John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Dear friend, do you ever think what kind of life Jesus-the shepherd, has given to you?
Do you know what is the life to the full?
Most of us living in this world is living under stress and worries as this world is under the control of the devil. There are a lot of things that caused us trouble and weary. Our job and career pressure us; do's and don'ts limit us; what to eat and what to wear also make us worry; physical condition is always our concern; family becomes our burden; competitive lifestyle caused us not able to enjoy life with excitement and relaxing; the mindset that condemning ourselves make us not able to breath in a situation...
Is the life mentioned above is what God tends to give us?
Of course NOT!
The life that God want us to have is a life that depends on Him and His finished work on the cross instead of our own effort and achievement.
Just because we are not able to achieve the life to the full by our own effort, that is why God has sent His one and only Son-Jesus to this world to rescue and redeem us!
Therefore friend, stop looking at what you can do by your won effort but to start looking at Jesus who has done it all for you!
Though you are living in this world but always remember that you are not of the world! Therefore, the devil cannot take charge in your life. Jesus is in control! Let go and let God, beloved.
Bear in mind that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because everything is no longer based on our won performance, but is all about Jesus!
Live life to the full is no longer about how much you have in life, but is about how much you can give in life;
Live life to the full is not about what you have but is about who you have-JESUS, for when you have Jesus, you have everything!
In conclusion, live life to the full is so light and easy for it is no longer our own doings but is solely depends on Jesus and all that we need to do is turn our eyes upon Him and trust Him right in our heart.
Change our mind today, right believe leads to right living.
Be blessed!