Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Friday, January 1, 2016

约翰福音3:34 神所差来的就说神的话,因为神赐圣灵给他是没有限量的。

感谢主!在全新的一年,上帝要你的生命是不被限制,在来临的一年是无可限量,爆炸性的一年。祂已经用一切我們所需的來裝備我們,好让我们有个丰盛的生命。祂把裝滿了无限可能,無限潛能,无限創意与點子的“种子”放在你心中, 所以你要開始去探讨,挖掘,它们才能开花结果,上帝的大能在你生命中要大大彰显出来。


圣经说: 上帝已經将各样属灵的福气都赐给我们了(以弗所书3:20)。請注意,它用是過去完成式,而在约翰福音19:30也说‘一起都成了’!所以現在就是时候我們去运用,去享受的时刻!啊们!

Without Limit

Thursday, December 31, 2015

John 3:34 - For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

Today know that God has called you to a life of without limit, therefore know that your identity has changed now because of Jesus Christ, and you are the one whom God has sent, you are the child of God that carry authority and power! You have the same position and seating like Jesus, therefore as Jesus is healthy, so are you in this world, as Jesus is victorious, so are you in this world. Hence, instead of speaking complaints and things that are not in line with the Word of God, speak the Word of God! In all your areas of challenges, instead of speaking "I am not going to make it", speak the Word of God that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!"; instead of speaking "I am not going to be healed", replace it by speaking of what God has spoken, "By Jesus' stripes, I am totally healed!" You will realise that the moment when you speak the Word of God, everything starts to take place and manifest! The same as when God created the heaven and the earth, He speaks forth what He wants to see, instead of what He is seeing! When He said, "Let there be light", light came! So, when you speak "Let there be healing!", healing comes; "let there be protection", protection manifests; "let there be joy!", joy takes place! The Holy Spirit, your comforter, your counselor, your friend is without limit; therefore when you speak of the Word of God, He does thing without limit! Nothing can limit the healing, the abundance and the finished work of Jesus Christ from manifesting and overflowing in your life!

Irreversible Victory

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Psalm 3:8- “Victory comes from you, O LORD. May you bless your people."
My friends, You can't earn victory by your effort and even if you can, it requires your effort to maintain it. Don't you realize that relying by your own effort is full of burden and heavy laiden? You need to ensure that you are able to do it, but when one day you fail, condemnation starts to rule. But victory in life comes from Jesus and Jesus alone! It is through His finished work at the cross that you gain victory over your health, finance, relationship and all! It is because of Jesus perfect accomplishment that you can enjoy all that He has accomplished! It is never you who can do it by your own but simply Jesus! He has blessed you with all that He has, so stand firm in the victory ground, stand firm in what He has promised you, stand firm knowing that salvation comes from Jesus alone, stand firm knowing that you can't maintain your salvation, it's Jesus perfect sacrifice that maintains it for you for eternal! Therefore, when you are In Christ, nothing can reverse what He has done for you!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

诗 107:22 - 愿他们以感谢为祭献给祂,欢呼述说祂的作为。





Wednesday, December 30, 2015

创世记28:15 我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这地,总不离弃你,直到我成全了向你所应许的]。


启示录19:16 。。。万王之王,万主之主。



Filled With Good Things

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Psalm 103:5- “He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!”
God is a Father who keeps all His promises, whatever He has spoken, it shall be done. Therefore, are you hearing good news each day? Or are you hearing the bad reports and circling yourself around that news all the time? For only the gospel, which is the good news about Jesus Christ is able to save us! Therefore, good news is here for you today! No matter what is the desire of your heart right now, be it seeing restoration in your family, or being healthy once again, you know what? God fills your life with good things! Never ever think that sickness, poverty, disasters are all acts of God, they are not of God! For God is a God that fills your life with good things! If sickness is not a good thing, then it's not from God; if poverty is not a good thing then why would you think that it's from God? He only has good things and He fills you, filling means making it into fullness! He uses good things in your life and ensures that they are to the fullness. Besides that, He also renewed your youth like the eagle's, what a wonderful promise! So you're getting younger each day, energetic and strong! Say it to yourself: God has filled my life with good things and my youth is renewed! Praise The Lord!

Kingly Treatment

Monday, December 28, 2015

Psalm 103:10- “he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.”
Imagine that if we are to be treated based on our sins and receiving repayment based on our iniquities, how sorrowful it can be and how hopeless it can be? However, for God so loves that world, for God so loves you and I that He sent Jesus to come to the rescue! God is a father who has compassion and love towards you, He does not treat us as our sins deserve but instead He sent Jesus as a Savior to save us! Therefore, if we are to receive whatever that we deserve, we will not live life abundantly, and if God's heart is to punish you, there's no reason that He would need to send Jesus to us and sacrificing for us at the cross. There's no reason for Jesus to be punished by bearing all the stripes, to be thrown into the dungeon and to suffer. But all that He did has a reason and that is to save you! Jesus took the treatment that we deserved by sacrificing on the cross so that we have the kingly treatment He owns! How wonderful! We are supposed to be punished, but Jesus took it; we are supposed to be cursed but Jesus took it, therefore we took His kingly treatment by being blessed! We are supposed to be punished with sickness, but Jesus bore it at the cross so that we can have His kingly health by being healthy and enjoy long life! My friends, do not let Jesus died in vain, for all that He did carry a purpose - that is to save you! Remember that you are no longer the same, but the transfer and divine exchange has taken place, you are now reigning in life like a king with Jesus at the right hand side of our Father in Heaven! :)


Monday, December 28, 2015

诗 34:5 - 凡仰望祂的,便有光荣;他们的脸,必不蒙羞。

我们的每一天,每一个时刻,身边总会有许许多多的事在围绕着我们。有些是喜事,有些是坏事,有些则是麻烦事。但是,在每一件事情的背后总会有些事情是值得我们去学习的。在一件好事中赞美神,是一件容易的事;但要在糟糕的情况下赞美神,或许很多的人都不能够做到。其实,神的话却是告诉我们,当我们仰望祂,我们是不至羞愧的。你知道吗?我们的神是大有能力的主,是能把不好的变成好,能让死人复活的神,凡到祂那里的都是活的。在我们主的手里是一切安好,祂的话告诉我们说:人若遵守神的道,就必不见死。(约 8:51)这话是真的,是可信的。




Monday, December 28, 2015

诗篇72:16 在地的山頂上,五穀必然茂盛。



也許你觉得自己很渺小,你的存在可有可无,可天父祂却视你为宝为尊(以赛亚43:4),祂把你铭刻在祂掌心上(以赛亚49:16),祂要使用你 來成就大事,你的生命是兴起发光,不能被隐藏的,人都要来亲近你帮助你的,恩惠与慈爱是紧随你的。阿们!


God Who Gives Good Things

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Psalm 34:10- “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”
Dear friends, imagine a strong lion may grow weak and hungry; they might be prowling and seeking for food and yet they found nothing, regardless how strong they can be. Likewise, we might be full occupied with knowledge and skills, we might be strong in certain areas of life, we might be capable by our own, but don't you realize that there are times like Peter, you tried to catch fish for a whole night and yet not even one is in your net? Life in Christ is not effortful, but as you invite Jesus to your life, just like Peter, as he allowed Jesus to come into His boat, it was just over a few hours time that he experienced tremendous change that he needs other boats to help him load the catch! Likewise, as you pursue Jesus, turn your eyes upon Jesus, and let your thought be occupied with Him, as you seek Him first and ultimately as you know who is in your boat, you shall lack no good thing! God has lavished you with love, blessing, favor, peace, inheritances, He is a Father who gives good things to His children, includes you! Therefore, rely on Jesus and His finished work, and all you can do is to rest in His love knowing that you shall lack no good thing, get ready for a net breaking and boat sinking blessing!

From Wailing Into Dancing

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Psalm 30:11 - You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.

Coming to the end of the year, as you look back to the past few months, you will realise that the God who is faithful in bringing you through before, is still faithful to bring you through now! Jesus is forever the same, and guess what? He will never fail you! Life may be throwing you lemons, but remember that you can turn the lemon into lemonade! Things may seem rough, waves may seem rough, storms may seem great, but guess what? You are always above the storms, you are always at the position of Christ, as He is, so are you in this world! Therefore, be glad that God has turned your wailing into dancing, so instead of dwelling in the mistakes and problems, wailing over them, why not stand up and turn it into dancing? When God promised you, there must be a turning point! Furthermore, He has removed your sackcloth and clothed you with joy! When you are clothed with joy, it simply means, no matter where you are, what you are doing, the joy of the Lord has become your strength, you are covered with His everlasting joy! Hence, step into a new day with boldness, for God's grace is always enough for you!


Saturday, December 26, 2015

弗 6:15

很多时候当我们穿着名牌的鞋子比如Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Sketchers还有你能命名出来的各种品牌(也就代表着我们每走一步都是靠着自己战战兢兢地走过每一天),使我们每走一步都在担心接下来会如何,尤其是当我们走在烂泥的路上时,更是害怕自己的鞋子会弄肮脏。
既然会让自己那么麻烦,我们何不穿上Phua Chu Kang常穿的那双黄靴子呢?穿上那样的一双鞋,我们就能自在地走过那烂泥路了,对吗?


The Shoes Of Peace

Friday, December 25, 2015

Eph 6:15
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Dear friend, have you put on the shoes that enable you to walking forward?
There is a lot of times when we are wearing the shoes with famous brand such as Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Sketchers and etc that you can name of (which symbolize the steps we take with anxious and worries by self effort in our daily lives), always cause us to walk with extra carefulness that lead to heavy laden and pressure especially when we are walking through the place full of mud.
Instead of making ourselves not convenient, why not we put on the "yellow boot" that Phua Chu Kang used to wear and walk freely across the mud, right?
After the above illustration, can you relate it back to your daily life?
Instead of taking every step of life with worries and awareness that burden us, why not we let god and let God?
Instead of striving and struggling, why not we put our trust on the God who never fails us?
Now is the time for you to decide and move on, beloved!
Let's choose to walk your life with the word of God and the good news that God has given to you daily.
The gospel of peace leads you to the promised land without heavy burdens and worries. Though you might face problems each day, but you can put your trust in God and rely on Him instead of yourself.

Let's put on the shoes of peace and move forward readily with peace, joy and love.
In Him, we found hope and grace that sustains us in time of our need.
Praise the Lord!


Friday, December 25, 2015

赛 32:17 - 公义的果效必是平安;公义的效验必是平稳,直到永远。


平安,稳定,丰盛,富足,福气等的果子,相信是每个人都要追求的。但很多时候我们所面临的却是事与愿违,我们想得到的偏偏得不到。但是今天,神的话很清楚的告诉我们,当我们认识神,就得平安,福气也必临到我们。(伯 22:21)什么是认识?认识不单单是知道,而是更深入的了解,明白一个人的个性,性情,甚至他所作的一切。所以,我们的生命要认识神,要明白神的性情,了解祂所做的都是为了我们。而这一切,我们可以通过圣经去了解,认识祂。当神的话一出,是决不徒然返回的,并且要成就祂所喜悦的,祂的话是有功效,是大有能力的,神所说的每一句话,你信吗?你若能信,在信的人凡事都能!



Friday, December 25, 2015

希伯来书11:27 他恆心忍耐,如同看見那不能看見的主。




The Only Reason of Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Isaiah 9:6- “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Christmas speaks of a very precious gift that was given for us- and that is Jesus!! Jesus was given for a reason, and that reason is you! Therefore know that the Lamb of God has came to remove all your sins and iniquities; you have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of Him! Therefore, your life is full of hope and confident expectation of good. Why? Just because your whole life is sustained on His shoulder, you're under His responsibility! And be sure that when you are His responsibility, Jesus takes perfect care of you! He is faithful, and whatever He have said, He will do it. He is your Wonderful Counselor, no matter how many things that you are uncertain of and you have no solution of, He is your Counselor, He fights your case, He knows the best way! He is your Mighty God, for all things that seems impossible in your life, know that He is mighty and He can bring them to pass in your life! He is called your Everlasting Father, note that He's a Father, not a master that you will be called a slave, not a judgmental God that you will be judged, but He is a Father and you are His child! What a closeness that He longs to have with you! So you can come boldly to His throne of grace, you can be bold and call Him "Abba Father!" Knowing that He loves you! Ultimately He is a prince of Peace, not a prince of confusion, Jesus came to bring you peace, peace in your life, your thought, your body and all in all! His peace is not the peace of the world that relies and depends on the external circumstances, but His peace surpasses all understanding that even storms and waves have to listen to Him! Dear friends, Take time to give thanks to Him today and enjoy His fullness of grace and abundance of love, blessed Christmas to you!

Lift Up Your Head

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Luke 21:28- “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.””
Even if there are issues seem to be surrounding you right now, even if in this world there are problems, even if the challenges seem to be so great, remember that all you need to do is to stand firm in God's love and fullness of grace, and lift up your head!! Many of times we may feel shameful when looking upon the issues and challenges around, you feel condemning when you are in lack, you feel worthless when you missed that good opportunity, but do you know that God is a God of restoration? He is able to restore all that you've lost, replace all the shames that you may be facing now with goodness and goodness and His abundance of goodness!!
So, lift up your head knowing that you have a Father who loves you deeply, He removed and remembers not your past mistakes, He has given you a totally new future, full of hope and glory! My friends, Be bold and courageous, fear not, for your Redeemer lives and He will not put you to shame! You will see redemption with your own eyes, you will lift up your head and walk the journey of life with Jesus, hurray!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

赛 9:6 - 因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在祂的肩头上。祂名称为“奇妙策士”、“全能的神”、“永在的父”、“和平的君”!


朋友们,今天在你的生命中你面临什么样的挑战?有什么事情是让你烦恼的?经上记着说:靠着那爱我们的主,在一切的事上已经得胜有余了。(罗 8:37)因此,我们可以靠着我们的救主,耶稣基督,而胜过一切的挑战,因为祂是带领我们夸胜的主。因着祂在两千多年前的诞生以及为了我们走上十字架,因此我们今天是充满盼望的。不但如此,我们更因着祂而成为义人,成为有福之人,也因着祂而享受祂所为我们成就的一切。这个救主的诞生给我们带来了新生命,带来了美好的盼望,并且是我们每天的指引。



Wednesday, December 23, 2015





One Whom You Can Rely

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Psalm 59:17- “You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.”

Are you tired and heavy laiden? Are you struggling with the thoughts of defeat and battling with the cycle of condemnation?
A good news to you today is that Jesus is for you and He comes as a savior to save you! The moment when you're out of strength,
look up to Jesus for He is your source. Start to sing praises to Him, magnifying Him in your worst situation, look up to Him in praises,
because the moment when you complain, you will remain; but the moment when you give praise, you will raise! Therefore praising Him enables you to shift your eyes from those cycle of defeat, and look to Jesus on His fullness of grace, and empowering you to reign in life!
Therefore, Run to Jesus today knowing that He is always here embracing you with an opened arms. He is your fortress, He is whom you can rely on; therefore if you're heavy laiden and weary today, come to Jesus and find rest in Him! You will not end up bad, but in Christ He is reliable, and whatever that He has said, He will bring them to accomplishment in your life!