Isaiah 14:24 The Lord Almighty has sworn, "Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand."
No matter what the circumstance says, do not listen to it but be attentive to what God says, for what the circumstance says cannot determine your life but the word of God does.
God has planned to give you abundant life, so it will be in your life. (john10:10) Poverty has nothing to do with you because Jesus is here to prosper you and supply all your needs according to His glorious riches. (Phil4:19)
God has purposed to give you healthy body, so it will stand in your life. By the stripes of Jesus, you are healed. (Isa53:4-5)
God has planned to bless you wherever you go, so it will be in your life. (Deu28:6) So, no matter where you are, you are blessed with the favor and goodness of God. (Psa23:6)
God has purposed you to be free from condemnation, so it will stand. (Rom8:1) Regardless how many weaknesses you have, stop condemning yourself for Christ has won it all, you are strengthen by the grace of God. (2Cor12:9-10)
God has planned to set you at the high place, so it will be in your life. (Psa91:14) Because the Lord is with you, you are a successful person who holds the position in your career and business. (Deu28:13-14)
God has purposed you to reign in life, so it will stand in your life. (Rom5:17) We can now reign in life by standing on top of the troubles knowing that we are the righteous one because Christ has done it all.
So, stop leaning on our feeling to live our daily life by seeing things happening around us, but instead, look to the cross and the finished work of Christ, it is time for us to receive by faith.
When God is with us, nothing can be against us! (Rom8:31)