God Appreciates You
Ephesians 1:4- For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
My dear friends, right before you choose God, He has chosen you. He has chosen you right before you have any chance to make a mistake, and even when you were still a sinner, Christ died for you! Therefore, He loves you and chose you not because of your perfect performance but out of His unfailing love! Therefore, if you feel condemn today, be reminded that even before the creation of this world, God already has you in His heart, He called you as a darling, He sees you as precious, and you are His beloved! Nothing that you can do to make Him love you less! Therefore, know that because of Jesus perfect finished work, God sees you as holy and blameless in His sight! You can't be more perfect and holy than you are now, because it's all done by Jesus perfect performance and not yours! You are a wonder, unique and special, you are righteous, holy and blameless! Never depreciate yourself because God appreciates you!