2023 见证分享 Testimony Sharing 1
Irene Tan
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
I had problems with my ankles for many years. Sometimes the pain could prevent me from walking up and down any sloping surface, no need mention going up and down the stairs. I prayed a lot over my ankles in 2023 claiming healing from Christ’s finished work at the cross.
Two weeks ago, I went to Gulin, China. I walked and climbed many flights of stairs - 20,000 steps in one day, and up 57 flights of stairs also when going to Ruyi Peak. Praise the Lord, I had no problem with my ankles at all. I is really a proof that my ankle problems were completely healed!
Who but Jesus could have healed me because I did not see any doctor for healing but only went to Jesus. I praise His Holy Name. All glory to Him. Amen!