Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, August 1, 2016

诗篇60:12 我们依靠神才得施展大能,因为践踏我们敌人的就是祂。

你用不着害怕它們。当仇敌从一条路来攻击你,却是要从七条路逃跑的,因为有耶稣这位万王之王,万主之主与你同在,祂已经把撒旦践踏在脚下成为脚凳了。神已经将仇敌交在你手上了,你当刚强壮胆,不要惧怕,也不要惊慌!你是大能的勇士 (士师记6:12)!


New Life in Christ

Monday, August 1, 2016
Colossians 3:3- “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” ‭‭

The moment when you accepted Jesus, you have to know that the old life has said good bye to you. The old life of shames, condemnation, destined to be under the dominion of darkness, sickness and lack are now crucified together with Christ. In Christ, you are now a new creation; your identity has changed for eternally since then! So, regardless what is your past, what happened and how many failures that you have gone through, right now be reminded that you are already died to your past, you are now in Christ, and in Christ there is no more condemnation, there is no more judgment, and there is nothing at your fault! So know that your real life is identified with Christ but not what the world says anymore! In Christ, your real life now is destined to reign, healthy, strong, full of abundance and joy!

The Name of Jesus

Saturday, July 30, 2016
John 14:14- “Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!"

Today know that you are no longer being alone, defeated and without protection; for you have been raised with Jesus and together seated at the right hand of the Father! Therefore, as Jesus is, so are you in this world! The place that you are seated right now is high above all names and principalities, He has given you victory together with Him! Therefore, be assured that the name of Jesus is higher above all names, name it sickness, anxiety, lack, they are all under His feet! When they are under His feet, they are also under yours! So ask anything in His name today, and know that He will surely do it!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

诗篇 68:19




Saturday, July 30, 2016

尼希米记 2:18 我告诉他们我神施恩的手怎样帮助我,并王对我所说的话。他们就说:“我们起来建造吧!”




Mighty Savior

Friday, July 29, 2016

Psalms 68:19
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.

Hallelujah! Dear friend, are you feeling excited when you know that you have a mighty savior who you can trust in life?
Today, regardless what problem you have encountered, no matter what mountains you are facing right now, bear in mind that you have a mighty savior who can save you from all harms.
In time of lacking, look to the mighty savior who can supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches;
In time of sick, look to the mighty savior who has healed you through His broken body;
In time of worries, look to the mighty savior who can settle everything for you by putting your trust in Him;
In time of dealing broken relationship, look to the mighty savior who can restores the relationship with unfailing love.

In this world, there are troubles, but we are to take heart knowing that we have Jesus, the mighty savior, who daily bears our burdens.
So cast your cares to Him today for He cares for you, He will surely sustain you with His righteous right hand, He will never let you fall.
Whatever you do, commit to God who can and willing to help you.
In Him, you could find rest. When you are at rest, God is at work on your behalf and all things shall work out for good!
Praise the Lord!


Friday, July 29, 2016

希伯来书3:14 我们若将起初确实的信心坚持到底,就在基督里有份了。


Experience His Love

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Philippians 1:9- And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,

Coming to Jesus is not about head knowledge, we can keep a lot things in our head but without experiencing Him through truly know Him, it will not affect our lives. Likewise, Pharisees are full of knowledge, but they never experience the goodness and can never understand the love of Jesus. But those that draw near to Him, no matter it was with sickness or lack, rejection or condemnation, the moment when they draw near to Jesus, and being who they are, His love changed their lives, once and for all. Therefore, let the knowledge and depth of insight on the love of Jesus abound more and more in your life; not as a mere knowledge, or a slogan that you hear in church, but a life experience, a heartfelt believe that He really loves you. My friends, the more you know how much that you've been love, it changes the way you think, the way you speak, and the way you act. For only Jesus' love is unfailing and empowering, for only His love can change your destiny!

The Only Savior

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Psalm 68:20- “Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.”

In this world, many people would run after self help, therefore you will see a lot of books selling on self help issues. Teaching you steps to achieve and to save yourself! However, No one can help themselves by their own effort, no one can earn even salvation through their good works; but know that today Jesus is your Savior! It is only through Jesus that we have the access to the Father, it is only through Jesus that we are now new creations, that our sins have been forgiven and removed once and for all! Only through Jesus that all things hold together, and without Him we cannot do anything! My friends, salvation in all areas of your life comes only through one man- Jesus, so when you're helpless in any situation, call out to Him, for in Him you shall be saved from all death, lifeless and fruitless-ness!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

诗 68:9 - 神啊,你降下大雨。你产业以色列疲乏的时候,你使他坚固。


经上记着说:“我的恩典够你用的。因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。” 所以保罗更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇着他。(林后 12:9)在我们显得软弱的时候,基督的能力就更显得完全,唯有祂是有能力抚平我们一切的软弱,唯有祂才了解我们的需要。不但如此,在我们疲乏困倦的时候,祂把祂的福分犹如大雨般倾倒而下,浇在我们的生命中,祂要坚固我们,使我们得益处。因为我们的父是一切充满怜悯慈爱,祂爱我们胜过一切,因此祂会确保我们是过得丰盛,是过得好的。

朋友们,倚靠耶和华,以耶和华为可靠的,这人便为有福。(耶 17:7)是的,我们的生命不能够靠在这世上的任何一样人事物,因为这一切都会过去的,是不能够长久的,唯有我们的主耶稣基督,祂是永远长存的,并且祂从昨日、今日、一直到永远都是不改变的。正因为如此,所以我们是有福的,因为祂是信实的,祂从不背弃祂的约,而祂与我们的约就是爱我们到底。阿门!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016


亞伯拉罕為甚麼這樣信靠上帝?照世人的眼光看來,亞伯拉罕到了這麼大的年齡,是不能再有当父親的希望了;但是上帝卻在他還沒有一些生子的兆頭以先,就称他为 「多國的父」了(创世记17:5);上帝既這樣說,亞伯拉罕就這樣信;這就是信心;相信并擁護上帝所說的。信心擧步的時候,彷彿前面全是虛空,但是腳一踏上去,就立即 發現底下有一塊穩固的盤石了。
所以你不需要要羨慕別人,在那隐秘处,必然有为你预备的,是上帝精心为你策划的。雖然有时候你看見外面的燈光都熄滅了,天上的星光也朦胧了,四圍剩下的只是黑暗和危險,但你依然可以有那活泼的盼望,因 為知道上帝在你心里,仍給你留下属灵的灿烂 ─ 信心点燃的明燈。打从心深处你知道,除非得着你心所愿的,祂决不会松手。
你也许说:“像我如此软弱的人,能得着能力吗?”上帝 说:“你能!因为我的能力是在你的软弱上显得完全(林后12:9)”。

Daily Load with Benefits

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Psalm 68:19 - “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! "

Remember the good old times when you watch the country side movie? They will usually load their carts with a lot of things, and carry them from one place to another. Today, do you know that your cart of life is also full of blessings? Why? Because No matter where you are today, God has daily loaded you with benefits! Mark that the Word of God says, it's a daily loading, not sometimes, not when you are perfect and in obedience, not when you have been praying for hours and hours when everyone was still sleeping, nothing by your effort to make it happen, but rather, because He loves you, He longs to load you with all sorts of benefits! Therefore, your cart is so full with abundance! So when He is with you, there is success, there is victory, there is supply, there is peace and there are lots of good things!

Worry Not, Anxious Not

Monday, July 25, 2016
Matthew 6:27- And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

Jesus shared a very wonderful parable to the people, that worrying and anxiousness is never from God. Instead of looking at your situation and being stuck in your own thoughts, look at the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. Jesus said that if your Heavenly Father takes care of them, aren't you more precious than they? Today, if you're stuck in worries and anxiety, look at the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, that even until today, they are well taken care of! Therefore you are to know that your father in heaven will much more taking care of you! My friends, anxious and worry can never add a single hour to your life, not only it does not help, it destroys you physically, mentally, emotionally! Therefore, look to Jesus, the prince of peace and move in His perfect peace today, in Him you're secured, supplied, healed and saved!


Monday, July 25, 2016

罗 8:37 - 然而,靠着爱我们的主,在这一切的事上已经得胜有余了。





Monday, July 25, 2016

列王纪上17:7 过了些日子,溪水就干了,因为雨没有下在地上。



Keep Connecting

Sunday, July 24, 2016
John 15:7- If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

A connection with the Lord our creator is so important in our lives, as He is our Source and manufacturer! Our source of lives and supplies all come from Him, our source of hope and peace come from Him, therefore keeping connected to Him is essential. All that a branch needs to do is to keep connecting with the vine, likewise all you need is to keep connecting to Jesus in His Word today; and you shall see that fruits will bear at its season! You are the branch and a branch never strive to do anything but to ensure that it is connected only. So if you are to see your life transform, all that you need to do is to keep connecting with Jesus! My friends, Don't worry, for all that you need shall be supplied in Christ as you are connected in Him!

Covenant Keeper

Saturday, July 23, 2016
Psalm 89:34- “No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back a single word I said.”

Men might failed at their word, but remember, God will not take back a single word that He has said. Do remember that you have a covenant relationship with God because of Jesus, therefore in this unbreakable covenant relationship, what matters to you matters to God, and whatever that He has also belong to you! So be assured that God is a covenant keeping God, and He will never break His promises! When He says love you, He means it; when He says you're precious, He means it! When He says you are already healed, you are! So Eye on Him and all shall fail into comparison!


Saturday, July 23, 2016

赛 44:3 因为我要将水浇灌口渴的人,将河浇灌干旱之地;我要将我的灵浇灌你的后裔,将我的福浇灌你的子孙。




A Life With Hope

Friday, July 22, 2016

Isaiah 44:3 For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.

Hallelujah! God's beloved, today you are to be assured that your life are full of hope knowing that you have a God who takes care of you and your household at all times.
In the thirsty land, God pour water. This means that in time of our needs, God supplies!
In sicknesses, God heals!
In lacking, God supplies!
In broken relationship, God restores!
When the ground is dry, God makes it to be stream that flows. This signifies that nothing is too hard for Him.
God will make a way where it seems to be no way.
God can turn the water into wine.
God can turn the bad into good.
God can makes the impossible become possible.

Not only that, God promised that He will pour out His Spirit on our offspring. So today, we have Holy Spirit dwelling in us. With this tremendous power, we can achieve far more than what we can imagine of. Don't be surprised with the unlimited supplies God has for you. Don't be amazed when the blessings are hunting you.
Besides we receiving this supernatural power, we can also impact our generations as well as people around us with the overflowing blessings God has poured into our life.

So, time to move on, dear friend! We are to be excited over what God is doing in our life and response to His unfailing love.


Friday, July 22, 2016

罗 4:21 - 且满心相信神所应许的必能作成。


