Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Source of All Hope

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Psalm 145:15- “The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it.”
People in this world are trying their very best in achieving and building, let it be building their own lives, their career, their families, but know that as you build them upon Jesus, the source of your life, all things shall made possible! Why? Because only He is the solid foundation that you can ever find, as you stand strong on Him, you will realize that everything will just seem to be effortless. For Jesus is the one who holds all things together for you!
My dear friends, Your Heavenly Father knows your need and the desires of your heart, all you need to do is not to look around for solutions, but to look to Him, your source of hope! Let Him satisfy you with the goodness of His land! If man disappoints you, remember God will not disappoint you! :)


Saturday, January 30, 2016


Be Men Of Courage

Friday, January 29, 2016

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

Dear friend, you are to be the man of courage.
Today, is not about what you can do to be a man of courage but because of who Jesus Christ is and it is not about who you are but because of what Jesus Christ has done.
All you need to do is to believe in Him and all that He has achieved for you.
Be on your guard by listening what the Lord says to you through His words, for nothing is impossible in Him and when His words sent forth, things accomplished more than what we can imagine of.
Let not listen to what the world says or what the circumstances say, but be attentive to what God says.
By listening to God's words, we will be able to stand firm. The only foundation we can lean on today is Jesus Christ, which is the Word.
No matter how big the mountain is, regardless how tough the situation might be, we can be strong for Christ is living in us!
Sickness, cancer, lacking, broken relationship, or any problem you can name of, cannot bigger than the God we trust-JESUS, for His name is above all names.
When God is for us, know that nothing can be against us!
Hallelujah! In Him, we are not only an overcomer but we are more than conquerors!


Friday, January 29, 2016

路 7:13 - 主看见那寡妇,就怜悯她,对她说:“不要哭!”




The Lord Saw You

Thursday, January 28, 2016
Luke 7:13- “When the Lord saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. “Don’t cry!” he said.”

‭In this story, the widow woman just lost her son, she was crying over his death;
Imagine for a woman that encountered so much like her, imagine as a mother, that she went through the lost of her husband and now the lost of her child, how hopeless that she could have been! But everything changed when she met Jesus, or rather it was when The Lord saw her. Do you know that before you can take any initiative to seek The Lord for help, He already saw your needs, He saw your desire, He saw the cries of your heart. Never a moment thought that Jesus will only turn to you only when you find Him, and He will keep on being silent as if He will only help when you ask for it. He loves you, and He is love! Love takes initiative, love will do whatever it is as long as you are comforted and being joyful once again! When Jesus saw that woman, His heart overflowed with compassion. Likewise, even if you have not tell Him what's going wrong, He saw you and His heart overflowed with compassion!
So No matter what you're going through now, Jesus understands. When no one seems to care, He cares! When He looks at you, His heart overflows with love and compassion, never judgment, never condemnation. So the moment as you knew the story, the boy was raised from the dead! So Don't cry, for The Lord who gives you hope and future is now with you, He keeps your tears and He wipes them away! Moreover, whatever seems to be dead He can raise them up to life!

Under His Care

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Romans 10:12 - “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,”

‭God shows no favoritism and He does not bless you and supply you based on you, but He blesses you and supplies you based on what Jesus has done. The covenant between God and you cannot be removed, for Jesus is the one completing this covenant for you. Therefore you are to be sure that in this covenant, you are His responsibility and concern. For whatever concerns you now concerns Him, He is The Lord of all! And He loves you unfailingly!
So No matter what is your need today, Jesus has heard you. He has heard the cries in your heart, He has heard your ultimate needs, He has heard your pain. He is The Lord of your life, you're His responsibility and you're under His care. Call to Him today, and believe that He richly blesses you with goodness far more than you can ask and imagine! Under His care, you shall fear not!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

赛 54:2 - “要扩张你帐幕之地,张大你居所的幔子,不要限止;要放长你的绳子,坚固你的橛子。





Wednesday, January 27, 2016

罗马书 4 : 17亞伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人復活,使无变為有的神,祂在主面前作我們世人的父。如經上所記:“我已經立你作多国的父”。

亞伯拉罕为何這样信靠神?照世人的眼光看來,亞伯拉罕到了這么大的岁数,是不能再有当父親的希望了; 但是神卻在他還沒有一些生子的预兆以先,就称他为「多國的父」了;神既這样說,亞伯拉罕就這样信。
雖然有时看見你外在的燈光熄滅了,天上的星光也朦胧了,四圍剩下的只是黑暗和危机, 但是你依然可以欢欣喜乐,因为知道爱你的神必不撇下你也丢弃你,你终身的事都在祂手中(诗篇31:15),祂要把最好的给你,祂顾念你的一切事。纵然有时周围星光黯淡,你心灵的双眼仍然有一盏信心點燃的明燈;纵然现在还未看见,在灵里却是看见了,一切你心所愿的必临到你。阿门!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


三個希伯來人被擲入火窯的故事,是一個很好的例子。這裡,仇敌显然勝利了。按当时的情形,上帝的僕人將陷於一敗塗地的光景中,他們跌在火燄中,他們在可怕的火燄中頃刻之間就要化成灰焰,但万万想不到三人竟然在火窯中遊行。 這真使仇敵惊吓了!尼布甲尼撒王叫他們從火中出來,他们的身体毫无损伤,一根头发也沒有烧焦,衣裳也沒有变色,也沒有火燎的气味。为何这样呢? [因為沒有別神能这样施行拯救。」(但以理书3:29)


Demolish Fear Through Christ

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Psalm 3:6- I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

The word of God says that yes in this world there might be troubles, you may see storms and waves around, but Jesus has given you a word that is "take heart and do not be afraid, for I have overcome the world!" In times of great need, find your refuge in Christ and know that when He has given you His Word, He is faithful in keeping it done in your life.

Regardless what storms are blowing now, how many enemies are assailing around you, let today be the moment that you rooted in the truth on how victorious you are in Christ, that Jesus has conquered and exalted far above all powers, principalities and might; though ten of thousands on your every side, you'll not fear! Because of Jesus is victory, so are you in this world.

Therefore, Stand firm and trust Jesus, your Deliverer, your strong tower, your refuge!

Strong in His Grace

Monday, January 25, 2016

2 Timothy 2:1- “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”
You cannot be strong by your own will, but know that whenever you are weak, whenever you face challenges, whenever you are in tears, you can always run to Jesus knowing that He makes you strong, and His grace is always sufficient to lift you up whenever you fall. Grace is a person and that person is Jesus, grace is not a topic or a doctrine that you can teach but grace is a person that you can experience, even intimately! Therefore, no matter what is going on today, instead of depending on your own strength trying to be strong, depend on Jesus, depend on His love for you, look to His goodness and faithfulness, and be strong in His grace, be strong in Him.
As you lean on and rely on His grace, His grace is inexhaustible, unending and overflowing; Whatever that you need has been found in Christ! So the days of sorrow has ended my friend, be strong!


Monday, January 25, 2016

拉 5:1 - 那时,先知哈该和易多的孙子撒迦利亚奉以色列神的名,向犹大和耶路撒冷的犹大人说劝勉的话。

在这世界上,人的一句话能够影响另外一个人的情绪。一句积极的话能够鼓励人;反之,一句消极的话却能够使人消沉。其实,在我们的生活中有许许多多的事情在缠绕,在干扰我们,阻挡我们前进。所以我们会面对问题,会有压力,会重担,有忧虑,害怕等等,这些消极的事都是在拦阻我们往前进的。很多的人就因为这些事情而沮丧,停留在原处不能往前进。但是,我们父神的原意却并非如此,祂要我们在这世上是享受生命,是不断地往前进的。因此,经上记着说:人若爱生命,愿享美福,须要禁止舌头不出恶言,嘴唇不说诡诈的话。(彼前 3:10)


朋友们,或许你不知道从你的口而出的一句话会带给别人什么样的震撼,但是要永远记得,我们的舌头是带着权柄的,当我们的话一出,是带着能力的。因此,让我们的口常说劝勉的话,让我们的嘴唇是建立人的,是造就人的,好让人能够因着我们的缘故而把一切的荣耀归给神。(加 1:24)阿门!


Monday, January 25, 2016




He Is Mighty!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

1 Samuel 2:2- “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

Do you know that the God that you believe in, our Abba Father He is so great and mighty!
Change your perception of Him today by meditating and realizing His mighty works and wonderful works in your life!
If David can defeat Goliath by trusting God, so are you today! If Moses is able to open the Red Sea by following the instruction
of God, so are you!
My friends, God is the solid rock in our lives, He is the only foundation and support. Trust in Him today, instead of looking at your
giants, look to God! As you compare both, you'll realize that He is stronger, bigger and greater!

No More Fear!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Proverbs 24:10- “If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!”
Fear is not of God, and you will realize that everytime when you are fearful, it does not regain your strength but instead it demolishes your strength!
When you look at the instruction that God has given Joshua when Joshua wants to lead the Israelites to the promised land, He told Joshua several times that do not be afraid but be strong and courageous, but the key to that is not by your will power and effort, but rather by looking to the Word of God, meditate it day and night and put it in your imagination! As you are full with the image of the Word, fear has no room but to cease!
So, When the Almighty Father says He never leaves you, He is shielding you in His refuge, then there's nothing that you can be afraid of! Be assured with the love of God towards you, and guess what, it strengthens you!


Saturday, January 23, 2016

箴言 24:16

你知道你是重价所属回来的吗?(林前6:20) 耶稣基督为了给你公义在2016年前为你而死。(林后5:21)
虽然这世界充满着忧虑和问题,但你可以放心因为耶稣已战胜了一切,并且在他里面你是得胜有余的!(约16:33 & 罗8:37)
纵然现在是经济衰退的时候,但是义人哪,你当记得你是被福泽临到并且是神按他自己荣耀丰富使你一切所需用的都充足的!(箴10:6 & 腓4:19)



Rises Again

Friday, January 22, 2016

Proverbs 24:16
for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity.

Hallelujah! Shalom, righteous man!
Do you know that you were bought at a price? (1Cor6:20) Jesus Christ died for you 2016 years ago to give you righteousness. (2Cor5:21)
Even though the world is full of worries and troubles, but you can take heart knowing that Jesus has overcame them all and in Him you are more than conquerors! (John16:33 & Rom8:37)
No matter what is happening all around the world, you are to be assured that nothing can harm for God is with you. (Rom8:31)
Though now might be economic downturn, but righteous man, you are to remember that you are crowned with blessings and God supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches! (Prov10:6 & Phil4:19)
When you are not feeling well physically, be reminded that Jesus has been pierced for you so that yo are now made whole in Him. (Isa53:4-5)
All the curses have been reversed for Jesus has borne them all for you.
Therefore, you can now enjoy the blessings He has in store for you and shine for His glory!

When you are weak, God's grace is there to empower you.
When you are faithless, God remains faithful and do far more than what you can imagined of.
When you fall, He rises you up to a better place.

So, take heart, God's beloved!
Arise and shine in your daily life. Walk with confidence for Christ is with you, nothing can be against you!
Nothing is too hard for God. Praise the Lord!


Friday, January 22, 2016

路 1:37 - 因为出于神的话,没有一句不带能力的。


今天,父神的一句话,能够使一切事情发生。在起初,神的一句话说要有光,就有光;祂说有,就有,命立,就立。(诗 33:9)在新约里也记载了一位百夫长说,只要耶稣的一句话,他的仆人就必好了,当时事情也真的发生了。直到今天,神的话依然是带着能力的,并且这能力是更浩大的,因为耶稣基督已做成那完工,如今我们在祂里面更是得胜有余。神的一句话能够使软弱的变为刚强;祂的一句话,能够使贫穷的成为富足;耶稣的一句话,能够把不好的变成好;祂的一句话,能够成就一切,甚至超乎我们所求所想的。



Friday, January 22, 2016


在我們的属灵銀行裡,我們會發現什么呢?在属灵户头里,有各样的安慰,重新出发的勇气,不被定罪的生命。。。若我們一直与耶稣保持密切的關係,我們就必晓得在祂那里,有我们所需要的一切。当祂跟我们说:不要害怕,我就在这里,我们就的心就必安稳,晓得我们一生的事都在祂手中。当我们从这属天的户头提取资源,我們必尝到主恩的滋味,就经历了经上所說的应许:上帝是公义和信实的(申命記32:4,帖撒罗尼迦后书3:3) 。


Change Your Projection

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Psalm 145:5- “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.”
Whatever you speak of carries power, and you will realize that whatever you believe in, you tend to speak. Therefore, if you want to love life and you want to see good days in your life, you have to speak forth words that are align with the words of God. Words such as "I am useless", "it is impossible", "I can never make it", "I am just a sick person" are not what the word of God says. His words have declared you healthy, successful, unique, and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Speak what God has spoken, because that is your true identity. Instead of filling your thoughts with the worst planning, or you have imagined the worst to happen, change your imagination! As you meditate the word of God, for example as you are meditating "by His stripes I am healed", imagine and see a picture of yourself running, and doing things that you now cannot, and see yourself walking like a healthy man! Change the lens and the projection in you, and as you see a good picture inside, you will see them manifest outside!
My friends, when you have a right believing, you'll have a right living! :)