Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Take Your Stand

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Galatians 5:1- Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.

Whatever that Jesus has accomplished for you at the cross is for one reason, that is to set you free!
Free from the effects of sin, free from the curses of the law, free from all the bondages and free from all that
has been holding you back from enjoying life to the abundant! A free life that God has given is not a life that
we gratify the desire of our flesh and do whatever that we want and sin freely, this free life is a life that is free from
all the past, and guess what? When you are so clean, you will not want to go into the mud and get yourself dirty
So take your stand in Christ today, He has set you free, but this freedom is never a reason for you to live life in sin and
satisfying your fleshly desire; but rather, you can choose to say "No!" to anger and "No!" to bad habits. You've a higher
form of life, a God kind of life! Never ever let anyone put a yoke on you anymore, you're free!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

诗 27:1 - 耶和华是我的亮光,是我的拯救!我还怕谁呢?耶和华是我性命的保障(或作“力量”)!我还惧谁呢?





Wednesday, November 11, 2015

路加福音 14:17 –到了坐席的时候,打发仆人去对所 请的人说:“请来吧!样样都齐备了!”



其实,他们不知道,当主人家说来吧,样样齐备了的时候;他们所要的地,无论是牲畜,或是婚姻,这所有的都包罗万像都在宴会里了! 他们根本不需要回去;到了筵席,他们就只需要领受。这并不是说你就不必工作,而是你要晓得耶稣才是这一切的源头(诗篇36:9)


Precious In His Eyes

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ephesians 1:4- For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Regardless what you've been going through right now, you may be feeling no one appreciates you and sees you as precious,
but let me tell you that God sees you as dearly!
Do you know that even before the creation of the world, God already has YOU in His heart; in His eyes, you're holy and blameless,
you're special, you're such a wonder! It was never us who chose Him but it was Him who has chosen us before the creation of the world,
even when we were still sinners, Christ chose to die for us. He has decided to make an unbreakable covenant with you, solely because
He loves you! In His eyes, you're such a precious and wonder! Therefore, never depreciate yourself because God appreciates you!
Today be reminded that even if no one loves you or understands you, God himself loves you and understands you, and that worth more than

Great Plan for You

Monday, November 9, 2015

Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
You may be struggling with your future right now, but do you realize that the word of God says for He knows the plan that He has for you?
Your future is in God's hand, He has well planned your future! Therefore, regardless what your surrounding may say, look at what God has said to you.
He has told you that He knows the plan He has for you, He knows what's ahead of you, He is outside the boundary of time and He knows exactly how's
your ending! Furthermore, the planning that He has for you is to prosper you, to give you hope and future! Can you bring prospered, having hope and future if you think that God's plan is to let you suffer sickness? Of course not! Therefore, be ensure that sickness is never in His plan, sickness is in the devil's plan! His plan gives you three main thing, prosperity, hope and future! Which means you can have confident expectation of good that what is ahead is good! You can have confident expectation that you've a future! Therefore, do not let anyone talk you out from believing in what Jesus has done for you, that you have such a wonderful plan and future! Guess what, when God plans your life, it is way better than you plan your own!
Therefore if you're at the crossroad right now, know that God has a great plan in your life, have confident expectation of good that your future is great and bright!


Monday, November 9, 2015

林前 2:5 - 叫你们的信不在乎人的智慧,只在乎神的大能。

很多时候,人总要先看见了才能相信,非要凭眼见。但是,神的话却不是如此告诉我们,在神的国里却刚好是与世界论相反,圣经里告诉我们,信是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。(希 11:1)在真理里,我们是先相信,然后就必看见事情的成就。反之,在这世上,每一个人都会凭着眼见,也凭着自己的聪明去判断某件事情。其实,当神做事情的时候,不是人所能用自己的聪明去了解,去明白的,因为神的愚拙总比人智慧,(林前 1:25)意思就是,人的智慧不可能超越过神的智慧的。


所以朋友们,不要用我们那有限的知识去了解神,因为那是毫无结果的,那是单单纯纯的相信神的作为。经上记着说:信神所差来的就是作神的工。(约 6:29)今天我们只要单单的来相信神,相信祂的所作所为都是为了让我们得益处,单单来信靠祂,无论面对什么事情都不能动摇我们与神之间的关系。当我们这样行的时候,就必享受一切神所为我们预备的福分。阿门!


Monday, November 9, 2015


这世界或许充满了虚伪与谎言,因为还是恶者在掌权(约翰一书5::19)。但无论如何,不要失去盼望,无论人如何对待你,无论你每天所接受的消息都是负面绝望的,总要记得,你有一位极度爱你的天父!祂要来帮助你!祂要你来依靠祂,祂是你随时的帮助!祂已经赐下独生爱子 - 耶稣,给了你。




Mind Transformation

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Colossians 3:2- Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

You are what you think. Know that we all have an imaginary image in us, that what we think of, what we believe of, and
what we look at inside, will eventually be manifested outside. What you're thinking and believing affects your living. If you're
stucked with the mindset of negativity right now, start to see yourself joyful and speaking words of life and encouragement to yourself.
Start to see yourself not only being lifted up but you're now ministering to one who is negative, how the Word of God that you've speak
forth helps and ministers lives! If you're stucked with the mindset of sickness and weakness, start to see yourself running and jumping,
start to see yourself doing things that medical factors say you can never do, start to see yourself not just healed but you're laying hands on
others and you see them healed! If you're stucked with the mindset of poverty, start to see yourself prosperous, start to see yourself driving
the car that you never dare to dream of owning, start to see yourself not just blessed but you've more than enough to be blessings to others!
Set your mind on things above simply means think and set your thoughts on what's going on after Christ has done all things for us, and you'll
realize we've been underestimate and under living the life that God has called us to live! Do not set it on what's not the truth, set it on what's truth
and what has been done! You'll see as your mind transform, your life transform!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

John 14:1- Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.

What pleases one who loves you deeply is when you can trust in him. Likewise, it pleases God when you can put
your trust in Him! Please do not understand that He doesn't love you anymore if sometimes you trust and
sometimes you're not, His love is constant and He loves you deeply no matter how many times you may be failing.
So do not let your heart be troubled today due to all the issues of life, fix your heart on knowing how much that He loves you,
and when the moment you can know His love, it dissipates all fear and worries in life! So, trust Him simply means know that
you cannot but He can! While placing all your worries and cares to Him, rest assured that He will not fail you!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

帖前 5:24 那召你们的本是信实的,他必成就这事。



He Is Faithful And He Will Do It

Friday, November 6, 2015

1Thes 5:24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

Are you stuck in making decision? Having problem in facing your tomorrow?
Perhaps there is a lot of things that drag you down and hold you back, maybe you even afraid of moving further because you have no confident to overcome what is ahead of you, you might be doubting and worrying who you can count on, but today, you can take heart, beloved, for the one who calls you-GOD, is faithful and he will do it!
Though you might be weak, but the one who calls you-GOD, is always by your side strenghten you and he will do it;
You might be feeling sick and not well physically, but the one who calls you-GOD, has healed you by the stripes of Jesus as long as you believe and he will do it;
Maybe you are heavy laden, but the one who calls you-GOD, gives you rest and he will do it;
You might be lost and don't know how to decide about your future, but the one who calls you-GOD, knows and holds your future and he will do it;
Though you might be faithless, but he always remain faithful!
He will do what He has promised!
So what do you need? Solution? Wealth? Good health? Good relationship? Good sleep? Better future?
They are all in God's hands. As long as you can name it, He can do it!

So, trust in Him and let Him do what you cannot do!
Be blessed!


Friday, November 6, 2015

彼后 3:18 - 你们却要在我们主救主耶稣基督的恩典和知识上有长进。愿荣耀归给祂,从今直到永远。阿们。





Friday, November 6, 2015

马太福音6:27 你们哪一个能用思虑使寿数多加一刻呢?
彼得前书5:7 你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。


Life In Christ

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ephesians 2:5- “made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

There may be a lot of definition on what is love, but The bible says that love is: Jesus died for you while you were still a sinner and at your worst.
Do you know that it is because of out of love that He came, it is out of love that He laid down His life, it is out of love that He gave all that He has to
you, it is out of love that He died and removed all your sins and iniquities? You're no longer dead in transgression, why? Because out of love, Jesus
has purchased you with His precious life, making you alive with Him! Alive means not just a breathing, but it also means living a true and real life, it is
the life of Christ that you are having now, and do you know what? You're no longer under a life of curse, but life of blessing; you're no longer under a life
of sickness, but a life of health and renewal of youth! You're no longer under a life of lack, but a life with full of provision and supply! That's the life of Jesus! And that's the life that you have right you, you who were made alive with Christ!
My friend, He has given you His life by grace without requiring you to perform anything, and all that He loves is to have you trusting in Him!

Completely Dependable

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

1 Thessalonians 5:24- “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”
Man made promises, however you may encounter all those broken promises that never come to pass. And all that you had in the
end are disappointments, brokenness and you could no longer trust. However, know that Jesus loves you so much that He is completely
dependable in your life! So when no one that you can depend on, turn to Jesus, He is your refuge and strength, your solution and helps in
times of need, He is your companion and husband, He is completely trustable and dependable! Completely dependable simply means you can
trust in fully in all things, you can depend on Him fully to supply all your needs, you can depend on Him fully to heal you from the sick, you can
depend on Him fully that all that He has accomplished at the cross is now yours. He is faithful, when He says He loves you, He means it and
He shows you by putting His life down for you.
So now, You can rely on Him in all things, knowing that He is faithful in keeping what He has promised you; whatever He has said, He will do it!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

彼前 3:10 - 因为经上说:“人若爱生命,愿享美福,须要禁止舌头不出恶言,嘴唇不说诡诈的话;

神的话告诉我们说:入口的不能污秽人,出口的乃能污秽人。(太 15:11)这话告诉我们,我们口里所出的话是带着权柄的,当我们的口说出不好的话,无论是对人或是对自己,都不会带来益处。一句拆毁的话能使人绊倒,也会伤害人。当我们对某个人说出不好的话,就是在咒诅他们。同样的,若我们的口是说出赞美的话,说好话,那么这些好的事肯定也要成就在我们的生命当中。因为我们的舌头是带着权柄的,当我们的口说出什么话,就要成就什么样的事。



The Giant Killer

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hebrews 7:25- “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”
Many will believe that God is able to do all things, He is able to heal, He is able to rescue, He is able to supply, He is able to deliver,
but when it comes to whether He is willing to heal them, deliver them, rescue and supply them, there's always a doubt. Doubting that
yes God is able to do that, but does He willing to do that on me? My friends, when you go to God through Jesus, the great high priest who
has done all things for us, don't just know that He is able but He is willing to! Only He can save you completely from all those issues of life,
and He lives to intercede for you and I! So whatever it is, we know that we have Jesus who constantly save us completely, which means you're saved
from sickness completely, you're saved from lack completely, you're saved from depression completely, and guess what completely means totally!
When Jesus intercedes for you, when your case is at His hand, guess what, He will always win! He's the best counselor, the best lawyer! So,
Run to Jesus when you face giants in life, and He is able and willing to save you completely, for He's your giant killer!

Valuable Than The Birds

Monday, November 2, 2015

Matthew 6:26- Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Have you ever seen a bird talking to another bird worrying on their next meal?
Have you ever seen that a bird was so emotional that it doesn't even want to fly or even sing?
God says look at the birds of the air, they do nothing, they have no place to store their food, and yet everyday they find their
supply, because the Heavenly Father feeds them! God wants us to be as worry free as the bird, and
constantly be in a joyful state, singing our song and knowing that I do not have to worry what shall I eat, what shall I wear, where
can this opportunity come from, where to find the right person, because all these things that we need, He knows!
Therefore, if we can know how much more valuable we are than the birds, that Jesus came to die not for the birds, but for you and I,
so shouldn't we be much more worry free than the bird? Shouldn't we all the more singing louder than the bird?
Because we know we have a good Father that will always supply all our needs more than we ask and imagine!
Say it with me today: I am more valuable than a bird, if my Heavenly Father can feed them, I shall find my supply in Him too!
I fear nothing, for I have Him!


Monday, November 2, 2015

约 10:10 - 盗贼来,无非要偷窃、杀害、毁坏;我来了,是要叫羊(或作“人”)得生命,并且得的更丰盛。





Monday, November 2, 2015


祂不愿意看见一切的问题、压力、忧虑、 苦毒来埋葬我们。。。祂要我们的每一天都可以来向神歌唱,因为祂是用厚恩待我们的神(诗篇13:6)。
