Ephesians 5:1 - Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children.
Imitate carries meaning like take and follow one as a model, echo, parrot, follow and impersonate; however many of times, people will tend to see imitating God as something burdensome and it gives them great pressure in learning how to impersonate and take Christ as a model. But do know that when Paul was writing this, he did not mean that we are to be burdensome in being imitators of God, but instead there is secret lying in this verse.
Paul said "be imitators of God, as dearly loved children", he means that you can imitate God because you are God's children. You do it by natural and not by force. Children of God will act like God because it is their born again nature, which means being generous is never by force but instead this characteristic that your Father in Heaven has is already in your born again nature, being rejoicing all the time is never by force but instead this characteristic that your Father in Heaven has is already in your born again nature, the same goes with being forgiving all the time is never by force but instead this characteristic that your Father in Heaven has is already in your born again nature! Therefore, being generous, being joyful and being forgiving is not something that you are to do it by force, it is never burdensome, but the secret lies on "AS DEARLY LOVED CHILDREN". If you will realize how much you are loved by God, if you will have this revelation of who you are and what you have in Christ, you will live life imitating your Father in Heaven out of love, instead of out of fear.
Many Christians nowadays trying to live life imitating the Father in Heaven out of fear, believing in teachings like if they do not do this, if they do not behave like Him, if they are not like Him, then God will not love them anymore. Hence, fear is never a motivation, but love is. The moment you know how your Father in Heaven dearly loves you, you will live out your born again nature, you will be like Him, you will eventually talk like Him, you will react like Him, you will do what He does, you will love what He loves, you will see what He sees, you just want to be like the one you love!
The New Living Translation gives a great view of this verse "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children." In everything you do you can imitate God just because you are His dear children!! How wonderful to know that becoming like Him, transforming from glory to glory is never relying on our effort, nor the force of fear, but instead the Father's love! Therefore, let no one deceive you that you cannot, you can, not because of you are capable to, but because it is already in your born again nature!