Daily Devotion 每日灵修

In His Grace 在祂恩典里

Sunday, February 25, 2024

1 Peter 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
彼得前书 2:10 你们从前算不得子民,现在却作了神的子民;从前为曾蒙怜恤,现在却蒙了怜恤。

Always remember that what we have today is solely because of the finished works of God, it is never by our obedience and achievement but only by what Christ has done for us at the cross. How wonderful it is to know that though once we were separated from God and we were not his people, we were there helpless and living in a slavery life. But because of Jesus, He despised all the shame that he faced, knowing that the greater joy is ahead, He chose to die for all of us, not only that He brought us out and gave us the identity as a child of God! It is because of Jesus, that now you've been transferred to the kingdom of God. You are now the child of God with authority, and not only that you're now in His grace! We did not enjoy grace before but now because of Jesus, we enjoy such amazing grace of Him! In His grace and mercy, we found hope and life! Always remember, in His grace, you have supply and you shall not be in want!


It Has Ended 你悲哀的日子完毕了

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Isaiah 60:20 Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.
以赛亚书 60:20 你的日头不再下落,你的月亮也不退缩;因为耶和华必作你永远的光,你悲哀的日子也完毕了。

You may feel like giving up right now, but do you know that God loves you dearly? That even before you give up, He chose to give up His one and only son, Jesus for your total life prosperity. He has made you holy and sanctified, and has given you all things pertaining to life! So, life in Christ is a life full of hope, life in Christ is life full of glory, life in Christ is life full of joy! You may not be seeing now, but expect the manifestation of good things to happen to you beginning from today! Jesus has done all things for you, giving you life more abundantly, therefore do not give up, do not be dismayed, let Jesus be your everlasting light and help, and remember your days of sorrow has ended, your days of sickness has ended, your days of losing hope has ended!!


The Only Sure Foundation 你必得安稳

Friday, February 23, 2024

Isaiah 33:6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.
以赛亚书 33:6 ‭‭你一生一世必得安稳,有丰盛的救恩,并智慧和知识,你以敬畏耶和华为至宝。‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

A foundation is something that you build upon, and it causes the building unshakable. Likewise, in life, we cannot lay our lives on unsure and shaky foundation, for when storms come and rain falls, a weak foundation cannot sustain our lives! Therefore, know that Jesus is your sure foundation and you'll end up unshakable! We are to lay our lives on His Word, on His finished work, and let what He has said and done become our definite and sure foundation! In Him, we shall find rich store of salvation, and salvation includes wholeness, health, abundance and rescue! My friend, you're in Christ, and that makes you more than a conqueror!! So stand firm in Christ and nothing can move you! ‬‬


With You Always 时刻与你同在

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Genesis 28:15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
创世记 28:15 我也与你同在,你无论往哪里去,我必保佑你,领你归回这地,总不离弃你,直到我成全了向你所应许的。

God remains faithful even if there are times that we are faithless. He keeps His Word and know that when He said He is with you, He means what He says! When God is with you, know that you're never alone, but you have a strong back up, He is strong enough to sustain you! Not only that, He watches you wherever you go, you've a constant protection so therefore you do not need to worry about anything, for God is always your support! Beloved, trust that Jesus is with you watching over you wherever you are, build your life in this truth and realize His presence, there's no deeper comfort than knowing in your heart that He is with you always! He will not leave you nor forsake you until he sees whatever that He promised you was done, manifested in your life!


Follow The Shepherd 跟随牧者

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Revelation 7:17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’
启示录 7:17 因为宝座中的羔羊必牧养他们,领他们到生命水的泉源。神也必擦去他们一切的眼泪。

A sheep is the shepherd's responsibility, and you can never see a sheep lead it's shepherd alone. Likewise, you are the sheep and Jesus is the shepherd. You're His responsibility and you can never go on your own. But even if you fall into the pit today, even though you walked through the valley of the shadow of death; know that the rod and the staff of Jesus is always ever ready to lift you up and comfort you! Moreover, as it is a shadow of death, a shadow can never harm you! Therefore you can be assured today that there's no issue bigger than Jesus! So my dear friends, whatever sorrow you have today, know that Jesus has put a full stop to your problems. At the cross, He has put a full stop over your sickness, lack, curses, broken marriage and all! So, Let Him be your shepherd today, and as you follow Him, you'll encounter that He is the best comfort, He is the provider and He is the only source of joy! ‬‬‬‬‬‬


Effortless 不费力

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
出埃及记 14:14 耶和华必为你们争战,你们只管静默,不要作声。

Beloved, no matter what you are facing right now, be still and rest in the love of God that sets you free and gives you peace. Perhaps you are currently facing issues in your workplace which is beyond your ability to settle, but you are to take heart, God's beloved, receive what the Lord has done for you effortlessly and see how God turn the bad into good. If you are dealing with broken relationship right now, receive the restoration Jesus has won for you effortlessly knowing that He loves you without condition. In times of sick, rest effortlessly in Christ and believe that by His stripes, you are healed and made whole. When you are lacking, receive effortlessly from Jesus for He is your shepherd and you shall not be in want. When you are overwhelming with pressure and stress, rest effortlessly in the shadow of His wing knowing that He covers and guides your way, in Him, you are led to success! When God is for you, nothing can be against you. When God is with you, you are a successful person. So, be effortless and receive the unmerited favor with unconditional love of God in life. With Him, your path will become even brighter. Is Jesus, who carries you gently on His own shoulders protecting you and loving you all the times in all the circumstances. Amen!


Path Of The Righteous 义人的路

Monday, February 19, 2024

Proverbs 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
箴言 4:18 但义人的路好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。

Righteousness cannot be gained by your good works or even your effort. Righteousness is what Christ has purchased and given to those who believe in Him. The moment when you accept Jesus, you are righteous! And this righteousness is unshakable and cannot be removed. You will not lose the righteousness because Jesus has done a perfect sacrifice for all of us! Because of that, we are to enjoy this identity that God has given us, being as a righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus, you enjoy a lot of benefits as a righteous!The path of your future is shining even brighter than your yesterday, for this is a gift to those who are in Christ. As a child of God, don't dwell and mourn over yesterday but move forward knowing that the day ahead is better, greater and brighter! For Good things are in store for you! ‬‬‬‬


Your Sins Are Removed 你的罪被除去了

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Micah 7:19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
弥迦书 7:19 必再怜悯我们,将我们的罪孽踏在脚下,又将我们的一切罪投于深海。

How wonderful and blessed to know that God will remember our sins no more, solely because of the perfect performance and sacrifice of Jesus alone! If we are to achieve salvation by our own, the word of God says that it's impossible. For only the perfect blood of Jesus is able to remove us from all sins and iniquities. My friend, in Christ there's no longer condemnation, your identity has changed from a sinner to a righteous man in Christ! Therefore, when Jesus has tread your sins underfoot and throw all your iniquities into the deep sea, why would you hold on to it? You're set free my friend, not because of how good you are but how good Jesus is! Therefore live your life knowing that Jesus has become your basis, and ultimately when sin is no longer hindering you, you're able to take freely all your inheritance!


Faithful Servant 忠心的好管家

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Luke 12:42 The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time?
路加福音 12:42 主说:谁是那忠心有见识的管家,主人派他管理家里的人,按时分粮给他们呢?

Hi friend, are you a faithful servant today? First of all, we are to know that we are servant because all that we have is neither from ourselves nor earn by ourselves, but all that we have are all from God-the Maker of all things. In Him, all things held together, He is the sources of everything. Therefore, the gifting, talent, abilities, prosperity, assets, time, spirit, soul, body, health, wealth and even a mouth of breath are all from God. So with all that God has placed in our life, do we handle them with the will of God? The will of God is for us to live life more abundantly, so do you? His plan is to prosper us and not harm us, do we live out our life that way? Our God gives us authority to build instead of destroy, do we use it correctly? When we are faithful to what He has assigned to us, He will surely bless us and give us more than what we can imagine of. Remember this, friend, whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? (Luke 16:10-11) So what is the least in the eye of God? Is money, therefore, dare to bless others around you who is in need. We are blessed to be a blessing! If we can trust God in the least-money, only then we can trust God in bigger things such as healing, prosperity, peace, joy, good relationship, and all that He has done at the cross 2024 years ago! So, let's response to the unfailing love of God with all that we can. In Him, we are truly blessed!

嗨朋友,今天你是一位忠心的好管家吗?首先,我们当知道我们之所以是管家因为我们所拥有的一切既不是从我们自己来的,更不是我们所能赚取的,而我们所拥有的一切都是从那一位创造天地万物的主宰而来的。在祂里面,一切都靠祂而立,祂才是所有一切的源头。因此,恩赐、才干、能力、丰盛、资产、时间、灵魂体、健康、富贵、甚至是我们所能吸进的一口气,都是从神而来的。我们既有了神所给与的一切,是否有照着神的旨意来使用它们呢?神的旨意是要我们活得更丰盛,你是这样活着的吗?祂的计划是赐平安的意念而不是降灾祸的意念,我们是否照着如此活着的呢?我们的神给我们权柄是来建立而不是拆毁,我们是否用得正确呢?当我们忠心于神所托付的一切时,祂肯定祝福我们超乎我们所能想象的。朋友,你当晓得,人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心;在最小的事上不义,在大事上也不义。倘若你们在不义的钱财上不忠心,谁还把那真实的钱财托付你们呢? (路加福音16:10-11) 在神的眼中什么才是最小的事呢?是钱财,因此,大胆地祝福身边有需要的人。我们被祝福为成为众人的祝福!倘若我们在最小的事上-钱财上能信靠神,那么我们才能在更大的事上信靠祂,就包括了医治、丰盛、平安、喜乐、好的关系并且耶稣2024年前在十字架上所成就的一切!所以,让我们竭尽所能来回应神那永远不变的大爱吧!在祂里面,我们是何等蒙福啊!

He Came To Serve 祂来乃是要服事人

Friday, February 16, 2024

Matthew 20:28 Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
马太福音 20:28 正如人子来,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人。并且要舍命,作多人的赎价。

Do you know that Jesus came not to be serves but to serve you? All He has in mind is you, all He wants to do is for you! Therefore, you have to know that whatever you need in life, He understands and He has accomplish for you! He has done all that healing you need, all that supply that you need and all that you need pertaining life! He came as a ransom, to take away all of our sins so that we can have a new life, a new identity in Him. When Jesus died, He took all of our sins down with Him, He took all of the curses, sickness and poverty; but when He is alive, He brings God down to us! Today know that He came to serve you, giving you life and life abundantly, a life of health, a life of victory, a life of unceasing joy! Remember, He remembers your sins no more, so why should you? He has cleansed it and no one can reverse His finished work, so accept who you are in Christ and enjoy all that He has blessed you with!


His Word 祂的话

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Isaiah 55:11 So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
以赛亚书 55:11 我口所出的话也必如此,决不徒然返回,却要成就我所喜悦的,在我发它去成就的事上必然亨通。

Do you believe the power of God’s word? In Luke1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God” tells us clearly that God means what He said. Just like what we can see in Genesis Chapter 1, God created the world by His word. (Hebrews11:3) When God said “Let there be light” and there was light. (Genesis1:3) Whatever God said, things happened according to His word. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. (Psalm33:9) So, stop listening to what the world says, do not focus on what the circumstances say, do not entertain what your feeling says, but start to listen to what the Lord says and even start to proclaim the word of God in your life. His word says “you are rich, you are prosperous”, and therefore you are to live life abundantly as what the word of God proclaimed! His word says “by His stripes you are healed”, and therefore you are healthy and well in Him! His word says “restoration is yours”, and therefore whatever brokenness you have in life shall be restored by God’s glory! His word says “God can multiplies 5 loaves and 2 fishes”, and therefore your life shall be overflows with lots of blessings! His word says ”God opened red sea through Moses”, and therefore you can open the red sea in life through the tremendous power in you where it seems to be no way! His word says “Peter walked on the water”, so do you, can walk on top of your problems! So, grab what the word of God says, believe from heart and act on what the promises of God said! Surely, you are to receive freely and effortlessly from Him!

你相信神话语的能力吗?在路加福音1:37 “因为出于神的话,没有一句不带能力的”很清楚告诉我们神说话算话。就如同我们能在创世纪第一章里看见, 神藉着祂的话创造了世界 (希伯来书11:3) 当神说“要有光”, 就有光。(创世记1:3) 神说什么,事情就照着祂所说的成就了。祂说有就有,命立就立。(诗篇33:9) 所以,停止听世界所说的,不要专注环境怎么说,别去理会你的感觉怎么样,而开始听神怎么说,并且开始宣告神的话在你的生命中。祂的话说“你是富足,你是丰盛的”,那么你就是过着如同神的话说那丰盛般的生命!祂的话说“因祂受鞭伤,你全然得医治”,那么在祂里面你就是健康的!祂的话说“修复是你的”, 那么不管你所面对怎样的破碎,你都能在神的荣耀里完全被修复了!祂的话说”神能倍增五饼二 鱼”, 那么在你的生命中肯定是福杯满溢的!祂的话说“神藉着摩西开红海””, 那么在你生命中同样也能经历神那浩大的能力,如何在看似没有出路的时候开启那红海!祂的话说“彼得能走在水面上“, 同样的你也能走在你生命中的问题上!所以,捉住神的话所说的,从心里相信并且按着神的应许来行动!很肯定的,你必从神白白且毫不费力地领受!

Combine It With Faith 与信心调和

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hebrews 4:2 For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.
希伯来书 4:2 因为有福音传给我们,像传给他们一样,只是所听见的道与他们无益,因为他们没有信心与所听见的道调和。

Dear friend, what have you been listening recently? Are you hearing the gospel-the good news, the word of God, or you are hearing the word of men nor the voice of the world which consist of lots negativity? Every morning when we open our eyes and awake from sleep, what are we paying attention to? Are we hearing the economic downturn happened in this world? Or we hear how God supplies all our needs according to His glorious riches and combine it with faith by living our life abundantly? In time of worrying, choose to hear the solutions God can settle and combine it with faith by living worry-free life knowing nothing is too hard for God instead of complain nor give up. When you are sick, hear and receive the healing from Jesus as He has bore the stripes that made you whole, combine it with faith and live healthily in Christ. Combine the gospel with faith when you are having broken relationship knowing that the love of God can restore the relationship and make it even better than before. In everyday life, hear the gospel and combine it with faith for Jesus has done it all! Let not your heart be troubled nor dismay knowing that Jesus has bought you at a price with His own life. So, stop doubting the finished work of Christ but to believe and receive by faith from the bottom of our heart. Live our life full of value and live out the blessed life full of gospel in the love, hope, peace and joy in Christ Jesus! We are truly blessed as we can hear the gospel and combine it with faith in our daily life!


Valuable Than The Birds 比飞鸟贵重

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
马太福音 6:26 你们看那天上的飞鸟,也不种,也不收,也不积蓄在仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它。你们不比飞鸟贵重的多吗?

Have you ever seen a bird talking to another bird worrying on their next meal? Have you ever seen that a bird was so emotional that it doesn't even want to fly or even sing? God says look at the birds of the air, they do nothing, they have no place to store their food, and yet everyday they find their supply, because the Heavenly Father feeds them! God wants us to be as worry free as the bird, and constantly be in a joyful state, singing our song and knowing that I do not have to worry what shall I eat, what shall I wear, where can this opportunity come from, where to find the right person, because all these things that we need, He knows! Therefore, if we can know how much more valuable we are than the birds, that Jesus came to die not for the birds, but for you and I, so shouldn't we be much more worry free than the bird? Shouldn't we all the more singing louder than the bird? Because we know we have a good Father that will always supply all our needs more than we ask and imagine! Say it with me today: I am more valuable than a bird, if my Heavenly Father can feed them, I shall find my supply in Him too! I fear nothing, for I have Him!


By Your Side 在你身旁

Monday, February 12, 2024

Hebrews 13:5 …“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Dear friend, regardless what kind of situation you are in today, always remember that there is someone who is available for you at all time, loving you, caring you, and taking you through in all the circumstances, that man is Jesus. No matter what is the situation, when Jesus comes, bad turn into good and impossible into possible. When Jesus is by your side, nothing formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17)! When Jesus is by your side, poverty turn into prosperity (2Corinthians 8:9). When Jesus is by your side, sadness turn into happiness. When Jesus is by your side, worries turn into excitement. When Jesus is by your side, sinful turn into no sin. When Jesus is by your side, tear turn into comfort. When Jesus is by your side, weak becomes strong. When Jesus is by your side, you are a successful person! When Jesus is by your side, you are more than conquerors! Dear friend, remember that you are so precious in His sight. He loves you, He treasures you more than anything else. You are His heartbeat. You are the apple of His eyes. So, no matter what is happening in your life or what might comes your way, be bold and courageous knowing that God is behind the scenes. Do not give up but to trust and rely on Jesus who is always by your side making sure that everything is all right for you. Surely you will be blessed when you have Jesus in your life. Amen!


He Hears You 祂听见你的呼求

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Psalm 18:3 I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.
诗篇 18:3 我要求告当赞美的耶和华;这样我必从仇敌手中被救出来。

Many of times people will ask, whether God listens to their prayers or does God even to care to hear their cries? But do you know that right even before you cry out, right before you ask, He knows everything and He surely cares! He has plan all things for you according to His good purposes, so my friends, no matter what happen around you today, don't panic, God hears you, even the tiniest sighing that you had. He knows your situation, and He is always ever ready to help! Call on to The Lord, for He is mighty to save you from all enemies! So all you need to do is to watch and be at rest and see how The Lord fights the battle for you!


Be Strong In Grace 在恩典上刚强起来

Saturday, February 10, 2024

‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬2 Timothy 2:1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
提摩太后书 2:1 我儿啊,你却要在基督耶稣的恩典上刚强起来。

You might be facing great challenges now that make you weak and unbearable. You might be feeling giving up in life, thinking that it is hard for you to move on. But do you know that God is a God of Hope? He is your source of solutions and help? Whatever that seems to be great challenges, His grace is always sufficient enough to sustain you and lead you through! Dear friends, be strong in the grace that's in Christ Jesus, He called you to be strong not depending on your own, but instead lean on and rely on His grace! His grace is inexhaustible, unending and overflowing; in His Grace, you find unmerited favor, even when your performance isn't good, even if you may be faithless at times, but in His grace, you can be strong! You can still move on, you can lift up your head! You are still more than a conqueror in life! There's nothing about your performance, but solely Jesus' perfect performance! Lean on Him today, and know that life has not come to the end yet, He is your way and hope!


He Is Mighty! 祂是充满能力的!

Friday, February 9, 2024

1 Samuel 2:2 There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.
撒母耳记上 2:2 只有耶和华为圣,除祂以外没有可比的,也没有磐石像我们的神。

Do you know that the God that you believe in, our Abba Father He is so great and mighty! Change your perception of Him today by meditating and realizing His mighty works and wonderful works in your life! If David can defeat Goliath by trusting God, so are you today! If Moses is able to open the Red Sea by following the instruction of God, so are you! My friends, God is the solid rock in our lives, He is the only foundation and support. Trust in Him today, instead of looking at your giants, look to God! As you compare both, you'll realize that He is stronger, bigger and greater!


The Signs 神迹

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Mark 16:20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
马可福音 16:20 门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!

Dear friend, are you aware that something is going to happen in your life? As what stated in the verse mentioned above, great and mighty things are going to happen in your life! When you heard the word of God-the gospel that brings good news, it carries power in your life and when you preach it, wonderful and amazing things that you never think of are going to happen! Are you ready for it? You shall witness how water turned into wine; You will see how impossible become possible; You shall testify how a sick body becomes whole and healthy when you believe; You will see lacking becomes more than enough; You shall witness death comes to alive! So, dare to speak the word of God and be ready to receive the abundant blessings God has prepared for you! Signs and wonders are following you that you may testify and glorify the Almighty God you trust today! Hallelujah!!!


No One Else But God Alone 别无他人,惟有神

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Psalms 75:6-7 No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges; He brings one down, he exalts another.
诗篇 75:6-7 因为高举非从东,非从西,也非从南而来。惟有神断定,祂使这人降卑,使那人升高。

Dear brother and sister in Christ, do you know that you are the chosen one to be blessed and exalted in life? When we trust God in life, our heads are lifted up and we are full of glory, for nothing can be achieved by our own efforts but all things are done by Jesus Christ alone. Is Him, who will never let the one who trusts in Him be put to shame! Therefore, you can be assured knowing that when God is with you, nothing can be against you. When God is for you, nothing is too hard that He cannot solve for you. Today, no matter what challenges you are facing, know that God is there to exalt you and lead you into triumphal. You no longer need to compromise to the sickness in your body knowing that God is there to heal and exalt you for His glory! Though the world economic is not in good condition, but do know that no one from the east or the west or the desert can exalt you, means that is not the good economic can exalt you, but is God who exalts you according to His glorious riches! No matter what you need to do or what you need to decide today, be firm and bold knowing that no one else can caused you trouble, no one else can exalts you either, but the Lord your God has chosen you and exalts you in life for His glory! So, trust in Him in all that you do, acknowledge Him in all your ways, surely your better days are ahead of you, for you have the great shepherd-JESUS CHRIST, walking in front of you leading you to a higher and better place.


Pray 祷告

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
路加福音 18:1 耶稣设一个比喻,是要人常常祷告,不可灰心。

Dear friend, do you know why do we pray? We pray not because it is a religion activity, but we pray because we are building the relationship with the Father, just like how we talk to each others to know more about the others. We pray not because we are commanded to pray but we pray because it is part of our life. We pray not because we are begging for something but we pray simply because we know we cannot yet God can. Friend, prayer is all about giving thanks and it is time for us to take up our authority to proclaim and speak life over our situations! Whatever circumstances we are in right now, do not give up but to pray continually for we shall surely see things happen in our favor because the prayer of a righteous man-you and I (as we are justified by faith through grace in Christ) is powerful and effective! So, we are to pray, believe and receive from the Almighty God in whom we trust!
