Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, January 10, 2015

箴言 18:21 生死在舌头的权下,喜爱它的,必吃它所结的果子。
约翰福音 3:34 神所差来的,就说神的话,因为神赐圣灵给他,是没有限量的。
哥林多后书 4:13 但我们既有信心,正如经上记着说:“我因信,所以如此说话。”我们也信,所以也说话。

所以,你今天说了什么? 你现在又正在说什么?

You Are What You Say

Friday, January 9, 2015

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
John 3:34 For the one who God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.
2Corinthians 4:13 It is written:"I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.

Dear friend, do you know that you are given authority to speak? Whatever you speak, it shall becomes real in your life. Whatever you believe and proclaim, it is yours.
So, what have you spoken today? What are you speaking right now?
Are you keep on saying how big your problem is? Or you are saying how big your God is?
Though you might be in lack right now, but take heart and be cheerful, for the Lord your God is your unlimited supplies.
Speak prosperity instead of poverty and lacking.
Although right now in your body you are not feeling well, but dear friend, start to speak the words of God and proclaim His healing over you and receive the complete wholeness in your body.
Even though you may be now facing hardship and big mountain that is blocking your way, but take heart, take up the authority God has given to you by believing in His unfailing promises that nothing is too hard for God and all things are possible for those who believes.
Start to speak life into your situation and stop saying as well as meditating on the problems that you cannot solve.
Remember, you are what you say. You receive what your perceive. So instead of saying the words what couldn't help you, why not you change the channel and start to speak and proclaim the good and powerful words God has for you.
Surely, when you start practicing to speak the powerful words of God, that is when you see things change in your favor, bad turn to be good and impossible becomes possible.


Friday, January 9, 2015

箴 4:13 - 要持定训诲,不可放松;必当谨守,因为她是你的生命。


朋友们,神的话是我们脚前的灯,是我们路上的光。(诗 119:105)祂的话指引我们的脚步,把我们带到高位人的面前,使我们的脚步宽阔,带领我们前面的路。当我们的生命中陷在黑暗时,神的话就是光,祂必照明我们的黑暗。当光一来到,黑暗就要离去,意思就是当我们有了神的话照明我们的生命,那些黑暗的事就如病痛,缺乏,苦毒,咒诅,伤害等等,不再属于我们,并且要逃跑了。不但如此,神的话是我们生命的泉源,当我们藉着神的话更加认识神,更进一步与神亲近,就必看见我们的生命肯定被改变,从此不再一样,是越来越好了。因为神的话能改变一切,能把不好的变成好,能转换一切的事。

所以,当昼夜思想神的话,因为当我们这样行,就像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时结果子,叶子也不枯干,凡我们所做的尽都顺利。(诗 1:2-3)就是说,我们的生命是不枯干,不见死的,凡我们所做的都是亨通,都是被祝福的。阿门!


Friday, January 9, 2015


耶利米哀歌3:23告訴我們-“每早晨,这都是新的; 你的誠實極其廣大!”, 不只是一年一次,不只是在特殊的場合,在圣诞节或年末的感恩夜,神的憐憫在每一個日出都使我們更新。祂不只是施恩拯救我們脫離罪恶,祂也使我們得到祝福,且是大福!

Look to the Word

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Matthew 4:4- Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

Just as you need food physically to grow and sustain your life, likewise you need the
Word of God in order to grow into maturity! The Word of God is the essential in our lives
And Jesus is the Word and the Word is Jesus! When you remain in Him, let His Word remains
in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be given to you! Therefore, spend time in the Word,
for how much time you spend in the Word equals to how much time you spend with The Lord!
the Bible is your heavenly bank, you find everything you want in it. The Word brings life, health,
peace and abundance so that we should live life on earth as it is in heaven! Look upon to the
supernatural, not the natural, the Word helps you in fixing your eyes and heart on it! :)

Speak in Boldness

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2 Corinthians 3:12- Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness in speech.

Your tongue carries power, power to build or to tear, power to destroy or
to build. Therefore, remember what you think in your heart, you speak forth.
The next time you want to check what do you believe in, check what you speak.
A man who believes in failure will speak defeated speech, a man who believes in
sickness will speak of the sickness all the time, a man who believes in fear will speak
of timidity all the time. Therefore, watch what you say, and you'll know whether you believe
in the Word or in your circumstances.
The first thing that faith activates is your mouth, therefore speak what you believe in Christ today
instead of what the circumstances say. The moment when you speak forth in faith, remember
the whole heaven backs you up! Your voice is the address for blessings & opportunities to come! :)


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

赛 51:3 - 耶和华已经安慰锡安和锡安一切的荒场,使旷野像伊甸,使沙漠像耶和华的园囿;在其中必有欢喜、快乐、感谢和歌唱的声音。


如今,我们的生命不再缺乏,而是丰盛的,是福杯满溢的。从前或许我们的生命不好,但是如今在基督里我们是新造的人,旧事已过都变成新的了。从前我们失去的,神都已安慰了我们,并且给我们超乎我们所求所想的。(弗 3:20)从前或许我们是缺乏的,但如今在基督里我们已藉着耶稣基督的贫穷而成为富足了。(林后 8:9)从前或许我们有病痛,但如今在基督里我们已全然得医治了。在基督里,我们能得以欢喜快乐的享受神的一切丰盛的祝福,我们必用我们的口欢唱,把感谢献给我们的天父。

朋友们,要清楚知道我们的主为大,祂是超乎万神之上,在祂没有难成的事,更没有什么能胜过耶稣的权柄。如今,我们在祂里面听从神的话,我们是得享安静,不遭祸患的,(箴 1:33)因为我们身上带着耶稣的印记,断没有人能搅扰我们。(加 6:17)因此,当我们领受了神的安慰,神的恩典,就当把荣耀归给我们的父,因祂爱我们到底。阿门!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

约翰福音10:11 我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命。




Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Colossians 1:13 - For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,

Do you know that you've moved?
You used to stay in the darkness, whereby fear, lack, sicknesses
curses, sins are your neighbors! You were with them, and all you
could see are hopeless. There's no way for you to leave this place
by your own effort! But, because of Jesus Christ, you've moved
from the darkness to the kingdom of light because of his finished
work! You're no longer in darkness, but forever in light! Therefore,
leave the doubting street today and live on the faith-victory street!
That's your place in Christ! Remind yourself today: I'm victorious,
I'm more than a conqueror, I'm mighty in Christ! Though I was ever
in the darkness, but I shall rise and that's no longer my place! My place
is found in Christ and in Christ, I shall not fear!

You've Great Victories

Monday, January 5, 2015

Psalms 18:50 - He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing love to his anointed, to David and to his descendants forever.

Do you know that God is the king of all kings and lord of all lords?
It means that He is your King, and He is your Lord! Therefore, your identity in
Christ is also a king and a lord. Hence, God has given you authority and identity
in His kingdom, you're no longer a slave but a son! Therefore, when God has called you
as a king and a priest, remember that's you! He has given His kings great victories!
Not just victories, He said great victories! Therefore, know that your Father in Heaven
is always there to give you the best, and because of Jesus, you've great victories!
You'll see great victories in your finance, in your health, in all that you do!
Therefore, regardless what is before you now, Remember, you hold that authority!
You've victories in your finance, in your health, and in all areas! Not only that,
He shows you His unfailing love, and because Jesus has conquered, you're more than a conqueror! :)


Monday, January 5, 2015

诗 5:3 - “耶和华啊,早晨你必听我的声音;早晨我必向你陈明我的心意,并要警醒!”

清早,当我们一张开眼睛,第一件事就是要赞美神,把我们一天的行程完全的交托在祂的手中。很多人会问:到底神有没有在听我的祷告?到底祂是否听见我的声音?是的,祂肯定垂听你的祷告,祂必听见你的声音,祂也认得你的声音。当我们求告神的时候,祂必应允我们(耶 33:3),因为祂听了我的恳求,祂也必收纳我的祷告!(诗 6:9)当我们亲近祂,祂必与我们亲近,(各 4:8)因为祂是一位爱我们的父,是愿意给我们一切我们所需所求的。




Monday, January 5, 2015


我們都會面對挑戰,但不要定睛在問題上,应当称如同大卫在詩篇34:3 「你們和我當稱耶和華為大」, 而不是忧虑重重,專注在神的應許上而不是放大所面對的,不論你面對的障礙有多大,上帝遠遠大過我們所面對的任何事物!


You shall rise

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Psalms 29:10- The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever.

regardless how great is the flood of the problem in your life, remember that you'll not drown because Jesus is enthroned over that flood!
Jesus has triumphed over the enemies and even until today and forever He is a conqueror!
He has conquered sins and curses, fear and depression, lack and poverty, sicknesses and diseases!
So that today, we are more than a conqueror, we can live life enjoying blessings and righteousness,
joy and peace, supply and abundance, health and wholeness, simply because Jesus has paid it all and
all of us who are more than a conqueror will only need to enjoy!
Remember, One word from Jesus is able to calm the storms and still the wind;
likewise, you as the king priest of God, one word of you also can calm the storms in your life!
Change the way you talk today and know that as you speak, your words carry authority and power!
Ultimately, hold on to His word and know that you'll not be defeated but you shall rise up higher! :)

Shut Up Enemies

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Micah 7:8- Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

What can the enemies do to you when God is with you?
Be conscious today that the presence of God is with you, He is always
here protecting and taking care of you. When God is with you,
do you know that peace is with you? Joy is with you? Supply is
with you? Health and wholeness is with you? How great!
Ultimately, when God who created heaven and earth is with you,
what can sickness, viruses, fear, lack do to you?
For you are the child of God, and no enemies can boast in front of you!
Therefore, lack, sickness, fear can never boast in front of you anymore!
Though you fall, but you shall rise! Though you may fail,
But you shall succeed! Though you may be living in lack for years, but
you shall live in abundance from now on! Though you may be in sickness,
but you shall be in wholeness and health! For God is your light, He is
with you, do not be afraid, for nothing can be against you!
So, you can boldly say "sickness, shut up, this is my year!" "Lack,
shut up, for this is my year!" "Failure, shut up, for this is my year!"


Saturday, January 3, 2015

弥迦书 7:8 我的仇敌啊,不要向我夸耀。我虽跌倒,却要起来;我虽坐在黑暗里,耶和华却作我的光。

亲爱的朋友,不管你现在位于什么样的环境里头,不要放弃,不要绝望, 当知道神就在你身边且带领你走过!


The Lord Will Be My Light

Friday, January 2, 2015

Micah 7:8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

Dear friend, regardless what situation you are in right now, do not give up, do not lose hope, knowing that God is by your side and He is there to lead you through!
When you are stressful, the Lord is there to be your light and give you stress-free life;
When you are lacking, the Lord is there to be your light and supply all your needs according to His glorious riches;
When you are in fear, the Lord is there to be your light and give you peace;
When you are overwhelming by troubles around you, the Lord is there to be your light and deliver you from all those circumstances;
When enemy attacks you in a way, it is to flee from seven ways for the Lord is there to be your light and save you from your enemies;
When you are sick, the Lord is there to be your light and heals you completely.
Though you might be weak and fail sometimes, the Lord is your light and is there to strengthen you as well as sustain you.

In Him, you are well protected and you are surely an over comer!
In Him, you are deeply loved, highly favored and greatly blessed!
Though you have fallen, you will rise!
Though you sit in darkness, the Lord will be your light!


Friday, January 2, 2015

诗 18:28 - 你必点着我的灯;耶和华我的神必照明我的黑暗。


朋友们,光一来到,黑暗就要退去。正如黎明一来到,黑夜就要离开了,因为光和暗是不能并存的。就如同我们的生命也一样,我们不能同时拥有神的福分,却又是活在困苦问题当中。若今天神与我们同在,我们还怕什么呢?有神成为我们的保障,我们还有什么好担忧的呢?这世上一切东西都不能搅扰我们,因为我们身上带着耶稣的印记。(加 6:17)从前在病痛里的,如今要完全得着医治;从前在缺乏中,如今要完全的得着福杯满溢的祝福;从前是忧郁的,如今要完全被喜乐充满;从前是被捆绑的,如今要完全得着释放;从前不好的一切,如今都要完全被转换为好的。



Friday, January 2, 2015

希伯来书4:13 - 但我们已经相信的人得以进入那安息,




Darkness Cannot Overcome Light

Thursday, January 1, 2015

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Start your day with hope today knowing that you're the child of God Most High!
Do you know that though God has many names, He is a Healer, Redeemer, Savior,
But out of all, He is your Father!! Not only that, He is a Father who loves you deeply!
Let's come to this understanding today that when the light shines in darkness, the
darkness cannot overcome it. You never see light fighting or struggling to shine,
and you never see both darkness and light fighting whenever you switch in the light,
why? Because it is for sure that darkness cannot overcome light!
Likewise, do you know that you are a child of light? Jesus is light and so do you!
Therefore darkness cannot overcome you, whenever viruses see you,
devil hears you, they shall run in terror! That's how mighty you are! :)

Darkness Into Light

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Psalms 18:28 - You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

Darkness can never overcome light. Try and see, when you're in a darkest room,
just lit a candle and immediately the whole room is full of light, darkness has no
choice to stay. Likewise, remember that Jesus is the light and He said we are the
children of light, we carry light, and no matter where we are, it is like a candle being
lit, it is impossible for that place to be in darkness any longer! The place that you go
will turn sorrow into joy, turn fear into faith, turn lack into abundance! That's how God
turn our darkness into light, through us, his children of light, that we carry the same
image and power like Him!!

So, stepping into a brand new year with full of confident expectation of Good!
Know that God shall turn your darkness into light, the darkness of sickness, darkness of your hurtful
past, darkness of your lack shall flee in terror for your Father is the mightiest!!