Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Revelation of His Love

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Philippians 1:9- And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,

The love of God towards never change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever! However, when we come to Him, the revelation that we have on how much that He loves us determine how bold we are to face life! Therefore let this revelation about His love grows each day, so that you are able to live life and move on with confident expectations of good, assuring and securing in His love, and know that nothing that you can do to earn this love and nothing that you can perform for him to love you more! Now let the knowledge and depth of insight on the love of Jesus abound more and more in your life by meditating how much He loves you! My friends, the more you know how much that you've been love, it changes the way you think, the way you speak, and the way you act. For only Jesus' love is unfailing and empowering!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

John 3:17- For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

When you are working in an organization, your employer will give you a job description to tell you what are your responsibilities so that you can carry out your work. Do you know that Jesus' job description has only one thing? That is to save you. Jesus came as a Savior, and as a Savior, His work and responsibility is to save! Therefore, know that you're only not saved from the pit of hell by accepting salvation only, but every single day of your life, He is still a Savior!! He loves it when you call out to Him to save you from all sorts of situation! Dear friends, today know that Jesus came to you not to condemn but to save, therefore put your trust in Him instead of yourself, for He is able to save you from depression, fear and all issues of life!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

番 3:17 - 耶和华你的神是施行拯救、大有能力的主!祂在你中间必因你欢欣喜乐,默然爱你,且因你喜乐而欢呼。





Wednesday, April 20, 2016




这就是爲何你必須学习如何管好你的口舌,只对生命說出积极的话语,因为你所说出来的,将引导你走向怎么样的人生。話一說出口,不是造就你,就是毁灭你,而这都取决于你。 今天,你信耶稣吗?你信在人所不能的,在神凡事都能吗?你信已经被救赎蒙祝福了吗?当你信,林后4:13说:“但我们既有信心,正如经上记着说:‘我因信,所以如此说话。’我们也信,所以也说话”。哈利路亚!

God of The Living

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Luke 20:38- “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”
Today whatever that you see them as death, be it your health, or the medical report that you just received; be it the financial debts that you have right now that seems overwhelming for you to solve, but remember Jesus is your Savior! Saving you is His job description, to see you living life abundantly is His job, and ultimately as one who loves you deeply wants to see you living life, loving it and see good days! My dear friends, Jesus is the Source of life, so see yourself in Christ and see Christ in you today, know that you are no longer a sinner, but you have Christ in you the hope of glory! As you know that you are never alone in this journey, as you know that you have Jesus living in you, you shall witness the manifestation of His health, His provision and His divine nature. Remember, as He is, so are you in this world!

He Holds Your Tomorrows

Monday, April 18, 2016

Jeremiah 29:11- “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”

My dear friends, you are not without God today, that you do not know whether your future is in a good hand or not. Know that God is outside time, He is not limited by time, and of course He as the Alpha and Omega has already knew your beginning and the end. But you have to know that even if there are negative voices around you, God is the one who holds your future, He has the best interest of you, and He knows where He is leading you to. Therefore, are you trusting God to be God? Or you are trying to take hold of your own? Cease from your own effort and rely on Him instead!
Dear friends, God is taking care of you, constantly and always! He has well planned your future, and it's a plan that is full of peace and hope! Be assured today that your best days are ahead, for God is the planner of your life! :)


Monday, April 18, 2016

希 10:23 - 也要坚守我们所承认的指望,不至摇动,因为那应许我们的是信实的。





Monday, April 18, 2016



Know That You're Forgiven

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Psalms 103:3- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

The hindrance for you to receive the finished work of Jesus is when you do not know that you are forgiven. When you all the more think that you are sinful, you cannot be forgiven, that is the time that you are unable to enjoy whatever that He has purchased for you with His life! My dear friends, the finished work of Jesus removes all your sins and He remembers your sins no more! It is for once and for all He removed them, not by the blood of bulls and goats, but by His own precious blood! Therefore, when you know that you're forgiven, healing started to manifest; goodness started to manifest, the desires of your heart fulfilled and renewal of youth happens! When Jesus has already forgiven you, why do you want to hold on to your past anymore? As a new creation in Christ, you are already forgiven, set free, holy, righteous and without blemish!

His Faithful Love Endures Forever

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Psalm 136:1- “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
No matter the surrounding is good or not, but the Lord remains good forever. His goodness is never determine by any of your circumstances, his goodness is not also determine by your feeling, or whether you are able to feel His presence or not, but His goodness remains the same all the time! Therefore, you can always say the Lord is good all the time, and all the time He is good! Irregardless how you feel, be assured that His goodness to you never change, and His faithful love to you endures forever! Mountains may be shaken, hills may be removed, but one thing never change: His love and faithfulness towards you! So Rest in His love today, and be assured that He shall still the storms of your life! Declare to yourself with confident and believe it so today: the Lord is good and His mercy and faithful love endures forever!


Saturday, April 16, 2016

虽然你有像保罗在使徒行传20:22-23所面对的经历,就是不知道前面会遇见什么样的事情,但是你要知道你拥有圣灵居住在你心里,作为你的保惠师他不断提醒指教你耶稣所说过的一切话,好叫你能够跨过难题并且享受耶稣为你战胜的胜利!(约14:26 & 罗8:37)

Your Shepherd Is Ahead Of You

Friday, April 15, 2016

Dear friend, are you losing your direction in life? Are you standing in the midst of trouble and do not know what to decide and how to move on?
Though we might face hardship in life, but you can take heart, for Jesus who loves you so much has conquered it all for you. (John16:33)
Maybe you don't know what will happen to you in your future like what the Apostle Paul encountered in Acts20:22-23, but you are to know that the Holy Spirit is now dwelling in you as your counselor who is there to remind you what did Jesus say to you in order for you to walk through the difficult time and enjoy the victory Jesus has won for you! (John14:26 & Romans 8:37)
Remember that your life is to shine and testify how great is our God (Acts20:24), therefore, nothing is too big that God cannot solve for you. What men cannot do, God can. (Mat19:26)
Right now, cast all your cares to God, rest in His love and you will surely experience how He turns water into wine and how He calms the surging seas in your life.
So, let not your heart be troubled nor dismay, your shepherd is ahead of you to clear all the blockages in your life.
Follow Him closely and recognize His voice. You will surely be led to the green pastures and enjoy all that you need in life.
Jesus is the good shepherd, so let's commit our life into His hands and trust Him whole heartedly. (John10:11)
He is our good shepherd, we shall not be in want! (Psa23:1)
He is our good shepherd, we are well protected in Him!
With the leading of our good shepherd, our life are secured and prosperous!


Friday, April 15, 2016

约 14:7 - 你们若认识我,也就认识我的父。从今以后,你们认识他,并且已经看见他。”





Friday, April 15, 2016

彼得前书1:3 愿松赞归于我们主耶穌基督的父神。祂曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶穌基督從死里复活,重生了我們,叫我们有活泼的盼望。


He Never Withhold

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Psalm 66:20- Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!

Do you know that you are more precious and much more valuable than the lilies of the field and the birds in the air? Your Heavenly Father takes care of them, supplying them their daily needs, that they do not need to worry where should they go and find food, where should they find protection and all! Therefore how much more you? The one whom belong to the Abba Father. How much more that He is a Father to you? That you have to be sure that you are now His responsibilities! Therefore, how wonderful to have Jesus as The Lord of our lives, that He does not reject your prayer and withheld his love from you! He loves you deeply, and you have to have that assurance that if God can give you Jesus, how much more the rest of the thing that you need in life! You are just simply so blessed and loved!

Secure in His Love

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ephesians 3:17- so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,

Never ever doubt that you're being loved, do know that even if man may fail you but God He will never fail you! Therefore, it is so important to root and establish in the love of Christ, knowing that how much He loves you empowers you in all affairs of life. It is only when you know and sure that He loves you unfailingly and unconditionally, that enables you to come boldly to the throne of grace and receive help in times of your need! My dear friends, it is Today, that you should know that nothing that you can do to make Him love you less, because when you were at your worst state, He already fall in love with you! While you were still a sinner, while you did not manage to do anything to please Him, Christ died for you! Hence, Secure yourself in His love today and move on boldly!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

太 9:12-13 - 耶稣听见,就说:“康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。经上说:“‘我喜爱怜恤,不喜爱祭祀。’这句话的意思,你们且去揣摩。我来,本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。”





Wednesday, April 13, 2016

罗马书 4:8 主不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。


He Foreknew

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Psalm 139:1- “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”
You are created by God, you are His workmanship, and right before you are in your mother's womb, He already knew you! Therefore, if you think that no one understands you, then you're wrong, Jesus knows you well! He knows every single details of your life, He knows what are going to happen next in your future, He is the Alpha and Omega, He saw and fore knew every thing in your life! Therefore, you can rest and assure that when a Father who loves you deeply holds and knows your future, you can rely on His unfailing love to lead you each day! My friends, Even if you have weaknesses, even if you fail, but He knows it all and He never gives up on you, He still loves you now and forever! No one knows you like He does and yet no one can love you like Him!

Getaway with Jesus

Monday, April 11, 2016

Matthew 11:28- “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.."

Do you know that even when no one cares, God he still cares for you? Do you know that even people are walking out from your life now, He will never ever walked out from your life? Do you know that even when you made a mistake, or even when you're in your weaknesses, God is still loving you like a Father and He never ever judge you by your conduct? That's how much He loves and cares! So my friend, are you tired or burn out? Come to Jesus, have a getaway with Him and let Him show you what's a real rest; as you getaway with Him instead of getting away with your worries, fears, condemnation and all, Jesus is your best companion! So no matter what, know that He is able to calm the storms of your life, and giving you a real rest like never before!