Daily Devotion 每日灵修

You've All Things

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2 Peter 1:3- His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,

What do you need today? Are you seeking for health? Are you seeking for supply? Or are you seeking for wisdom?
No matter what it is today, know that in Christ, all that you need in life has been supplied and given!
Therefore instead of thinking and focusing on what you do not have today, look at Jesus and you'll know all that you need
has been done! The healing you need has been given to you, the supply that you need has been given to you, the wisdom that
you need is also given! Therefore, all that you need to do is to have the knowledge of Jesus Christ, come to know him more and
Better! When you know the truth, the truth shall set you free!
You'll be surprised on how much that you can draw from the supernatural realm into the natural realm!

Jesus' Kind of Peace

Monday, May 11, 2015

John 14:27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Are you living in constant worry and fear? Are you now in a situation that you do not know how to solve and it has stolen away even your sleep?
My friend, enjoying the abundance of peace is your inheritance; it was purchased and given by Jesus Christ to you! He said that the peace that He gave is not like the peace of the world, which you only have peace when things are going well but you lose it when things are going wrong. But the peace of Jesus is not affected by surroundings, no matter how big is the storm, how strong is the waves, Jesus' kind of peace is able to sleep in the midst of storms, to stand up and rebuke the waves, and even to walk on the water! So that's the peace that you have today, never alter by the surroundings, but that peace of God in you alters the surrounding, the peace of God in you changes everything inside out! So, regardless how troubled you used to be, today choose to look upon Jesus, don't be afraid, for He is with you, in you and for you!


Monday, May 11, 2015

林前 2:10 - 只有神藉着圣灵向我们显明了,因为圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事也参透了。

每一个神的孩子们,打从我们口里承认耶稣为主,心里相信祂从死里复活那一刻开始,我们就有神的灵住在我们里头了。这神的灵就是圣灵,而圣灵是我们的老师,它帮助我们,指教我们,并且提醒我们耶稣对我们所说过的一切话。(约 14:26)你知道吗?圣灵会启示我们所有一切的事情,包括了我们身边的人或事。因为圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事它也晓得,所以它一直不断的提醒我们,告诉我们所要发生的事,因此,我们要对神的灵敏锐,才能晓得圣灵要告诉我们什么。不但如此,当一个人对圣灵敏锐,他会知道在什么情况下要怎么行,当说什么话,当做什么事。圣灵会将要发生的事告诉我们,指教我们,好叫我们能够有明确的方向。

有时候,当我们沮丧,失望,不懂得该怎么办,也不知道该如何祷告的时候,圣灵亲自用说不出的叹息替我们祷告。(罗 8:26)当我们用方言祷告的时候,就是我们的灵在祷告。当我们的灵敏锐,我们的悟性祷告就有功效,而非只是形式上的祷告罢了。今天,随从圣灵的人,体贴圣灵的事,而体贴圣灵的就是生命平安。(罗 8:5-6)意思就是,当我们体贴圣灵,跟随它的时候,它必定领我们到宽阔不狭窄之地,它必领我们到平安喜乐之处。

今天,我们要对圣灵敏锐,因为属血气的人不领会神圣灵的事,反倒以为愚拙,并且不能知道,因为这些事惟有属灵的人才能看透。(林前 2:14)并且圣灵显在各人身上,是叫人得益处。(林前 12:7)若我们是被圣灵引导的,我们就不在律法之下了。我们若是靠圣灵得生,就当靠圣灵行事。(加 5:18,25)靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求,并要在此警醒不倦,为众人祷告。(弗 6:18)阿门!


Monday, May 11, 2015



Supported by Unfailing Love

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Psalm 94:18- When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.

You can never know how much that your Father in Heaven loves you and what He has done for you every single day!
Even when you are saying "my foot is slipping", do you know that He is such a wonderful father that He will not ignore you
and see you fall? He will always be there sustaining you wherever you call out to Him, and do you know that even if you're
unconscious and if you don't even call out to Him, He is still faithful in sustaining and helping and protecting you!
Why? Simple because of love. So my friends, good things happen to those who have confident and trust that the Father
loves them! Know that today you'll not slip, you'll not fall, for you have the unfailing love of God supporting you!
Have a good cheer my friend!

Your Rights in Christ

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Romans 1:17b - ...just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

The moment when you accepted Jesus, you're called righteous. Remember, you're not righteous by your effort,
But instead you're righteous by faith in Christ Jesus! Your righteousness is not come from your perfect work, but rather
it comes from Jesus' perfect accomplishment at the cross! So do not doubt your identity in Him! Do know that righteous
shall live by faith. Faith is not having confident in yourself, but faith here tells us to have faith and believe in our Father is our creator,
and Jesus is our messiah, our savior, our redeemer! Faith is solely upon we have a Father who loves us deeply that He has given us
his one and only Son and thus to accomplish all things at the cross, and reconciled us with Him!
So you live by faith! My friend, you're righteous in Christ, don't doubt about your new identity! Therefore, healing is your right,
abundance is your right, favor is your right; stand firm and lift up your head today, have faith in Jesus and claim all that He has is yours!


Saturday, May 9, 2015

使 27:25 所以众位可以放心,我信神怎样对我说:事情也要怎样成就。



Keep Up Your Courage

Friday, May 8, 2015

Acts 27:25 So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.

Dear friend, how are you today?
Is there lots of things overwhelming you? Are you stressed and pressured?
Today, no matter what are you facing, regardless what are the obstacles ahead of you, you are to know who you have in life and who you trust that give you hope.
Instead of paying attention to what the circumstances say, you can now keep up your courage by having faith in God that things will happen just as he promised.
Instead of believing in what men say, you can now keep up your courage by having faith in God that mountains will be removed just as God said.
Instead of looking at what you can do by your own effort, you can now keep up your courage by having faith in God that because of Christ Jesus, everything you receive shall be freely given and effortlessly from Him alone.

So beloved friend, you can now no longer striving, no longer stress, for in Jesus, we found our rest, peace, joy, hope and all that we need in life.
Have faith in God, friend, because of Him, you and I can now keep up our courage and move on in life victoriously!


Friday, May 8, 2015

诗 119:9 - 少年人用什么洁净他的行为呢?是要遵行你的话。

在这世上,有许许多多的少年人已经走偏离了神的道路,他们的行为偏差,言语粗俗,他们的举止也不合宜。但今天,在神的国度里的少年人要活出基督的榜样,要在世人眼中有好行为,好叫人看见都要因为你的缘故而把荣耀归给神。(加 1:24)朋友们,今天若是靠我们自己,或许我们会很难控制我们的言行举止,有时我们自己也不觉得我们的举动有任何的不合宜。但是若今天我们靠的是神的话,把神的话深刻在我们的心版上,不靠自己的作为,那么要活出好榜样不再是一件难事。因为我们有圣灵住在我们里面,它会时时刻刻提醒我们,神所说过的一切话。这样一来,我们就能轻易地控制好我们的行为。

少年人,不要叫人小看我们年轻,总要在言语、行为、爱心、信心、清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。(提前 4:12)我们要活出基督的样式,好叫世人看见我们的时候,知道我们是被分别为圣的,不与这世界的不良嗜好打交道。我们是神的见证,人看见我们的生命就看见我们的神到底是一个怎样的神。因此,我们要扮演好神使者的角色,不要让我们的阿爸父蒙羞。所以我们或吃或喝,无论作什么,都要为荣耀神而行。(林前 10:31)当我们遵行神的话,就必看见我们的生命是作首不做尾,居上但不居下的。阿门!


Friday, May 8, 2015



如果你的心里一直存着消极负面的想法,仍然于事无补;但是如果你愿意一开始就抱着信心的心态,期待事情会往好的方面发展,那么,当时候到了,情 况就会好转。我们必须承认,有时候,好事不会如我们所期望的立刻发生。然而,与其无精打采地陷入消极的担忧中,不如将心思专注在上帝身上。你的态度应该 是:「上帝,我知道袮没有忘记我,现在就算我属世的眼睛还没有看见,但在灵界有那奇妙的事情发生,虽然我所期待的事还没有发生,但我知道你掌管我终身的事(诗篇31:15)!所以我不会难过,也不会让自己失望。我知道你安排的时间总是最好的,因此我要保持着信心,相信凡你所做的都是最好的。」


You're His

Thursday, May 7, 2015

1 Corinthians 6:20- you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Do you know that your value has changed? You're no longer a slave but a child of God. You're no longer pleading for God
to love you but you're His beloved, you're no longer struggle with lack but He said all that He has is yours! Therefore,
since your value has changed, live like one! Live out your true identity in Christ! Live out who He said you are!
My dear friends, you're bought at a price and Jesus has paid the bill for you by laying down His life. Your life has been redeemed from
all curses and condemnations. You have been given a new life! Therefore, love life and enjoy life, for He has come to give you not just life,
but life to the abundance! So, the next time when you feel like life is meaningless, remember that you're purchased with a price, you're not your
own but instead you belong to Christ! So, when you belong to the one who has purchased you, you're His responsibility! So you can be sure that
Jesus will take care, will protect, will provide, will love you! Be blessed, highly favored and deeply loved today!

Speak Life

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Proverbs 17:28- Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

What a wonderful proverbs! Fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues.
You may be speaking a lot of unwise words in your daily life, you may be unconsciously speaking destructive words over
your finances, health and even your relationship! Do know that though tongue is small, but death and life is lying under the
power of the tongue, for those who love it will eat it's fruit. It means that our words are seed and whatever that we sow,
we will eventually reap! If you speak lack, you are speaking on what you believe you are, therefore you'll see the fruit of lack growing
in your life! If you speak abundance, you're speaking on what you believe, and you'll see the fruits of abundance!
It's just that simple, speak life and receive life! Therefore whatever it is today, keep your tongue in speaking faith filled words, hold your
tongue on speaking hatred, complaints, curses and you'll see you'll eat the fruit of life!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

多 2:7-8 - 你自己凡事要显出善行的榜样,在教训上要正直端庄,言语纯全,无可指责,叫那反对的人,既无处可说我们的不是,便自觉羞愧。

神看人不像人看人:人是看外貌,神是看内心。(撒上 16:7)是的,在世上很多的人都会以外貌取人,都是在看外在的东西。就好比人都会在看,这个人怎么那么邋遢?这个人怎么那么讨人厌?那个人为什么穿得这样等等。。。很多时候,这些事情并不关旁人的事,但却是有很多的闲杂人喜欢批评论断。但今天,我们身为神的使者,我们是代表耶稣基督的身份。那么,我们应该要有神的性情,要有神的形象。首先,我们必须先明白到底我们的神是如何的一个神。我们的生命应该要彰显出神的荣耀。比如:从我们的谈吐开始。每当我们与人谈论的时候,我们的口是否都出好话?造就人的话?还是我们一开口说话,就净讲些拆毁的话,在人的背后说别人的闲言闲语?耶稣的生命是一直都在造就人,从祂口里所出的每一句话都是让人得益处,而不是拆毁,因此,我们要效法基督,我们的口也要出造就的话。



Wednesday, May 6, 2015



Hold On to Jesus

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mark 5:28- because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

The woman with the issue of blood has been suffering from the disease for so many years, not only that she did not get better,
but after all that she spent on the doctor to look for a solution, it never gets better but worst! Not only that, she spent all that she has
and yet there's no result and no healing! What she expected to be is not coming true! You might be facing the same issue in life right now,
that you've seek a lot of solution but none of them work! That you have spent all that you could, but the result is always uncertain and failed!
But today there's a good news to you, that Jesus does not just want to pass by your life but instead He wants to be The Lord of your life!
You're to be like this woman, the moment she heard Jesus, she thought if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed. She sees Jesus as her final
solution, and she press on to see the manifestation in her body!
Likewise, today know that as you touch the Word of God, there'll be power overflowing from the Word into your life! Regardless what other
people say, be it impossible to be healed, be it no one ever receive restoration because this issue is gigantic, all the more you're to hold on to
Jesus and what He has promised you, and you shall see healing not just in physically, but also mentally, financially, and socially!

Captain of the Boat

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mark 4:39- He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Before there was any storms, Jesus has promised and said to the disciples that we will go to the other shore. He has said that they will surely make it!
Likewise in our lives, Jesus has said and promised that he has been made poor so that we are rich in Him, he has promised that we are the head and
Never the tail, He has promised that by His stripes you have been healed. He has said and call forth the things that we need in life, though we do not see
but His promises stand firm and it has already been deposited in our lives! All we need to do is to trust Him. Though on the way you will find storms and waves and wind is blowing greatly opposing your journey, but you just have to remember who is the captain of your boat! Who is the captain of your life! Who is the one taking care and promised you that everything is going to be alright?
Therefore, regardless what storms and waves are blowing against you today, know that Jesus is the one who calms the raging sea! With Him in the boat of your life,you will never sink! Trust Him today, impossible is a lie, for all things are possible in Him!


Monday, May 4, 2015

诗 103:1 - 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,凡在我里面的,也要称颂祂的圣名!

今天无论我们在哪里,做着什么,我们都要称颂神的圣名,不可忘记祂一切的恩惠。因着爱我们的大爱,神救我们的命脱离死亡,用仁爱慈悲为我们的冠冕,并且祂赐下一切我们所需的,用美物使我们所愿的得以知足。你知道吗?神爱我们到一个地步是赦免我们一切的罪孽,就是不再纪念我们的罪愆和过犯,就算今天我们做错了什么事,祂也依然是原谅我们,并且在我们的软弱上刚强我们。因为祂是有怜悯,有恩典,不轻易发怒,且有丰盛的慈爱。祂不长久责备,也不永远怀怒。祂没有按我们的罪过待我们,也没有照我们的罪孽报应我们。天离地何等的高,祂的慈爱向敬畏祂的人也是何等的大!东离西有多远,祂叫我们的过犯离我们也有多远!父亲怎样怜恤他的儿女,耶和华也怎样怜恤敬畏祂的人!(诗 103:8-13)



Monday, May 4, 2015



Secret to Unwavering

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Romans 4:20- Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,

If you think that your problem is at worst stage, Abraham also has his problem! Look at how he responded towards having no children in
his life! Abraham did not waver through unbelief but yet you'll think how did he not waver? He hold on to the promise of God, He considered
and look back on what God has said to Him, that He promised Him that He will be a father of any nations! So though He wasn't a father yet,
he see himself as one. He trusted that God is the one who calls forth things that do not exist as though they are! Likewise maybe you're seeing
barrenness in your life, start to call forth and see yourself as fruitful, you'll have descendants! Start to see yourself as healthy and strong even when
you don't feel like it, call forth what God has promised you and not what you think you cannot do! As Abraham holding on to the promise of God,
He gives glory to God! My friend, start your day by giving glory to Jesus, thank Him and magnify Him for He is worthy to be praised! Learn to magnify him instead of your issue, learn to thank Him and praise Him instead of giving complaints! The moment when you give glory, you're putting your focus back on Christ, unbelief and fear will cease, but faith in Jesus and His promises will rise! When you believe, you will see the glory of God! (John 11:40)

What Can I Do For You

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Matthew 20:32- Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked.

When the two blind men was stopped by people from calling out to Jesus, all the more they do not
compromise but all the more they shout for Him! Therefore, what is your response today? When the feeling
doesn't seem to be right, when you don't feel like giving praise to God, when all things are not going well,
are you going to be quieted down by your feeling, by what people say, or instead all the more you'll call out to
Jesus and never let him go! Do not let him pass by in your life but choose to cling on to Him no matter how!
My dear friends, Jesus is asking you what can I do for you today? Be reminded that He has done it all!
All that you need has been accomplished through Jesus' sacrifice at the cross, so know that
the healing you need is done, believe and receive today and tell your body "in the name of Jesus, body I declare
you healthy and strong, for you have been redeemed by Jesus at the cross!"