Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, December 1, 2014

雅 2:17 - 这样,信心若没有行为就是死的。


经上记着说:得着它的,就得着生命,又得了医全体的良药。(箴 4:22)就是说得着神的话,把它刻在心版上,昼夜思想,无论在什么环境中也要默想,直到你看见你的生命不再一样。你知道吗?神的福分不单单只是健康或是金钱而已。祂要我们凡事兴盛,就是包括我们的家庭,事业,关系,以及有关我们的一切!若要看见我们的生命是享美福的,我们就要禁止舌头不出恶言,不说诡诈的话。(彼前 3:10)意思就是我们不要埋怨,不要说出与神的话不符合的言语。今天我们口所出的话非常重要,我们的一举一动也同样的重要。我们的行为要与我们口所出的话要一致,要相称。因为我们要活出有行为的信心,好叫我们身边的人看见神的荣耀。

因此,我们要思念上面的事,不要思念地上的事。(西 3:2)就是我们要默想神的话,把神的话在我们的生命中活出来,好叫我们的生命是见证神的荣耀,是能让世人看见耶稣基督祂是真神。所以,我们不要只做口里有信心的基督徒,而是要做真的言行一致的基督跟随者,好让我们能荣耀神的名。阿门!+


Monday, December 1, 2014





The Word

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4 NIV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus is the Word made flesh, and the Word is Jesus himself. Therefore, do you know that how important it is that you need to feed your body in order to grow and to be fit? Likewise, the Word of God is your daily bread, you need to eat in order to see your spirit man grows! Therefore as a child of God, you can never say I do not want the Word, it will be like you're saying "I do not want to eat anything." If your body needs food, how much more you? The spirit man?

We all need the Word, we all need Jesus. The Bible is your heavenly bank, you find everything you want in it. The Word brings life, health, peace and abundance so that we should live life on earth as it is in heaven! Look upon to the supernatural, not the natural, the Word helps you in fixing your eyes and heart on it! :)

He Is The Good Father

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Today let's just meditate on the grace and what the Lord has done in our lives.

Psalm 103:1-5
Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits -
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's

The Lord has been faithfully good in our lives, instead of giving complains, start to give thanks.
Instead of speaking defeat, start to speak victory.
Instead of being fearful, draw near to Him! He has been too good to all of us that He has forgiven all our sins,
and healed all our diseases, and redeemed our lives from the pit and crowned us with love and compassion!
Thus, he is always here to satisfy your desires, with good things!
Praise the Lord today, let your soul too praise His holy name!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

诗篇 121:8 你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远。




Saturday, November 29, 2014

因此,祂已將又寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們既脫離世上從情慾來的敗壞,就得與上帝的性情有分。 (彼得彼書1:4)

我們很容易讓問題把我們壓倒,以致抬不起頭;當我們專注於問題時,我們只會感受到生活有多令人失望,令人無奈。但永遠記得,神的話語是安定我們的力量,而 我們必須去默想它,願意把更多的精力投入在神的話上,它才能在我们的生命中有能力。如果你總是看着眼前的問題與難處,就很容易會陷入低落的光景中。但是,當你專注於上帝要給我們的應 許上,你必得着勝利!啊們!


He Watches Over You

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Psalms 121:8 The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Dear friend, do you know how blessed you are that there is a God who is mighty and will not slumber watching over you?
No matter what you are facing right now, regardless what is the circumstance you are encountering, the Maker of heaven and earth is there to help you through.
God has sent His angels to be in front of us to clear the obstacles in the path of our lives. How beautiful it is!
The Lord will keep us from all harm and will watch over our life. He who watches over you will not slumber.
When we are sleeping, He is still awake to plan our tomorrow. He is the one leading us to the right place at the right time with the right blessings!
Praise the Lord!

So, wherever we step, wherever we go, let Jesus takes the lead.
Let Him be the lead in our life, surely, all things turn to be good and smooth in our life!

Powerful Tongue

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Jeremiah 1:9- Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth.

Do you know that your tongue carries power? Whatever that you speak of today equals to what you believe inside. One who believes in sickness will always talk about his sickness, one who is believe in failure will always counting his failures. Do know that death and life is under the power of the tongue and whoever loves it shall eat it's fruit. It means that whatever word that you said, they are seed. You are planting yourself a harvest, so what are the things that you want to plant? Thus, know that today your mouth has been anointed by God, so whatever you speak forth brings result. Instead of speaking about defeat, your fear, you anxiousness and depression, Start to speak the Word of God today and bear its fruits, so declare & believe now that "I have the same righteousness, same power, same health, same nature as Jesus!".


Thursday, November 27, 2014

诗 13:6 - 我要向耶和华歌唱,因祂用厚恩待我。

在我们生命中,每当有好的事情发生的时候,我们的心情是雀跃的,我们是大声欢呼的。而当不好的事情发生时,我们都会有消极的举动。其实,在圣经里告诉我们,就算我们在患难中受大试炼的时候,仍有满足的快乐,在极穷之间,还格外显出他们乐捐的厚恩。(林后 8:2)意思就是,当我们面对一个自己不能胜过的问题,或是看似没有出路的时候,我们仍然要在问题中有指望,因为我们的神是叫我们得益处的神,是开新的道路给我们的神,在祂里面没有难成的事。我们的反应显明了我们对神的信任,当我们明白主对我们的旨意,明白祂的爱有何等的浩大,我们就能信靠祂。

无论在何时何地,无论在高山低谷,我们都要向我们的神歌唱,因祂把万有都赐给了我们,并且我们所有所得的,祂都为我们持守。(诗 16:5)你知道吗?就算在我们处于最困难的时刻,最潦倒的时候,基督的爱都不曾离开过我们。在我们最不配的时候,耶稣还愿意为我们牺牲自己,被挂在木头上。这一切难道不比我们所面对的问题还大吗?朋友们,要保守我们的心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效是由心发出。(箴 4:23)你若要看见你的生命是丰盛的,那么你的思想就要先丰盛。意思就是我们不要有贫穷的思想,不要一直在埃及里埋怨,而是要看见神所为我们预备一切上好的福分。


Because He Says So

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Luke 5:5b - Simon answered, “......But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Whose word and whose report that you believe in today? Many times we believe in words that are not the truth, the Word of God tells us that the devil is the liar, which means he came and bring all sorts of lies to your life. Only the word of God is the truth, and only when you know the truth, the truth shall set your life free! Therefore, choose who do you want to listen to today! Just like Peter, instead of listening to his feeling and what his experience told him, he chose to listen to what Jesus said. He said, because you say so! Likewise in our lives, regardless what your situation says today, remember that Jesus has the final word; regardless how is your medical report, Jesus has the final report; regardless how is your financial situation, Jesus has the final say. Because He said so in His Word, and it settles it! Just like Peter, you'll catch the abundance of fish, the boat sinking experience!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

林前 3:6 - 我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了,惟有神叫他生长。

很多的基督徒每次都会在问,为什么我祷告了那么久,却没有看见事情的发生呢?为什么我禁食祷告,却还是没有果效?为什么我已经坚持到底的,不放弃的祷告,但是那么久了还是得不着呢?为什么这个人信主信了那么多年,却还是没有什么改变呢?为什么我为我孩子祷告他的改变,但是还是看不见事情的发生呢?很多的为什么,但是,经上也很清楚的告诉我们,我们祷告,无论求什么,只要信,就必得着。(太 21:22)其实是人们自己很着急,想要速成,想要随时就看见成果。但是,有没有想过,在自然界里,当你栽种的时候,起初是把一粒种子种进土里,但是这颗种子并没有随时就长成大树,而是日复一日,月复一月的不断浇灌,经过岁月的洗礼才能看见这颗种子最后肯定长成大树。就好比今天,若我们拿了一个大水桶,要把水桶装满水,我们也需要一段时间才能把水桶填满,而不是一开水喉就能把桶填满啊!同样的,今天你或许没有随时看见你要的结果,但是若你真信靠神,相信祂所说的必要做成,你总有一天会看见事情成就的,因为唯有神是叫他成长的。

朋友们,若要看见我们的生命是茁壮的成长,唯有把我们的根基立在磐石上,我们的生命才能稳固,而这磐石就是耶稣基督。唯有把我们的生命放在基督的话里,昼夜思想,才能看见我们的生命能出丰盛的果子。今天,不是我们能够做什么,不是我们有多厉害,多能干,而是当我们靠着那加给我们力量的,我们凡事都能做。(腓 4:13)唯有神的话能改变我们的心思意念,让我们能够站稳脚步,不被外来的事情给诱惑了。因此,当我们坚持到底,紧紧地跟随耶稣,就必看见我们的生命是不断的成长,并且是结出丰盛的果子的。阿门!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

撒母耳記上17: 45-46

在聖經中,當以色列人面對巨人歌利亞時,他們說:『巨人就是這麼大,我們沒有辦法可以擊敗他的』,他們極其驚惶害怕。但有一男子名叫大衛,非常年輕,卻有過人的勇氣。看到歌利亞,大家都覺得他是如此之大,根本就沒有機會可以打贏他的,大衛卻說:『這未受割禮 的非利士人是誰呢,竟敢藐視神的軍隊』? 他不退縮妥協,反而藐視敵人。
周圍的人都在嗤笑他。他們說:『大衛,你瘋了嗎?你是不可能打倒歌利亞 的,你只不過是個小子,什麼都不會』。 但大衛不把歌利亞放在眼裡,而是將眼光定睛在耶和華身上,他勇敢出去面對巨人。當歌利亞看到年輕的大衛時,他說:『那根杖是做甚麼的?你以為我是隻小狗嗎』? 意思是:『你難道沒有更好的武器可以攻擊我嗎』?但大衛卻不懼怕,因為他曉得他的神有多大!他知道當耶和華與他同在,他已經得勝了!大衛回答:『你来攻击我,是靠着武器。我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名,就是你所怒骂带领以色列军队的上帝,歌利亞,今天,上帝要把你交在我手裡,我要打敗你,砍下你的頭,我要把非利士軍兵的屍體丟給飛鳥野獸吃。這樣,普天下就知道以色列有一位上帝;這裏的每一個人也都知道上帝使人得勝,不需要用刀用槍。他戰無不勝;他要把你們交在我們的手中』。

如果你想讓生命變好,就要把神放大,把問題放小。不管面對的問題有多棘手,它們都沒有你的神大!開始轉換你的眼光,看向勝利;把心思意念調整到對的頻道,就是神的應許上。不要述說問題有多大, 而是敘述上帝有多偉大!宣告勝利,帶着自由和勇氣,向前邁進吧!上帝的祝福正在等着你!

我實在告訴你們,無論何人對這座山說:『你挪開此地,投在海裏!』他若心裏不疑惑,只信他所說的必成,就必給他成了。(馬可福音 11:23)

Afraid? Trust Jesus

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Psalm 56:3 - When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Do you know that fear will not empower you but instead it drains you up?
All the more you are worrying about something, all the more you will be afraid, and when you are afraid, you lose your peace and joy.
There are so much that you will lose when you are afraid, you have lose your confident, your boldness, and ultimately you lose your identity.
Being as a child of God, if we will really believe and be rooted that when Christ is with me who can be against me,
if we really believe and be rooted that the one in us is greater than the one in the world, that is our identity, and we shall have no fear!
Therefore, even in the midst of challenge, David was being seized by the Philistines, he said "when I am afraid, I will trust in you."
Which tells us that fear and trust cannot go along, if you are in fear, you are not in trust, and vice versa.
Thus, to trust means to rely and having confident expectation. God wants us to trust Him, to rely on Him, and to have a confident expectation on Him;
and we shall see the deliverance!
It happened to David, how much more us who are living in the new covenant, when God is in you and you are in Him, whom shall you fear?
What shall you afraid? Be bold today not because of your strength and intelligence, but instead because God is with you.

He Sends His Love & Faithfulness

Monday, November 24, 2014

Psalm 57:3 - He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me, God send his love and his faithfulness.

How wonderful to know that God is the keeper of your life! He is the everlasting help, He is faithful and most important thing is, He loves you!
Therefore, no matter what are the challenges that hotly pursuing you now, instead of trying to do it on your own effort, remember that God is with you!
When He is with you, nothing can be against you; when He is with you, He rebukes those who pursue you! So, even if the enemies are in front of you,
you know what God sends from heaven? He will send his love and his faithfulness to save you! He will send his grace to deliver you! When the God
Most High is with you, what are the things that you are afraid of? Why are you still downcast and not happy? Rejoice all the more, when you call for help;
your Abba Father in heaven will send His grace, His love, and His faithfulness to save you!!


Monday, November 24, 2014

诗 42:5 - 我的心哪,你为何忧闷?为何在我里面烦躁?应当仰望神,因祂笑脸帮助我,我还要称赞祂。


朋友们,我们应该学习在问题中仰望神,依靠祂。经上很清楚的告诉我们,“当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠祂,祂就必成全。” (诗 37:5)当我们学习依靠祂,放手让神来接手我们的事情,就变看见事情的发生,我们所盼所想的事情被成就。靠着我们自己或许你能做到,但是却是很多时候把自己搞得满身伤痕。但是,当我们依靠神,仰望祂,我们可以事半功倍,因为我们的主是爱我们的,祂已舍下一切万有的都给了我们,好让我们今天是可以享受在祂的丰盛里。要如何仰望神?要如何进入神的安息?其实很简单,没有繁杂的步骤,没有刁难的条件,只有一件事,就是单单在神的殿中,想念祂的慈爱,赞美祂,歌颂祂的名,相信并遵行祂的话。当我们天天思念上面的事,天天默想神的话,让神的话刻在我们的心版上,不离开我们的眼目,就必看见我们的生命不再一样了。


心眼 • 肉眼

Monday, November 24, 2014




Confident In The Lord

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Psalm 27:3 - Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.

How wonderful it is that King David has written this psalm! David was able to defeat Goliath by coming against the enemy with the name of the God Most High, what is the secret behind? It is his relationship and confident in the Lord. He was so sure of that the God who delivered him from lions and bears will also deliver him and the Israelites from the enemy. Therefore, regardless what are those challenges that surround you now, even though an army besiege you, or a war break out against you, let your heart do not fear. However, in the natural senses, our feelings will tend to be terrified and fearful, but the moment when you develop such a strong and intimate relationship with God, you know that no matter what is against you, there will be no fear when the God Most High is at your side. Therefore, start to focus on the Lord instead of the issues, see His greatness and it will minimise that issues. When God is magnify, the problems cannot stay big. For with Him, nothing is impossible. Have confident in His love today, knowing that it will happen exactly as He has told you in His Word! You are delivered, redeemed, and victorious!

In His Love

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Romans 8:39 - neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Yes, you can sure of that God He loves you for who you are. Even when you are still a sinner, the worst state of you, Christ died for you. That is how much unconditional it is His love. Therefore, do not judge His love according to how you feel, what people says, and what your surrounding tells you. You are to see His love through the lens of the cross, that how willing is Jesus to redeem you and save you from the pit. Look at the Word of God, it is the photo album of Jesus, telling you how much that He loves you and what are the things that He has done for you. The moment when you look at Jesus and know that there is nothing that you can do to earn His love, you also have to be sure that there is nothing also will make you lose His love. Because it is never dependant on your effort, it is all because of His grace. That unchangeable grace. Therefore, today know that neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God. When you are in Christ, you are in Love. Enjoy His love today like a child!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

诗篇 147:5 我们的主为大,最有能力;他的智慧无法测度。
当你生病时,你将你的依靠放在谁的身上? 是你的医生和医药报告?还是为你受鞭伤并且给你全备的医治和健康的耶稣?

当你生病时,把你的信放在使你完全的耶稣身上, 他本为大,最有能力,他的智慧无法测度!
当你在人生旅途中迷失方向时,专注于那唯一的道路-耶稣,他指示你的道路, 他本为大,最有能力,他的智慧无法测度!
在患难之时,捉住那拯救你脱离一切的神, 他本为大,最有能力,他的智慧无法测度!


Great Is Our Lord

Friday, November 21, 2014

Psalms 147:5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.

Dear friend, who do you rely on today? In all kind of situation, who do you trust?
When you are lacking, who do you believe? Is your own limited resources and ability? Or the God who gives you ability to produce wealth?
When you are sick, in whom you put your trust to? Is your doctor and medical report? Or Jesus who has been stripped for your perfect healing and good health?
When you are lost in the direction of your life path, who do you focus on? Is the advise from people around you? Or the Lord your God who is the way, the truth and the life that directs your steps?
What do you hold on in times of trouble? Is the trouble that stress you? Or the God who deliver you from all troubles?
Where do you put your faith in when problems are surrounding you? Is in the problems and continue to stay in the negativity ground? Or put your faith in the Lord who is mighty in power and stand on the victory ground He has conquered for you?

Now, is the time for you to choose and move on, friend.
Choose to trust and rely the Lord who is great and mighty in power, His understanding has no limit!
When you are lacking, believe in the God who gives you ability to produce wealth and supply all your needs according to His glorious riches, He is great and mighty in power, His understanding has no limit!
When you are sick, put your trust on Jesus who makes you whole and well, He is great and mighty in power, His understanding has no limit!
When you are lost in the direction of your life path, focus on the only way and that is Jesus who directs your steps, for He is great and mighty in power, His understanding has no limit!
In times of trouble, hold on to the Lord your God who delivers you from all circumstances, He is great and mighty in power, His understanding has no limit!
When problems are surrounding you, put your faith in the Lord who is great and mighty in power and stand on the victory ground He has conquered for you, for His understanding has no limit!

You can boldly trust in Him for nothing is too hard for Him!
In Him, we are more than conquerors! In Him, we have all in all!