道我們的神比一切都伟大,我们是可以得到那块应许之地的』! 他们有堅強及信心的態度,因此他們可以成為一個征服者。他们看自己当神与他们同在时,他们是那大能的勇士(士师记6:12)。



Nothing is Impossible

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Jeremiah 32:27- “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
What do you perceive as impossible today?
Having breakthrough in your marriage?
Heal from that chronic disease?
Getting that amount of supply which you think is impossible?
My friends, impossible is a lie!
Know that there's nothing too hard that God cannot achieve it for you; be it to be restored
in your marriage, or having heal from that disease, or getting supply in your finance.
You are to depend on His ability, not yours!
What natural and what you can do is limited, but what God can do is always unlimited!
Therefore instead of doing things and trusting yourself, trust Him and see how He does it in your life!
Always remember, with Him, all things are possible!

Be Strong in Grace

Saturday, August 15, 2015

2 Timothy 2:1- “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”
You might be facing great challenges now that make you weak and unbearable. You might be feeling
giving up in life, thinking that it is hard for you to move on. But do you know that God is a God of Hope?
He is your source of solutions and help? Whatever that seems to be great challenges, His grace is always
sufficient enough to sustain you and lead you through!
Dear friends, be strong in the grace that's in Christ Jesus, He called you to be strong not depending on your
own, but instead lean on and rely on His grace! His grace is inexhaustible, unending and overflowing; in His
Grace, you find unmerited favor, even when your performance isn't good, even if you may be faithless at times,
but in His grace, you can be strong! You can still move on, you can lift up your head! You are still more than a
conqueror in life! There's nothing about your performance, but solely Jesus' perfect performance! Lean on Him today,
and know that life has not come to the end yet, He is your way and hope!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

约 1:35-39
耶稣转过身来,看见他们跟着,就问他们说:“你们要什么?” 他们说:“拉比,在哪里住?” (“拉比” 翻出来就是 “夫子”)
耶稣说:“你们来看。” 他们就去看他在哪里住,这一天便与他同住。




What Do You Want?

Friday, August 14, 2015

John 1:35-39
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.
When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus.
Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked,” What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?”
“Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him.

Dear friend, do you know that the God you trust-JESUS, is such a loving God? He concerns everything relates to you! He cares what you care! He take care of your needs. When you heard about Him and choose to follow Him, He is always the one turning around to care for you instead of letting you to run hardly in order to reach Him.

So what do you want today, beloved one?
Maybe you need a financial breakthrough;
Maybe is a healthy body;
Maybe you will say you need good relationship;
Maybe you need a job to survive;
Maybe you have a lot of things to ask for…

But do you realize what the two disciples said to Jesus when they been asked about what do they want?
They only asked Jesus “where are you staying?”, it is because they know when they stay with Jesus, they have all that they need and want!
When you have Jesus, you have life!
When you have Jesus, you have hope!
When you have Jesus, you have wealth and health!
When you have Jesus, you are positioned to a higher place!
When you have Jesus, you have all that you want and all that you need!
So, choose to stay in His presence for He is our all in all.
Remember, He is the Word. So, how much time you spend in the Word is how much time you spend with Him. So let’s spend our each day with Him and enjoy all that He has done for us! He is faithful and He means what He said!
Believe and receive by faith through grace.


Friday, August 14, 2015

提后 2:13 - 我们纵然失信,祂仍是可信的,因为祂不能背乎自己。





Friday, August 14, 2015


父爱是給你的,就算你跌倒犯错了,祂帮助你克服挫敗,使你再次站立起来,祂依然是那位爱你的天父,並永远看你为好。很多人都知道神是他们的救世主,但祂也是一位父親,当你晓得祂是本着父亲的心来爱你,你跟祂的关系就呈現出一种全新的意义,你会渴望与祂建立更密切的关系。你知道祂並非那样的遙不可及,祂來不是为了要打击你,祂来乃是给你生命,當你跌倒 時祂会扶起你,當你跌落低谷時,祂会拉起你,当你想放弃時,祂会燃起你的心!
也許你对神的爱感到疑惑,阿爸父祂都知道的,祂所看顾的远超過你所想 (林后4:18)。今天,這位神並沒有离你远去,祂並沒有撇下你置之不理,祂想让你知道,祂就是怎么爱你的父亲。