It's Done
John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "it is finished" with that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
约翰福音 19:30 耶稣尝了那醋,就说:[成了] !便低下头,将灵魂交付神了。
Do you know that whatever it is that Jesus is doing, it is always because of you? You are the very reason that He came, He died and He resurrected! Therefore, you have to be assured that even if you fail, or even if you made a mistake, He never comes at your best, but instead while you were still a sinner, Christ chose to die for you! The moment when Jesus said " It is finished", you have to know that all your sins and iniquities on Him has been dealt with, it has been judged and punished! and it is done! The sickness, curses and poverty has been on Him and He has dealt with them all! Therefore, the healing that you need for your body is done! The supply and abundance of life that you need is done! The good success and good life that you need is done! All that you need in life is done! So all you need to do today is to receive and say "Thank you Lord, I receive!" Amen!