Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, December 2, 2015




Apple of His Eyes

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Psalm 17:8- “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”
By knowing how much that you're loved empowers you to move on in life in full boldness.
Uncertainty on whether your Heavenly Father loves you or not, it does not give you boldness
and courage to face all the challenges and to have a confident expectation that good things are
ahead of you, why? Simply because you are in fear, thinking that when you've done wrong, when
He does not love you, when no one is helping you by your side, everything seems to be collapsed
in your life!
Likewise, if you can be assured that You're the beloved and the darling of the Heavenly Father, He sees
you as the apple of His eyes! You're so precious to Him, and so dear to His heart. Then it empowers you
to move mountains, shut the mouth of the lions, conquer kingdoms, simply because you know the One who
backs you up loves you, and love means He will do anything for you! Therefore know how much that you're
loved today, let it empowers you to move on boldly. Fear not, for under His care, nothing can touch you!

Boldly Approach

Monday, November 30, 2015

Hebrews 4:16- “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
The moment when you're in need of help, remember Jesus is your everlasting refuge. When you have no one to run to,
why not coming to Him for help? Jesus' job description is to save you. When He comes to save, guess what? Nothing
is able to hurt you and put you to shame!
So as a child of God, you can come to Him boldly without fear for He is always here to give you grace! Whenever you're weak,
run to Him; whenever you are sad, run to Him; whenever you are in fear, run to Him; whenever you are in great distress, run to Him!
Whenever you run to Him, He will never reject you but instead as a Father who loves you deeply, He longs to embrace you, wipe
away your tears, and giving you solutions! Therefore, In times of need, don't run away, go to Him and He will help you, with man it
might be impossible but with Him, all things are possible.


Monday, November 30, 2015

林后 13:8 - 我们凡事不能敌挡真理,只能扶助真理。





Monday, November 30, 2015


当你觉得孤单、害怕、疲惫、全然无助,记得,有一位救主 - 耶稣基督,祂愿意陪伴你,扶持你,安慰你,呵护你,给你心中踏实的平安。阿门!

Nothing is too Hard for Jesus

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Jeremiah 32:27- ““I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?

If we are to dwell in our issues of life and cry over it, being self pitying and never want to stand up
anymore, then whatever Jesus has done for us at the cross has become in vain! The reason why He
accomplished all things at the cross, not just to remove all your sins, but also to see you living life
Victoriously and abundantly like Him!
So be awakened today that No issue is too big that Jesus cannot solve, for all things are possible in Him!
If death could not hold Him back, guess what? The sickness, lack and challenges in front of you can never
hold Him back either! If they cannot hold Him back, likewise they cannot hold you back! Why? Simply because
you have God living in you, so as He is, so are you in this world! Start to see yourself as healthy as Jesus, as prosperous
as Jesus and as victorious as Jesus! Then, you shall see, God is faithful and He shall accomplish all that He has
promised you, if nothing is too hard for Him, be at rest and trust Him to save!

Be Still for He is God

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Psalm 46:10- “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God..."
If you're weary and heavy laiden today, know that Jesus is your ultimate source of rest.
As you come to Him as who you are, as you be yourself and pour out whatever that concerns
you to Him, He will surely take care of you!
My friends, As Christ is, so are you in this world; when the ocean rises and thunders roar against
you, you'll definitely soaring with Jesus above them all! For your victory is found in Christ, for you can
never be defeated by problems, for when even death could not hold Jesus back, nothing can Hold you
back from fulfilling what God has called you to be! He is the King over the flood, and you just need to
be still and know He is your God!


Saturday, November 28, 2015

诗篇 69:30




Praise And Thanksgiving

Friday, November 27, 2015

Psalms 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

Hi friend, what will you do when you are troubled with many problems?
How will you response to the anxieties and pressure that surrounding you?
Do you cry when you face big mountain?

You know what, no matter how big the problem may seem to be, Jesus is the greatest and He is above them all!
Therefore, you can now hold on to Him and trust in His unfailing love and unbreakable promises.
When you are in tear, He is there to wipe away your tears when you choose to praise Him and give thanks for what He has done.
When you are weary, praise Him and give thanks to Him for He is the one who gives you rest.
When you are lacking, praise Him and give thanks to Him for He is the sherperd who supplies all your needs according to the glorious riches.
When you are sick, praise Him and give thanks to Him for He is the healer of your life, by His stripes, you are completely healed.
When you are worry, praise Him and give thanks to Him for He is the God who cares for you and daily carries your burdens.

So, take the first step by adjusting your heart to trust in God wholly and eyes on Jesus no matter what is happening in your life right now. Make the decision to praise and give thanks to God, by doing so, you shall then witness how God fights for you and make you more than conquerors in His unfailing love and unshakable words.
When you magnify God, your problems shall become lesser and even flee away!


Friday, November 27, 2015

赛 55:3 - 你们当就近我来,侧耳而听,就必得活。我必与你们立永约,就是应许大卫那可靠的恩典。





Friday, November 27, 2015



The Fruit of Lips

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hebrews 13:15- “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.”
In the new covenant, you no longer need to bring up the sacrifices of bulls and goats, for your sin has been dealt with and
removed by Jesus at the cross! Therefore, all that you need is to give sacrifices of praises to God! How great!
My friends, what you speaks forth carry power, therefore use your mouth to offer praises to God and speak life! It is because
whatever that you have said will eventually produce fruits. If you are to keep on proclaiming and saying that your body is weak
and sick, eventually your body will eat the effects of what you've been saying! Therefore, when you know the truth that your tongue
carry tremendous power, choose to speak life, which is by speaking what is in line with the Word of God! For when you speak death,
you'll eat its fruit but when you fill your mouth with praises to God, you'll eat the fruit of life, joy, peace and hope!

Victory Over Adversaries

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Psalm 44:7- “but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame.”
Remember that victory doesn't come by your own effort, instead it is the promise that you receive when you
believe in Jesus Christ. He is a victor, He is a conqueror, He has done and accomplished all things that we by our
might that we could not, so that today as we believe in Him, we are already made more than a conqueror!
My friends, Jesus is greater, He is able and He is willing to deliver and save you! He has given you victory, so therefore
when you trust in Him, He shall never put you to shame. What are your enemies today? No matter it's that challenge that
seems too great, or the uncertainties of your future, or even that sickness that bothers your body, know that Jesus has put
your enemies to shame, not you! He has given you victory over them, not that they have victory over you! You are not defeated,
Jesus is the assurance of your victory in life, you'll rise above, you'll conquer kingdoms, you'll obtain promises, you'll enforce
righteousness and you'll shut the mouth of the lions! When Jesus is with you, who can be against you?


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

希 11:33-34 - 他们因着信,制伏了敌国,行了公义,得了应许;堵了狮子的口,灭了烈火的猛势,脱了刀剑的锋刃;软弱变为刚强,争战显出勇敢,打退外邦的全军。





Wednesday, November 25, 2015

上帝创造了亞当和夏娃,給他们权柄与能力,这意味着,他有权力支配掌管这天地萬有的所有事物。上帝把他們放在美丽的伊甸园說:“要生养众多”。 他們的世界里看似一切完美,直到有一天敌人來到他們的營地,直到他们允许自己与敌人谈话,直到他們吃了分別善惡的果子…
詩篇8:6祢派他管理祢手所造的, 使物,就是一切的牛羊、 田野的獸、空中的鳥、海裏的魚, 凡經行海道的,都服在祂的腳下。

Mind Attitude

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ephesians 4:23- “to be made new in the attitude of your minds;”
Many of times we may be saying that "what an attitude that this man has! He is so persistent!"
But do you know that when man has his set of attitude, our mind also have their own sets of attitude?
Some of the attitude of their mind maybe in a defeated attitude, thinks about failure, meditates about
impossibilities, calculate about the failing future; but this set of attitude has to break off if we are to live
life above the storms and not beneath!
Your thinking affects your believing and your believing affects your living. A victorious mindset leads to a
victorious life; likewise a defeated mindset leads to a defeated life. You are eventually what you think. That's why
if you're not satisfied with your current stage of life, meditate and look upon what Jesus has said to you; it
might be your mind has gone through a set of negative attitude unconsciously! Therefore, Make new the old sets of
thinking by meditating on what God says about you; for only His word can wash and renew our old sets of mind.
You know what? as you fix your attention on Him alone, all things shall fall into place!

Rise Above

Monday, November 23, 2015

Matthew 20:32- Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

Do you know that God is almighty and there's nothing to difficult for Him? For His name is high and above
all names, therefore, whatever that you can name of today shall bow down to Jesus! Therefore as a child of God,
know that you're no longer underprivileged, but you're full of privileges and blessings as His child!
My friends, All that you need has been accomplished through Jesus' sacrifice at the cross, so know that the healing
you need is done, therefore you can believe and receive today and tell your body "in the name of Jesus, body I declare
you healthy and strong, for you have been redeemed by Jesus at the cross!" Likewise you're with great hope and future,
therefore all that you need to do is to declare to yourself that "my future is good because Jesus is the planner of my life!"
When you eye on Him, you'll know that He is asking you today "what can I do for you?" And the moment when you
truly know that Jesus is in you, for you and with you, no challenge is too big to sink you but you shall rise above all storms
and waves of life!


Monday, November 23, 2015

太 9:13 - 经上说:“我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。” 这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。”


或许我们很常会听见人在说:“我不配成为基督徒,等我把恶习改了之后才来打算。” “我不够好,所以神不会注意我的” “我什么都不会,哪里能够来事奉神呢?” 等等的问题,但是,这一切真的是我们的主所在乎的吗?祂真的看重你的背景,你的能力。你的行为,你的一切更甚于你的这个人吗?断乎不是!神的话很清楚告诉我们,祂来,本是召罪人,不是召义人。一个健康的人不需要找医生,唯有生病的人才需要!同样的,就因为我们是罪人,我们不够好,我们不完全,因此我们才更需要耶稣!祂看重的是我们这个人,这颗愿意相信祂的心。祂从来不曾因为我们的过去,不曾因为我们的无能,不曾因为我们的不是,不曾因为我们的不配而离弃我们,反之,祂是用祂的大爱来充满我们,给我们温暖,好叫我们知道这就是真爱,是不看我们的外在条件,不在乎我们外在的一切的。



Monday, November 23, 2015

我打法到你们中间的大军队,就是蝗蟲、蝻子、螞蚱、剪蟲,那些年所吃的我要補還你們。— 約珥書2:25




The Lord That Never Changes

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Malachi 3:6- ““I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.”
Things around you and your feeling right now are subject to change, they are not constant and they shall
fade one day. But know that Jesus does not change! He is forever the same in your life!
Therefore ask yourself this question today, "am I relying and trusting what my feeling tells me? Or I'm trusting
what Jesus has done for me at the cross and what God has said to me through His word?" Trusting what your
feeling has been telling you is shakeable and it comes and goes from time to time! But Jesus never leaves
you or forsakes you and He is forever constant and never change! Therefore, trust Him is the best assurance and
insurance that you can have! My friends, be assured in His love today, what He has promised you, He will do it