Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Well Planned Future

Monday, December 21, 2015

Jeremiah 29:11- “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”

Have you ever sit down and ask yourself why are you worry and troubled about your future? There's a fear in not knowing what is ahead, and that uncertainty always keep you from moving forward but live in worry and fear. But today, know that God is taking care of you, constantly and always! He knows what He has planned for you in your life, He is the one who authored your life with greatness and gladness! When God is taking care of you, know that He surely does it well than you taking care of yourself or allowing other people to take care of you!! He has well planned your future, and do you know that God is such a wonderful planner? Therefore as He well planned your life, you can be sure that your future is definitely good, full of peace and hope! He will give you the future that you hoped for, and no disaster can be upon you! For you're under the care of God Almighty, your Father!!
Therefore, Be assured today that your best days are ahead, for God is the planner of your life! And, He surely does it so well!


Monday, December 21, 2015

诗 4:8 - 我必安然躺下睡觉,因为独有你耶和华使我安然居住。

朋友们,有多少的夜晚是您不能够安然躺下睡觉的?有多少时候是为了生活上的琐事而不能入睡的?有多少时候是在忧虑明天该如何走而导致失眠的?有多少的黑夜是因为惧怕而睡不着的?有多少时候是被这世上的种种的因素而被缠绕着的?然而,这一切都不是神对我们的旨意。神所赐给我们的是平安的意念,是赐我们丰盛,富足,强健等上好的福分,而不是要我们忧虑的。但是很多时候我们却不晓得神的旨意,总喜欢抓着世上的忧虑不放手。其实圣经里很清楚告诉我们,当把一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念我们。(彼前 5:7)

经上记着说:你躺下,必不惧怕;你躺卧,睡得香甜。(箴 3:25)我们的主要我们清楚地知道,我们可以在祂里面得享安息,因为在世上纵然有苦难,有各样的挑战和难题,但是祂已经胜了这世界,而我们在祂里面是得胜有余的。主说:凡劳苦担重担的,可以到我这里来,我必使你们得享安息。(太 11:28)因此,我们可以安然居住,不怕祸患,因为那保护我们的必不打盹,也不睡觉,祂是时时刻刻看顾保守我们的主。



Monday, December 21, 2015








Sunday, December 20, 2015

Romans 4:8- “Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.””
Many of times when one is focusing on his mistakes and sins in the past, it eventually holds them back from reaching out to God for every situation of his life. Coming and approaching to God seems to be something far away and instead of running to Him, they ran away. Therefore, a wrong belief can always lead to a wrong living, and a wrong living affects your receiving. If you perceive God as a Father who is judgmental and who is always there to watch over to note down your mistakes, then you're wrong. If the coming of Jesus is to judge you, He should be called as a judge; but do you know that He came and introduced to people that He is a Savior and God is the Father? There's intimacy in these names! A savior comes to save, and Jesus is all the more willing to save you! That's the reason why He died, buried and resurrected for you! God is a Father to you, not a condemner; He is a God of grace and He is extending you grace each moment; therefore do not let your past hold you back from running to Him and receiving grace and mercy for your entire life! Jesus has done it all and your fellowship with God can never broken! Both you and God are already reconciled!

Immeasurably Great

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ephesians 3:20- “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,”
God is a big God, therefore our lives are meant to be big! The life that we have now is the life after the cross, it's the life where Jesus has done all things for us and we are no longer an old creature but a new creation! A new creation simply means a new spesies that never existed before. You are totally new when you are in Christ! Therefore we are to know that to Jesus, He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine; read it again, it says, to Him who is able. It simply means Jesus is the one who is able in our lives, whenever we are unable, look to the one who is able! Now His ability is immeasurable, it is unpredictable more than we ask and imagine! And Paul furthermore stated that this power is now at work within us! Imagine you're holding a power that is far more greater than any atomic power! And, it's in you!
My friends, the life after the cross means Jesus has conquered and you're more than a conqueror! You've power and authority in Christ, and that power is at work within you! Tap into this power today simply by believing that God is living in you, He is with you and He is for you! As you Believe in Him, you shall witness works that are immeasurably great!!


Saturday, December 19, 2015

诗篇 121:1-2



Lift Up My Eyes To The Hills

Friday, December 18, 2015

Psalms 121:1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord. the Maker of heaven and earth.

Dear friend, do you know what is the hills that the psalmist refering to?
It is the hill whereby Jesus was been crucified!
So, we are to be reminded all the times that the help we needed each day each moment is actually been done at the cross 2015 years ago!
Is Jesus who protects us by not letting our foot slip, He who watches over us will not slumber.
Because of Jesus' sacrifice and protection, nothing can harm us. Is He who keeps us from all harms and watches over our life.
He is the God who watches over our coming and going both now and forevermore!
Is Him, who gives us healthy body, sound mind and prosperous in everything we do.

In Him, we are truly blessed!
Because of Him, we are deeply loved, highly favored, and greatly blessed!


Friday, December 18, 2015

来 4:15 - 因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱;祂也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是祂没有犯罪。

常常的,我们会听见某某人对另外的某人说:“哎呀,我的心情你不会明白的,你不是我,你不会懂得。” 或是 “你怎会知道我的疼?你又不曾经历过。。。” 是的,或许别人的经历我们不曾经历过,也或许我们真的不能够明白别人的心情和痛楚,但是我们的神耶稣基督,祂明白,祂晓得。你可能会说,祂是神,祂怎么可能明白?告诉你,祂也在世上生活了三十三年,祂也凡事受过试探,人所经历过的祂都经历过了,甚至祂的经历远比我们的痛苦、难受。就像祂为了我们的罪,被啐弃,被羞辱,甚至被钉在十字架上,受死,埋葬,这一切并不是我们所能经历并且能忍受的。但是耶稣基督却为了我们经历了这一切的苦难,只是祂从来不被世上的事情打倒,因为祂知道自己的最终目的地在哪里。




Friday, December 18, 2015







Joy Everlasting

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Psalm 30:11- “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,”
You might be hearing people saying that they are never going to be joyful again, that sorrow is too deep for them to get rid of it. But do you know that if you choose to complain and stay in your sorrows, you will remain at its level; you will not encounter joy and freedom if you chose not to make up your mind and decide to rejoice in The Lord. Therefore, deciding to cheer up and rejoice is a decision that you can make once you focus back to Jesus and know how much you're loved! Looking at Him and what He has done for you has given you all the reasons why you can rejoice, when you find no reason to be joyful, Jesus is the very reason you can be joyful and glad! My friends, He has turned your disappointment to celebration, tears to laughters, and replaced your sorrows with joy everlasting!! Therefore, remember if you complain you will remain, but if you choose to rejoice and give praises, you will raise!

Love Everlasting

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jeremiah 31:3- “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
In a severe earthquake, a mother used her whole body to protect her child while supporting all the weight of the building, just to keep her child safe. When the rescue team arrived, they found that the mother was in a bending position sustaining all the weights of the collapsed building, she was found dead, the child was safe and secure. Love can empower, and it can release tremendous power in life. In order to save us from sin, to redeem us and to give us new life, because of love, Jesus too sustaining all the weight of our mistakes, sins, curses on His body, just to ensure that we are saved!
The power that sustains Him is love, and today you're to know how much that you're loved by Him!
Do you know that Forever in Jesus' heart, you'll never fall away? You may fall, you may be weak at times, but you can never fall out from the ark. You're always secure in Him, for He loves you with an everlasting and unfailing love! Encountering this love empowers you in life, so say this to yourself today: "Yes, Jesus loves me and it's unfailing, I'm secured, satisfied and empowered in His love!"

Jesus loves you, keep this in heart, be empowered to move on and reign in life!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

约 10:10 - 盗贼来,无非要偷窃、杀害、毁坏;我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。




He Is With You

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Psalm 139:10- “even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
Start your everyday by being conscious of the presence of God in your life, it will totally change your perspectives in life! The moment when you wake up, be reminded that Jesus is with you; the moment when you're ready to work, remember that Jesus is with you; the moment when you're meeting your client, remember that Jesus is with you, no matter where you are, He never leaves you or forsakes you! Therefore, knowing His presence with you each moment will give you assurance in life, knowing that when God is with you, no issue is too big that He cannot solve for you.
My dear friend, You are never alone, no matter where you are, what you've been going through, Jesus is here to guide you and hold you, He is here to comfort and love you, He is here to give you hope and future! So don't give up, your best days are ahead!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

腓立比书1:28 - 凡事不怕敌人的惊吓,这是证明他们沉沦,你们得救都是出于神。




Faithful to Save

Monday, December 14, 2015

2 Thessalonians 3:3- “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”
God is faithful, He is faithful in keeping His promises and to bring them to pass in your life. Faithful simply means that He is completely dependable! Therefore you are to know that the God that you believe in is a God that you can completely depend on Him! Yes, you may be facing with issues of life now, but depend on Him instead of your own; yes the report might not be good initially but He is completely dependable! When you can depend on Him, guess what? Nothing is too great that He cannot solve for you.
Therefore, do not worry and be in fear over that bad report, know that Jesus will surely strengthen you and protect you from all evil one! As you're His responsibility, He will take care of you!
Say this together today: I'm Jesus' beloved, He loves me and I believe in His unfailing love. Today no matter where I am, I believe that God is faithful, if He can bring me through that time, He will deliver me too this time! Strengthen me with your love Jesus, I know I'm free from all the evil one which inclusive of lack, sickness and fear. When I am in your love, nothing can be against me. In Jesus name, amen.


Monday, December 14, 2015

西 3:2-3 - 你们要思念上面的事,不要思念地上的事。因为你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在神里面。





Monday, December 14, 2015


为什么会发生这种事情?”“为什么那么的不公平?”“为什么会这样?”很多时候,我们都带着许许多多的“为什么”来过生活。也许世界给你的重担是那么的沉重;但,我们天上的父却愿意成为你我的解脱。 如今,虽然世界的局势是那么的紧张,我们都不晓得恶兆何时会临到我们身上。但,耶稣却应许说:世界上虽然有苦难,但我已经胜过这个世界了(约翰福音16:33)。耶稣要告诉你,祂的十字架就是你的解脱,是你的帮助。在无路可走时,不要忘记祂是你的依靠。



Your Help Comes From The Lord

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Psalm 121:2- “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
If you need help today, whether be it financially, or in your health, or your family issues, or on that addiction that has been bonding you for years; instead of being panic on where should you search for help, remember that Jesus is your savior! He came to save and deliver you, when you find no ways for help, He is always here to help you! And guess what? When Jesus helps you, who can be against you anymore? Therefore, all you need is to lift up yor eyes to Him, look at Him and focus on His goodness and grace. Know that as the beloved of His heart, He will save and deliver those that He loves! And, He loves you is an unfailing truth! He is the Maker of Heaven and earth, He is Almighty, and when He helps you, there's nothing too hard that He cannot solve for you. He is always with you, rest in His unfailing love and know that you're saved!

Effortless Growth

Saturday, December 12, 2015

John 15:5- ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
If an apple tree's branch is to grow, it has to be connected to an apple tree. Likewise, we are wonderfully and fearfully made by the creator of Heaven and the earth, God is our manufacturer and source; so if we are to grow and bear fruits, we too need to be connected to the right source! Therefore, if you will realize that all the more you connect to your emotion, you will tend to be more emotional; if you are connected to the humans' words around you, you will all the more feeling insecure; all these wrong sources that you connect to and rely on will never help you grow and bear fruits, but instead you will see you remain the same each day. But good news is here! Jesus said He is the vine and we are the branches, only He is the one true source that we are to keep ourselves connected each day; from moment to moment, be reminded on His love and what He says about you, as you keep connecting with Him, fruits will grow effortlessly! With Him, you can do all things! :)


Saturday, December 12, 2015



一切都是凭着神的恩典!(希4:16 & 罗11:6)