Daily Devotion 每日灵修

God Appreciates You

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ephesians 1:4- For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

My dear friends, right before you choose God, He has chosen you. He has chosen you right before you have any chance to make a mistake, and even when you were still a sinner, Christ died for you! Therefore, He loves you and chose you not because of your perfect performance but out of His unfailing love! Therefore, if you feel condemn today, be reminded that even before the creation of this world, God already has you in His heart, He called you as a darling, He sees you as precious, and you are His beloved! Nothing that you can do to make Him love you less! Therefore, know that because of Jesus perfect finished work, God sees you as holy and blameless in His sight! You can't be more perfect and holy than you are now, because it's all done by Jesus perfect performance and not yours! You are a wonder, unique and special, you are righteous, holy and blameless! Never depreciate yourself because God appreciates you!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

加 2:5 - 我们就是一刻的工夫也没有容让顺服他们,为要叫福音的真理仍存在你们中间。





Wednesday, January 20, 2016



诗篇13:5 但我倚靠祢的慈爱;我的心因祢的救恩快乐。


Say The Word

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Luke 7:7- “...But say the word, and my servant will be healed.”
When God created the Heaven and the earth, He created by words. When He sees darkness, He speaks forth "let there be light", and there was light! He did not speak of what He was seeing, but rather He spoke forth what He wanted to see. Likewise, when God promised Abraham that he will have descendants while he still did not have any, He changed his name to father of many nations. Likewise, even if you have not seen it yet, speak forth what you want to see! Instead of speaking forth "I am so sick", speak forth "I am so healthy!". Instead of speaking forth "I am such a failure", speak forth "I am a great success because of Jesus!" Speak forth what you want to see instead of what you're seeing now. Say the Word!
Remember, Just One Word from Jesus is able to transform your life; things you may not understand by your own, cast your cares to Him for He cares for you! Allow His Word to dwell in your heart richly, for His Word is sufficient enough to turn over your life!

Health & Wholeness- Your Inheritance

Monday, January 18, 2016

Psalm 105:37- “He brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold, and from among their tribes no one faltered.”
Health and wholeness is the children's bread, it is the inheritance for those who belong to God. Therefore do not let any deceitful words, or worldly point of view rob you from believing that you are healthy and strong. There may be a lot of version speaking of your health, but know that in Christ, there is only one truth and one version, which is you're as healthy as Jesus is, for as Jesus is, so are you in this world. So, when something belongs to you, when something is named as your inheritance, will you easily compromise and let it go? Imagine someone went to your car and claim that it is his, will you simply let him drive away? No! You'll claim that it is yours! You will be firm and you will never compromise because you know that car is purchased under your name. Likewise, Jesus has purchased health and wholeness for you, the moment when you accepted Jesus, salvation is a package that includes health and wholeness that you need! Therefore, do not let any deceitful thoughts rob you away from what is yours, claim it, be firm on it, and never compromising in believing that you are sick and feeble! So with long life God wants to satisfy you, hence from head to toe, from inside to outside, all your cells, organs, parts are strong!


Monday, January 18, 2016

赛 54:13 - 你的儿女都要受耶和华的教训,你的儿女必大享平安。


朋友们,耶稣基督降世,为要拯救世人。不单是拯救,更是要把我们领回到祂的国度里,享受一切祂已为我们所准备那后嗣的产业。在基督里,祂要作我们的父,而我们要作祂的儿女,这是全能的主说的。(林后 6:18)试想想,若今天在我们的生命中有个全能的主成为我们的父,那我们还怕什么?全能的意思就是祂是无所不能,无所不知,无所不在!无论今天我们在哪里,或是我们有什么问题,或是有任何需要,祂都能够满足我们。我们所顾念的一切,祂也知道,并且会比我们管理的更好。若你知道在你的生命中有这层保障,你还会害怕吗?你还害怕那缺乏吗?你还害怕那病痛吗?你还害怕那问题吗?不!在基督里,我们都是得胜有余的,因为耶稣基督祂已胜了这世界,所以藉着祂,我们都能够胜过。



Monday, January 18, 2016




You're a Victor!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

1 John 5:5- “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
The battles belong to The Lord and so does the victory, it belongs to The Lord! The moment when Jesus was nailed at the cross, people around crowned Him as defeated, but none of them truly remember that He will be raised from the dead in three days time. Likewise, when you look at your situation now, when people look at you and addressing you as defeated now, know that that is not your position! For even you are now in the first day, or the second day, but know that when the third day arrives, you will raise! Because of Jesus, victory is already yours, there's nothing that you can achieve it by your own, but through the finished work of Jesus, His work is perfectly done so that you're now more than a conqueror! Therefore, who is it that has overcame sickness, fear, insecurity and lack? You! When you believe in Jesus, you stand in the victory ground, for eternity! See yourself as a victor and not a victim today, as Christ is, so are you in this world!


Saturday, January 16, 2016

路 16:20 门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿门!



Unshakable Through His Love

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Psalm 21:7 - For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.

Trust simply means to have a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability and the strength of someone or something. Therefore, trusting in the Lord simply means putting your confidence, your certainty, your assurance and reliance on what Jesus can do for you. All the more you draw near to Him through His Word, you will realise that your trust and confidence grows naturally, trusting in Him does not need any self effort, but it grows day by day as the relationship between you and the Lord gets closer. All this happen through understanding how much that you are loved by the God Most HIgh! No matter how great is the storm around you, no matter how difficult the challenge you may feel, but know that through the unfailing love of the Most High, you will not be shaken! Hiding in His love today, be reminded that you are so loved by God, look at how unfailing is His love instead of looking at how uncertain your situation. My friend, tell yourself today that "I am the beloved of Christ!", in His refuge, you can never be shaken!

The Signs

Friday, January 15, 2016

Luke 16:20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

Dear friend, are you aware that something is going to happen in your life?
As what stated in the verse mentioned above, great and mighty things are going to happen in your life!
When you heard the word of God-the gospel that brings good news, it carries power in your life and when you preach it, wonderful and amazing things that you never think of are going to happen!
Are you ready for it?
You shall witness how water turned into wine;
You will see how impossibles become possibles;
You shall testify how a sick body becomes whole and healthy when you believe;
You will see lacking becomes more than enough;
You shall witness death comes to alive!

So, dare to speak the word of God and be ready to receive the abundant blessings God has prepared for you!
Signs and wonders are following you that you may testify and glorify the Almighty God you trust today!


Friday, January 15, 2016

太 14:27 - 耶稣连忙对他们说:“你们放心,是我,不要怕!”


想想看,有多少时候当我们遇见令我们害怕的事情时,耶稣总挺身而出,告诉我们:你们放心,不要怕?又有多少时候,我们不相信其实耶稣基督真的在我们的生命中帮助我们的?当耶稣说:“放心,不要怕!” 的时候,我们真的不再害怕了吗?我们选择相信耶稣基督能够带领我们胜过,还是我们继续的呆在惧怕里,不愿走出来?在经济风暴的时候,我们是选择信靠神?还是选择觉得自己在这情况中肯定糟糕透了?在面对不好的医药报告时,我们是选择相信因着耶稣的鞭伤,我们已经得医治了;还是相信医学报告,觉得自己不可能好了?在一个破裂的家庭中成长的你,是相信自己的人生就是一团糟,不会完整了;还是相信耶稣基督能修补一切,并且是加倍的偿还给你?



Friday, January 15, 2016





Remember Your Sins No More

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Micah 7:19- You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Sin and iniquities separate us from God, it is a barrier between you and God that causes you unable to enjoy that relationship with Him. Know that when God created us, His heart is to enjoy intimate relationship with us, His heart is to see us enjoying His creation. However because of Adam's fall, sin became the barrier between you and God; but good news has came, Jesus came as our lamb of sacrifice, He took away whatever that hinder us from coming to have that relationship with God, He nailed it at the cross, He demolished the wall of separation and brought us back into the Kingdom of God! Therefore now in Christ there's no longer condemnation, your identity has changed from a sinner to a righteous man in Christ! Thus, when Jesus has tread your sins underfoot and throw all your iniquities into the deep sea, why would you hold on to it? You're set free my friend, not because of how good you are but how good Jesus is! So enjoy this relationship with Him and know that you are deeply loved!


Thursday, January 14, 2016

以赛亚述54: 2-4要扩张你帐幕之地,张大你居所的幔子,不要限止;要放长你的绳子,坚固你的橛子。因为你要向左向右开展,你的后裔必得躲多国为业,又使荒凉的城邑有人居住。




Do Not Be Afraid

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Matthew 14:27- “But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.””
Fear robs away what God wants you to enjoy, and as you dwell in fear, it robs you from the peace, the joy and the assurance that God has given you! Know that the sea may be raging right now, the winds may be blowing harshly on you, your boat may be sinking, but when Jesus is in your boat, you can never drown! It is when the disciples were panicking because of the great storms, that they saw Jesus walking towards them and fear changed their perspectives to see Jesus as ghost! Likewise, fear changes your perspectives of seeing things, you will tend to think of the worst part! But always know that in the midst of your fear and storms, Jesus is always the one walking towards you, even if you have not realize that it is Him! Therefore, Jesus is also walking towards you right now, He is here telling you that it is Him so don't be afraid! It simply means the presence of God dissolves all fears and anxiety! So, be conscious of Jesus' presence with you today, know that when Jesus is with you, at His Word He can calm the raging sea! Find peace in His word and don't be afraid!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

何西阿书4:6(a) 我们务要认识耶和华,竭力追求认识祂。

當我們喜愛一樣東西,就會想要想要去研究它;如果我們愛上一個地方,我們會探索它的每個角落。如果我們愛一個 人,我們會想認識有關他/她的一切。我們想知道他/她喜歡吃什麼喝什么,喜欢看什么电影,他/她的兴趣嗜好是什么,在哪裡長大,有些什麼朋友,想法和價值觀,所有关乎他/她的一切都会引起我们的关注。


Bearing The Mark of Jesus

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Galatians 6:17- From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

You are a new creation in Christ, the moment when you accepted Jesus, do you know that you are now in the shelter of the God Most High? You are now hidden in Him, and He is your everlasting refuge. It is just like you see a man wearing a mascot costume, you are now wearing Jesus, and you are now hidden in Him! Therefore you are so secure and safe in the refuge of God, and you can always trust God for His wonderful deliverance and help!
Hence from now on, let no sickness, no bad news, no issues can cause you trouble, why? Because when you accepted Jesus, you bear the mark of Jesus! The mark of Jesus is a mark of power, victory and salvation! So, you can be sure that when you have the mark of Jesus, devil sees Jesus, not you; they sees the Almighty One, and not you; when viruses see you, they see the blood of Jesus and not you! When all these that are not of God see you, they will be so terrified and flee!

Rejoice In The Lord

Monday, January 11, 2016

Philippians 4:4- “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Do you know that rejoicing is a decision that you can make? Many of times, we allow negativity and what is happening around us to defeat us. But do know that whatever that is surrounding you cannot affect you until you give power to it; but what is internal can change the external! The Word of God says that whatever he thinks in his heart, so he will be. So it tells us that whatever that is in us can greatly affected what is surrounding us! So, Change your perspective to God's perspective today, look upon what the word of God says instead of what people say, be mindful of His love for you instead of be mindful of the issues around you, look upon to the goodness of Jesus instead of looking on the seriousness of your challenges! The moment when you choose to rejoice in The Lord, things will start to shift according to your desire! My friends, rejoicing is not based on your feeling anymore but based on what Jesus has done! That's the best remedy for your body and your life!


Monday, January 11, 2016

彼前 5:7 - 你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。


