Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Friday, December 11, 2015

Beloved, do you know what grace is?
Grace is not a subject, grace is not a doctrine, grace is a person-JESUS.
Grace reveals who God is. Grace is the person who was nailed to the cross for your redemption. Grace is the eternal life for us paid for by the blood-stained sacrifice at Calvary.
Grace and truth came through the Son (John1:17). Under grace, God provides righteousness as a gift. (Rom3:24)
Grace imparts hope to the hopeless and help to those who are helpless.

So, friend, when you are under grace-the unmerited favor of God, you are given the strength and power to rise above your challenges!
Jesus is your solution, He is your answer, He is you hope, joy, peace and security. When you have Jesus, you have everything.
Whatever adversity, challenge or circumstance you may be faced with today, your answer is found in the person of Jesus, and that's why we need the word of God-which is Jesus (John1:1).
It's time for us to catch the revelation of grace, when we tap into, we are moving from defeat to victory and from breakdowns into breakthroughs!

NOW is the time to encounter Jesus, friend. Stop struggling and leaning on ourselves, but to start eyeing on Jesus and believe what He has done at the cross 2015 years ago for you and me.
Hallelujah! When we step into His unfailing love, that is when we shall see transformation from the inside out.
It is all by the grace of God! (Heb4:16 & Rom11:6)


Friday, December 11, 2015

诗 37:4-5 - 又要以耶和华为乐,祂就将你心里所求的赐给你。当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠祂,祂就必成全。





Friday, December 11, 2015

约翰福音14:6 耶稣说:我就是道路、真理、生命。若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。


耶稣,祂成为了你走投无路时候的出路。祂说:“我就是道路(约翰福音14:6)”。 你的人生中或许寻觅过无数的路径,但总是让你失望;耶稣,祂心甘情愿的被钉死在十字架上,救赎你脱离罪的捆绑,成为你在贫乏,困境,病痛,绝望中一条又新又活的路(希伯来书10:20)。祂供应你一切所需,医治你的病痛,解救你脱离水火之中,引领你到平安的境地。这就是祂对你的心意。祂在十字架上所成就的一切,叫你与神和好(罗马书5:10)。



Are You Following the Good Shepherd or the Wrong shepherd?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Psalm 23:1- The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.

Who are you following today? Who is the one shepherding you today? Know that the Word of God says that Jesus is the good shepherd, and in other hand means there must be some bad shepherd! Likewise, as you check what you have been thinking lately, whether you are emotionally affected by the circumstances, you will realize that most of the time we tend to follow the wrong shepherd. We follow our feelings, we follow people's opinion, we follow what we perceive and see, we follow and counting on how great is the issues of life! Therefore, when you follow the wrong shepherd, when you seek after all these issues, it does not benefit you but instead it leads you into wrong thinking and deeper emotional trauma. But when you follow Jesus, seeing Him as your shepherd, follow His Word and footsteps, you will realize that Jesus is constant! He is yesterday, today and forever the same! He loves you and He means it! He says He will provide and He means it! He says He is with you and He means it! Therefore as you follow the right and good shepherd, it leads you to right thinking and eventually it leads you to right believing. See Jesus as your shepherd today, and know that you lack nothing!!

Say this prayer today: "Jesus, thank you for being a good shepherd who watches over me, protects me when I'm helpless and provides me when I'm in lack. When I've you as my Shepherd, I fear no evil and I worry not, for I believe I'll always see your goodness, mercy, favor and grace all of my life. Amen!"

Break Free

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Psalm 107:14- “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”
Do you know that you got a prison break? And of course, it is done by Jesus! He has set you free at the cross by His finished work! When you look at yourself, know that you're no longer in bondages, but freedom! My friend, You may be imprisoned by fears, guilt and even your past; you may be feeling ashamed of your past mistakes, but know that Jesus has broken the chains of your fear, guilt and your past, and He has brought you out from the utter darkness! You're no longer imprisoned in darkness, but now you're grounded in His grace and love! Guess what? When you're no longer in darkness, it simply means you're in the light of God now, when you're grounded in His grace and love, you can be assured that you are a winner in life! More than that, the word of God has promised you that you are more than a conqueror! So, start to Believe that your life is changing for the better, good days are ahead! Keep your mind and thoughts in line with what He has promised you, and enjoy your prison free life! You're no longer a slave but a child, you're the head and not the tail, you're in freedom and not bondage, and you are free from darkness but living in the light of God now!


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

帖前 5:5 - 你们都是光明之子,都是白昼之子;我们不是属黑夜的,也不是属幽暗的。





Wednesday, December 9, 2015

诗篇46:10 - 你们要休息,要知道我是神!


He Came to The Rescue!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Psalm 91:14- ““Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”
Saving you is Jesus' job description. He came as a Savior, not a condemner. Many would have thought that the coming of Jesus is to condemn and judge, but if He came to condemn, the bible will not tell us that a Savior was sent! Therefore, when a savior was sent to us, definitely He comes to save and that's why He is called as a Savior! Just like because you produce something and therefore you're called as a producer! When Jesus came to save, you have to know that He is all powerful and there's nothing that is too hard for Him! My friends, Whatever situation that you're in now, trust that He is always on the rescue! Let Him protects you in His everlasting arms, and you only need to be secure in His love.

Make this your prayer today: Father in Heaven, I thank you that I am always secure in your everlasting arms and love. Your love, your fullness of grace and your mercy in my life enable me to move on today with boldness and courage. Thank you for rescuing me from this situation, when I acknowledge you instead of acknowledging the problems, I know I can soar above the storms with you. Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus, amen.

Change What You Think

Monday, December 7, 2015

Proverbs 23:7- “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."
What you have been thinking lately? Are you thinking of how unworthy you are? Or are you thinking of how impossible that things can turn around for you? No matter what you have been thinking lately, remember one thing: what you think inside will eventually affect who you are externally. If you have been focusing on those issues and being negative in your thoughts, guess what, you will never look joyful, your countenance will be affected and of course everything outside will be affected by your one thought. Therefore, If you long for a radical change in your life, have a radical change IN you first! You are what you think, therefore, keep your thoughts align with the Words of God, meditate and chew it day and night, and out of your belly shall explode a complete change effortlessly! All you need to do is to keep yourself and your mind in the thoughts of God, which means to think of His Words, what He says about you, and how much He loves you, and it will change your life completely. Jesus is the transformation maker, and He is in you! So, when He is in you, when you keep your thought captivated to His words only, change will birth out, don't worry!


Monday, December 7, 2015

约 6:20 - 耶稣对他们说:“是我,不要怕!”


你知道吗?耶稣基督赐给我们的是刚强壮胆的心,是无论面对什么问题,都能够坦然无惧勇往直前的。人若在患难之日胆怯,你的力量就微小。(箴 24:10)所以我们的主不愿看见祂的孩子们是败在胆怯下,而是在那之上的。祂一直都在对祂所爱的孩子们说:是我,不要怕!无论在什么情况中,祂都知道我们的需要,祂知道我们内心的想法,祂知道我们的恐惧,但是,祂却是应许我们,对我们不离不弃的。祂是无时无刻都在我们身边,作我们随时的帮助和供应。当健康出现问题时,祂说:不要怕,我是你的医治;当经济出现状况,祂说:不要怕,我是你的供应;当事业遇到瓶颈时,祂说:不要怕,我是你的指引;当关系出现裂痕时,祂说:不要怕,我是你的修复。当我们需要什么的时候,祂就是那一切的源头。

亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,当耶稣基督告诉你,“不要怕,是我” 的时候,你真的能够全心全意的来信靠祂吗?当祂告诉你,祂就是一切的源头,你是否真的把祂视为你一切所需要的源头呢?若相信,事情就要照着所信的成就了!阿门!


Monday, December 7, 2015

箴言24:10 你在患難之日若膽怯,你的力量就微小。

有一个人,他在冷藏部门工作,一天意外被鎖在冷藏库里,一時求救無門。當他一时`到被困在里面时,他開始尖叫,敲打门,直到他的拳頭流血,筋疲力倦为止。他心裡知道如果一直被困住,体温会越來越低, 最后死去。所以他心里非常害怕,一直在哭泣, 就這樣一直哭喊到幾乎失聲,就失去了知覺。


Get Up

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Matthew 17:7 - But Jesus came and touched them. "Get up," he said. "Don't be afraid."

Many of times, the greatest enemy that you can face is never the challenges or the mountains around you, but rather, you are your greatest enemy. Nothing can defeat you in life, unless you allow it yourself. Many of times, we soak ourselves in the waves of our challenges, rewinding and thinking about how difficult it is, what a failure that we are, how impossible to be delivered from such issues of life, and we will never see hope again. Our thoughts defeat us easily if we do not take them captive, and bring them back to the thought and mind of Christ. To think what God thinks, to speak what God speaks is not a set of rules, but rather it helps you to fix your eyes and attention on God, when you get your thoughts align back to the Word of God, you will see everything shall dissolve! So get up from the negative thoughts now, do not be afraid, for Jesus is still in control!


Saturday, December 5, 2015

约 11:26



Good News That Heals

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Proverbs 15:30 - Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

The gospel of God is a good message concerning the finished work that Jesus has done for us. Therefore, whenever the gospel is being proclaimed, the good news is being proclaimed, the finished work of Jesus is being proclaimed! You can be sure that Jesus is not judgmental, that He came to find fault on you and to condemn you whenever you fail. He came to proclaim good news to mankind, therefore, you can find that no matter where He is in the bible, He brought good news to the people around Him who believed in His message! The lame has walked, the blind has seen, the issue of blood stopped, the weak strengthened, the dead came alive, the sick has been healed, the one who faced lack received abundance! That is what Jesus came to bring to you!
The good news has been proclaimed, can you believe it? The Word of God says that a good news bring health to the body, and guess what? The good news is, you are forgiven, you are His beloved, you are in great abundance, you are the head and not the tail, you are the darling in His heart! Be attentive to the Words of God, and you will find your health restore!

Do You Believe

Friday, December 4, 2015

John 11:26
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Dear friend, we have a loving and caring God who has written all His promises for us in the Bible. But how many of us actually believe in what He has said?
Do you believe that when you have Jesus, you have everything?
Do you believe that He means what He said?
Do you believe that He is the faithful God?
In times of worrying, do you believe that God has the best solutions for you?
In times of lacking, do you believe that God can supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches?
When you are sick, do you believe that by Jesus's stripes, you are healed?
When you are lost, do you believe that Jesus-the good shepherd is in front of you guiding your path?

Now is the time to believe, beloved.
Jesus has done it all and now is our turn to believe and receive all that He has prepared for us.


Friday, December 4, 2015

弗 6:7 - 甘心事奉,好像服事主,不像服事人。


朋友们,我们所作的一切,我们的父神是在暗中察看,并且祂报应。祂纪念我们我们所做的,并且在我们的人生旅途中给予我们随时的帮助和指引。神祂并非不公义,竟忘记我们所做的工和我们为祂名所显的爱心,然而这一切神都纪念,并且给我们的赏赐是大的。你知道吗?当我们因着耶稣基督的名被辱骂的时候,我们是有福的,因为这一切的辱骂都落在基督的身上,并且神荣耀的灵常住在我们身上(罗 15:3,彼前 4:14);当我们因着耶稣的名被人恨恶的时候,我们是有福的,因为在世人恨我们以先,他们已经先恨基督了。(约 15:18)

好好地想想,我们服事,是要得人的心呢?还是要得神的心呢?我们岂是讨人的喜欢吗?若仍旧讨人的喜欢,我们就不是基督的仆人了。(加 1:10)所以,我们大可不必把人的话,人的闲言闲语放在心上,要记得,人的话不能把我们怎么样,也不能断定我们在神面前的位置,我们唯一要讨欢心的,就是要讨神的欢心。因为唯有神是对我们不离不弃,而且是爱我们到底,是知道永远的。在这世上没有什么能够把我们与神的爱隔离,也没有什么能拦阻祂爱我们。因此,让我们全心全意的来侍奉主,单单回应祂对我们的爱。阿门!


Friday, December 4, 2015



Sure Future Hope

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Proverbs 23:18 - There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

In Christ, you can find hope. Hope is not wishes, that something you hope one day it will happen to you.
But the bible hope that we have is a confident expectation of good that good things will definitely happen in our journey ahead!
God is a God of hope, so whenever you come to Him, you can be assured that your future is in a good hand; how much more, it is in your Heavenly Father's hand!
There will be surely a future hope for you, when God said surely, He means what He said! Therefore, when God says you can be sure, it means that no matter
what is before your eyes right now, whatever challenges that it may be, you can be glad and rejoice because the pathway of the righteous is even brighter!
Regardless what makes you disappointed now, remember that this is never the ending yet. God can turn things around for you, there is surely a great hope
ahead! When God is with you, your hope can never be cut off! When the enemies come to you in one way, they shall flee in seven ways! Lift up your head and move on,
if God has brought you through previously, what's more this time?

The God Who Does Marvelous Deeds

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Psalm 72:18- “Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.”
How do you perceive God today? Do you know that God is always big, He is always great, but your
imaginary and your thought is able to determine the size of Him in your life? For instance, one may
perceive that God is a judgmental God, He does not love unconditionally but with conditions, therefore
the wrong set of perception leads to a wrong set of belief, He may think of God as far away and He is not
willing to help. You see, your perception and what you've been thinking affects your living and your receiving.
My friend, God is always and forever the same, He loves you, He cares, and He is taking interest in your daily
life, therefore you're to change your mind and see Him as big from now on!
He is Almighty and He is a God who does marvelous deeds in your life! Start to give praises to Him today, when
you give praises, it enables you to be enlightened and know that He can open the Red Sea of your life, He can turn
your water into wine, He can turn your sickness into abundance of health, and He can turn your sorrows into great joy!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

约 17:10 - 凡是我的都是你的,你的也是我的,并且我因他们得了荣耀。


