Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, August 1, 2015

诗篇 25:12 谁敬畏耶和华,耶和华必指示他当选择的道路。

记得,耶稣说,他就是道路、真理、生命,因此,选择耶稣在生命中并且以他为生命中的第一位, 知道他能够并且愿意照顾帮助你。

The Right Way

Friday, July 31, 2015

Psalms 25:12 Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.

Dear friend, are you facing a difficult time on making decision?
That is a common problem that everyone will encounter each day as we have to make decision every single second.
Maybe you are struggling in making important decision that man cannot understand or help, but take heart, for you have a God who loves you so much that He is always there to help you through.
Remember, Jesus says, He is the way, the truth and the life, therefore, choose Jesus in life and put HIm as first priority in life, knowing that He is able and is willing to take care of your life.
Because of Jesus, the path of righteousness has no death (no dead end and nothing is impossible).
Fear the Lord is not afraid of HIm but simply means put Him as the centre of your life and rely on Him daily in whatever you do.
Allow God to work through you today, friend.
Choose Him and depend on HIm, surely He will instruct you the right way to choose. All we need to do is listen, obey, believe and receive!
Back to His words and know what He has prepared for you. With Him, you need not to worry about your future anymore. Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed!
Be blessed!


Friday, July 31, 2015

路 24:7 - 说:‘人子必须被交在罪人手里,钉在十字架上,第三日复活。’

“耶稣复活”是很多基督徒都知道的字眼,但是却不明白真正复活的意思。复活,顾名思义就是重新活过来,是活着的,是有能力的,是还原,复生,是有生命的!朋友们,你们知道吗?当我们接受耶稣基督的那一刻开始,当我们相信主的那一刻,我们若在祂死的形状上与祂联合,也要在祂复活的形状上与祂联合。(罗 6:5)也就是说,今天,耶稣如何,我们在这世上也如何。(约一 4:17)祂是赢家,所以我们也是赢家;祂是丰盛的,所以我们也是丰盛的;祂是健康的,所以我们也是健康的;祂是得胜的,所以我们也是得胜的;祂是成功的,所以我们也是成功的!




Friday, July 31, 2015




Saved Through Jesus

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Romans 5:10- “For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”
Imagine what will happen when you're God's enemies, it also means that whatever that is of God has no part with you!
You are alienated from salvation, you're alienated from supply, you're alienated from what grace has made available! But
do you know that whatever that Jesus has done at the cross, the death of his body, has brought reconciliation back between
the Father and you! His ultimate goal is to see you reconciling and enjoy the Father! He never intended to ask you to perform
your best in order to enjoy this relationship, but He Himself took our sins and accomplished all things that we cannot at the cross!
So you're reconciled with God because of Jesus! What a great news! Because of that you can be sure that you're saved through Him,
which also means you're reconciled with health, abundance and great peace and joy from now on!
Therefore, you're saved my friend, but not through you, but through Jesus!

Nothing Can Uproot You

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Proverbs 12:3- “No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.”

The moment when you accepted Christ, do you know that your position in Christ is unshakeable?
Wickedness cannot be established, fear cannot be established in your life, sickness cannot be established
In your life, lack cannot be established in your life either, why? Simply because you're now the righteous through
faith in Christ Jesus! Your establishment now is based on how solid the foundation - Jesus is, and it's no longer
about you!
Therefore, no matter what storms are sweeping by now in your life, remember problems come to pass, not to stay.
Just Because you're the righteousness of God (which means God has placed you back to the position that you're
supposed to be), you stand firm forever in love, in health, in His supply, in His grace and in all that the Father has for you!
Remember, when Christ has established you, who can uproot you? :)


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

提后 3:16-17 - 圣经都是神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的,叫属神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。





Wednesday, July 29, 2015

诗篇31:19说:“敬畏你、投靠你的人,你為他们所积存的, 在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢”!

当恩惠与慈爱跟随着你时,你是無法摆脱福份倾倒在你生命中的。那些不公平的事,你不堪回首的过往, 甚至是所犯的錯等,都不能拦阻上帝的祝福临到。祂说有,就有;说是,就是(诗篇33:9)。你会经历雨落下般的祝福,如同以赛亚书55:10说的,『雨雪从天而降,并不返回,却滋润地土,使地上发芽结实,使撒种的有种,使要吃的有粮』。


Forgive as Christ has Forgiven You

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Colossians 3:13- “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Unforgiveness kills. It keeps you in bondage and ultimately it causes your body to destroy!
When you hold a grudge against something or someone, don't you know that it might be only you who
are angry and pissed off over this issue; while that person never knows? He sleeps in peace, he does his daily
routine and yet your emotion has totally hinder you from living life joyfully and peacefully as The Lord wills.
You see, we are able to forgive and let go, not because of our capabilities to forgive; but instead the word of God
tells us that it is only when we know we too are forgiven by Jesus, from all of our sins and iniquities, and that's the
moment when we are able to give forgiveness when we've receive forgiveness from Jesus!
So my friend, remember that When you forgive, chains broken, peace and joy overflows, and ultimately, your body is healthy!

Blessed You Are

Monday, July 27, 2015

Romans 4:8- “Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.”
Blessed means you're favorable and full of abundance! Therefore, who are those that they are blessed?
The word of God says that the one whose sin The Lord will never count against them! So, you are blessed
not because when you're perfect in your performance, you're blessed not because you've been behaving, you're
blessed already because of God will never count your sins against you anymore!! Imagine the opposite, if God wants
to count your sins against you, how to be blessed? Even of you're almost perfect in your performance, still
when sins are counted against you, the wages of sin only brings one consequence- death.
But praise be to God! It is because of Jesus' perfect sacrifice, your yesterday, today and future sins have been forgiven
and removed once and for all! When you're freed from sin, you're freed from sickness, curses, depression and lack!
That's why you're blessed! Blessed with good health, abundance, favor, peace and joy!!


Monday, July 27, 2015

诗 23:4 - 我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害。因为你与我同在。你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。

不可否认的,在我们的生命中,总会经历风风雨雨,面对种种的问题。有高山,有低谷,甚至有时会行过死荫的幽谷,但是无论在哪里,神都是我们性命的保障,是我们的高台,是我们随时的帮助。很多时候,人误以为神并不是每一个祷告都听,祂会选择某人的祷告,或是某些事情的祷告来听而已。其实,神的话告诉我们说,当我们在急难中求告神,向神呼求,祂从殿里听了我们的声音,我们在祂面前的呼求,入了祂的耳中。(诗 18:6)意思就是我们的每一个呼求都到达神的耳中,祂是侧耳听我们的言语,祂是留心听我们的言词的。祂对我们从来不曾用敷衍的态度,更不会对我们的呼求草草了事。




Monday, July 27, 2015

诗篇31:19说:“敬畏你、投靠你的人,你為他们所积存的, 在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢”!

当恩惠与慈爱跟随着你时,你是無法摆脱福份倾倒在你生命中的。那些不公平的事,你不堪回首的过往, 甚至是所犯的錯等,都不能拦阻上帝的祝福临到。祂说有,就有;说是,就是(诗篇33:9)。你会经历雨落下般的祝福,如同以赛亚书55:10说的,『雨雪从天而降,并不返回,却滋润地土,使地上发芽结实,使撒种的有种,使要吃的有粮』。你的生命就如同这样。


Saved by Grace

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ephesians 2:5- made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

You used to be in transgression, and this transgression cannot be removed without the shedding of blood. Therefore, it can never be
achieved by your own performance, even of you're able to score 99%'s performance, but still in God's standard and law, it is still a 0%
performance. Therefore it is impossible that man can help himself through his own work, if you're going to save yourself through your own
achievement, guess what, you need to sustain it through with your own effort; and how long are you able to sustain? It's impossible!
Therefore you're saved not because of your performance, you're saved because of God's grace. It was when you're at the most undeserving
state that He gave Jesus to you, and that's grace! It is Jesus who made you live again through His perfect performance, and you are already dead in transgressions! A man who has already dead in transgressions will not say it's alright to live in sin again; you're already in perfect holiness,
you're already so clean, why will you want to get yourself dirty again? So my friend, You're alive today, you're forgiven, sins has no part with you!!

He Appreciates You

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ephesians 1:4- For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Give thanks to the Father today for His great love upon you! The good news is this love is
not dependent on your performance but rather on Jesus' performance. So as sure as you are
on Jesus' perfect sacrifice, be as sure on the love of Father towards you, it's constant and it never
My friend, do you know even before the creation of the world, God already has YOU in His heart;
He saw you perfect, He said you're good! And in His eyes, you're holy and blameless, you're special,
you're such a wonder! So never ever depreciate yourself because God appreciates you!


Saturday, July 25, 2015

约 10:10 盗贼来,无非要偷窃、杀害、毁坏;我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。



Life To The Full

Friday, July 24, 2015

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Dear friend, do you ever think what kind of life Jesus-the shepherd, has given to you?
Do you know what is the life to the full?
Most of us living in this world is living under stress and worries as this world is under the control of the devil. There are a lot of things that caused us trouble and weary. Our job and career pressure us; do's and don'ts limit us; what to eat and what to wear also make us worry; physical condition is always our concern; family becomes our burden; competitive lifestyle caused us not able to enjoy life with excitement and relaxing; the mindset that condemning ourselves make us not able to breath in a situation...
Is the life mentioned above is what God tends to give us?
Of course NOT!
The life that God want us to have is a life that depends on Him and His finished work on the cross instead of our own effort and achievement.
Just because we are not able to achieve the life to the full by our own effort, that is why God has sent His one and only Son-Jesus to this world to rescue and redeem us!
Therefore friend, stop looking at what you can do by your won effort but to start looking at Jesus who has done it all for you!
Though you are living in this world but always remember that you are not of the world! Therefore, the devil cannot take charge in your life. Jesus is in control! Let go and let God, beloved.
Bear in mind that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because everything is no longer based on our won performance, but is all about Jesus!

Live life to the full is no longer about how much you have in life, but is about how much you can give in life;
Live life to the full is not about what you have but is about who you have-JESUS, for when you have Jesus, you have everything!
In conclusion, live life to the full is so light and easy for it is no longer our own doings but is solely depends on Jesus and all that we need to do is turn our eyes upon Him and trust Him right in our heart.
Change our mind today, right believe leads to right living.
Be blessed!


Friday, July 24, 2015

诗 91:11 - 因祂要为你吩咐祂的使者,在你行的一切道路上保护你。

相信在世上的每一个人,都要自己的生活是稳定,是大有平安,是顺利的,是被保守的,是好的生活。无论是在我们每天的生活当中,或是在我们的事业上,又或是在我们的健康上,经济上,家庭当中,我们都希望是从头到尾,从里到外都是被保守的,是被看顾的。但是很多时候,人以为自己可以确保这一切是在自己掌握中,但是往往却出乎意料,跟自己所想的相反。其实,当我们相信神的话,跟从祂的脚步而走,专注仰望神的时候,我们所在乎的一切自然而然是被神所看顾保守的。因为神的话告诉我们说:当我们甘心听从,就必吃地上的美物。(赛 1:19)意思是,当我们甘心听从神的话,相信祂,依靠祂的时候,我们能够享受一切祂所赐给我们的福分,不但是灵魂体兴盛,还包括了世上的一切都是满满的被供应的。




Friday, July 24, 2015




You're Like Him

Thursday, July 23, 2015

1 john 4:17b- ... In this world we are like Jesus.

You are created in the image of God, though you're in this world but you do not belong to it.
Therefore you do not belong to sickness, you do not belong to fear, you do not belong to the
corruptible things of the world. Instead you've to mirror that image in you that you're the righteousness
of God through faith in Christ Jesus! As you look upon the word and know who you are in Christ, it
enables you to live life in victory. Therefore my friends, know that Jesus is healthy, in this world you're like Him;
Jesus is prosperous, in this world you're like Him; Jesus is full of favor, in this world you're like Him!

Rejoice over Circumstance

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Psalm 2:4- The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

You have all the reason to laugh over the issues that you're facing right now, why?
Because you're already a victor in Christ Jesus! When you thought that you have no reason
to rejoice anymore in life, think again, you've all that you need in life through Jesus, and He is
the very reason that you can rejoice!
My friends, do you know that even if the enemies come to you in one direction, they shall flee in
seven ways? Jesus is your Help and Protection, He laughs at the problems and challenges that came
before you, why? Because nothing is impossible with God! So, the next time when you're down or when
you face challenges, remember that nothing is too hard for God, when God can laugh at them, so are you!