Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Friday, May 22, 2015

出 15:25a - 摩西呼求耶和华,耶和华指示他一棵树,他把树丢在水里,水就变甜了。。。。




Friday, May 22, 2015


这种让人窒息的恐惧不限於小孩,成年人也無法豁免。因为恐惧,我們不肯寬恕他人;因為恐惧,我們不敢堅持立場;因為恐惧,我們 害怕献身服事上帝;因为恐惧,我們不敢付出太多;因为恐惧,我们无法坦然来到神面前。如果單靠自己的力量,就会发现在生命的道路上,有着无数條張牙舞爪的火龙对我们虎视眈眈。
在門徒的船只遇到暴風雨的事故里, 耶穌是唯一不害怕的人。沒錯,我們的主耶穌不怕暴風雨,也不怕被鬼附身的人。反而,祂平息风浪,把鬼赶出去。(参阅馬太福音8:23-34)


Because The Lord is with you

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Genesis 39:23- ... because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.

God wants you to truly successful whether physically, spiritually, financially, socially and mentally! Therefore, know that all you need is to trust that
He is with you, and nothing that can earn by your own. Just like Joseph, he is successful because The Lord is with him, and likewise
you are also successful because The Lord is with you! All you need to do is not focus on your success, or whatever that you plan to do, but rather
Jesus should be the focus, the presence and knowing that He is with you causes you to flourish in all areas of life!
Therefore my friends, today know that the favor of God is with you, therefore no matter where you are, expect to encounter blessings hunting you
down! Because Jesus is with you, you are a successful person!! So rejoice in The Lord, for when Jesus is with you, you can expect new things, you can expect good things, you can expect abundance provision of grace, you can expect success, and it's a good success! :)

Nothing can harm you

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Psalm 91:7- A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.

Your protection is in the hands of God, and so know that you are his responsibly, that he shall takes care of you and
your family, and keep you safe from all harms and evil one! Therefore declare this to your family today "because I am the righteousness
of God, I fear no evil! Because I am the righteousness of God, no weapon formed against me shall prosper! Because I am the righteousness
of God, I know me and my family are protected!" Therefore, the ment when you established in righteousness, terrors and attack shall flee!
So my friends, today know that you're under the mighty wings of God and He is your place of protection and safety! Put your trust in Him
that He is always with you, though thousand may fall at your side, but nothing shall ever come near you to harm you!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

弥 7:8 - 我的仇敌啊,不要向我夸耀。我虽跌倒,却要起来;我虽坐在黑暗里,耶和华却作我的光。




Wednesday, May 20, 2015






Satisfy you with Long Life

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Psalms 91:16- With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

My friend, today know that it's your dather's desire to satisfy you with long life, healthy and strong and see good days!
He has promised you that He is your refuge and strength, that He will hide you under His mighty wings! Therefore, you must
have confident that no sickness, no disaster is able to hurt you, for God has promised you to satisfy you with long life! Which means
He wants you live until you satisfied! Not only that you must know that you're not weak and tired living this life, but God has promised
you strong and healthy! Therefore believe in Him, and salvation is yours! Do you know that what is in the salvation? The moment when you
receive Jesus, all that you need is in this package! and it's inclusive of all the healing, abundance, and long life that you need!
So, allow and agree with God today and let him show you his salvation, which means let Him show you and you can see with your own
eyes how great is your God!

The God who loves

Monday, May 18, 2015

Psalm 66:20- Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!

The prayer of the righteous is with effect, therefore you're to know that whatever you pray is with power!
Why? Because as Jesus is so are you in this world! Because you're no longer a slave but a son, because you
have been made righteous! Therefore, know that you are the anointings and you carry power!
My friend, how wonderful to have Jesus as The Lord of our lives, that He does not reject your prayer and withheld
his love from you! He loves you deeply, and you have to have that assurance that if God can give you Jesus, how
much more the rest of the thing that you need in life!


Monday, May 18, 2015

诗 86:9 - 主啊,你所造的万民都要来敬拜你,他们也要荣耀你的名。




Monday, May 18, 2015




当你進入上帝的安息,不再活在忧虑之中,因为这并不能帮助你什么,反而使你越陷入窘境。要知道你生命中的雲層只是暫時的,可能目前看來灰暗陰沈,但乌云的背后阳光依然照耀。。。 你心要渴望更高的眼界,当上帝与你同在,對祂來說沒有什么是太過困難的,放開一切缠绕思想的事,耶稣已经为你成就一切,而你可以全然交托。阿门!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Titus 3:7- so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

How blessed it is to know that the moment when you accepted Jesus, you are no longer a slave, you are no longer
a worker but you're a son! Therefore you identity has a tremendous change when you have Jesus. Many of times we live
in lies telling us that this identity is conditional, it's only when we behave or when we do good, we are worthy to be called as
children of God. But do you know that God has abundant provision of grace? That He always love to extend to you His grace
but He needs you to keep on receiving and make it as your own! Since you've been justified and you're righteous, you'll love
Your life and live it all the more fulfilling, you'll not want to go back to that addiction, that condemnation, that fear when you know
that and taste the goodness of Jesus and His insurmountable and inexhaustible grace!
My friend, remember you're justified and righteous because of Jesus' finished work; therefore know that He has made you an heir,
and a joint partner with Him! So, all the inheritance has written down your name, and all that the Father has are yours!

Take the abundant provision of grace

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Romans 5:17- ...how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

You're no longer under the time of death reign when you accepted Jesus, you've changed and transferred to the kingdom
of God, and that's your place! Full of life and hope, supply and grace! Therefore ask yourself a question today, do I want to reign
over my finance, my lack, my health and my marriage? If your answer is yes, then this goodnews is for you! Only by one man,
which is Jesus Christ that you're able to reign in life. But the secret lies on are you receiving his abundant provision of grace and the
free gift of righteousness? Receive means you take it and make it as your own, you admit your ownership over it. So next time when
problem arises, you're to take the abundant provision of grace and the free gift of righteous and do what? Make it as your own, take your ownership
over it and say "because of Jesus, I am the righteousness of God and I am now taking and receiving God's abundant provisok of grace,
I rule and reign over my finance, my health and in my family! In Jesus' name!
Instead of losing hope and giving up, receive and take God's abundant provision of grace today by simply believing in Him! All things will turn for your favor, it will!


Saturday, May 16, 2015

诗 103:8 耶和华有怜悯,有恩典,不轻易发怒,且有丰盛的慈爱。
诗 103:11 天离地何等的高,他的慈爱向敬畏他的人也是何等的大!



His Loving Kindness

Friday, May 15, 2015

Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow in anger, abounding in love.
Psalm 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.

Dear friend, do you know that you are deeply loved by God?
No matter what have you done before, regardless you are worthy or not, though you might not deserve it, Jesus still chose to die for you.
Before you do anything for Him, He already loved you;
Long before you know Him, He has decided to love you with His unfailing love!
Is His loving kindness that made us whole;
Is His loving kindness that redeemed us from the darkness into light;
Is His loving kindness that healed us;
Is His loving kindness that has blessed us abundantly;
Is His loving kindness that turn bad into good and impossible into possible!

So friend, be alert and aware of the loving kindness of God today. Be grateful for all that He has for you.
Remember this, friend, that Jesus loves you with who you are. You can be yourself when you come to Him. You do not have to pretend, do not need to hide, but can come boldly to Him for He loves you, the real you.


Friday, May 15, 2015

诗 18:28 - 你必点着我的灯;耶和华我的神必照明我的黑暗。





Friday, May 15, 2015


对于未来,我们就像瞎子,完全无法预知。也就是下一秒钟,会发生什么事,我们也无能力得知。面对未知的目的地,我们需要一位可靠的向导,才能顺利地抵达;要去一个地方,我们需要地图;开车时需要GPS 来指路等。


Time to rejoice

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Revelation 7:17- For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

There may be issues tearing you down, or things that turn to be hopeless but
cry no more today for every morning is new in The Lord! Do you know that His grace is sufficient for you?
No matter what's going on, remember that jesus is able to bring you through! For nothing is impossible in
Him. Besides that, know that jesus has already own and now seated at the right hand of the Father, the same
applies to you who believe in Him. You too are seated at the place of victory!
My friend, know that He will guide your steps to living water, to that blessings and opportunities; He has wiped
away your tears, and tell yourself "because of Jesus, it's time to rejoice!"

Worry Not

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Matthew 6:27- And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

What a good word that we need to meditate on today? Jesus said how many of you can add a single hour to his life simply
by worrying and being anxious? It totally struck us! If you're living in a constant worry and fear today, know that fear and worry
does not come from God. It is never the by product when you have Jesus! The moment when you have Jesus, you're the inheritor
of his perfect peace. Therefore, as Jesus is, so are you in this world! He is able to sleep in the midst of storms, so are you! Instead
of having sleepless nights, know that God has given you perfect inheritance and that is you can sleep soundly! Know that Jesus walks on
the water, so are you walking above your problems! Know that He never worry about lack of food, but instead He took the five loaves and
two fishes and give thanks and it multiplies! So, whatever that you need in life is never initiate by worry, but by having faith in God that He
Already supplied and He is able to do what He promised!
My friend, anxious and worry can never add a single hour to your life, not only it does not help, it destroys you physically, mentally, emotionally! Therefore, look to Jesus, the prince of peace and move in His perfect peace today, in Him you're secured, healed and saved!


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

林前 13:13 - 如今常存的有信,有望,有爱;这三样,其中最大的是爱。

爱,是一个名词,更是一个动词,因为爱是有行动的。什么是爱?爱不是常挂在嘴边,只在言语舌头上而已,爱乃是需要行动的,爱是懂得付出并不求回报;爱乃是懂得关心,愿意附上代价;爱是你可以为了对方做任何对他有益的事,也会阻止他做一些对他没有好处的事;爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;爱是包容,爱是忍耐。无论是在属世上,或是在属灵里,我们都需要这份爱。一份真正的爱是会让人有安全感,会让人放心的。真爱是有行动,并且使尽所能去办成的。在属世上,就像父母对儿女的爱,是带着行动的。当一个婴孩呱呱落地时,父母的责任不只单单把一个孩子生出来就算了,而是用爱去照顾这个孩子,确保孩子的衣食住行,会把最好的留给孩子,会让孩子在最好的环境中成长,这就是父母爱的行动。在世上的父母尚且知道把好东西给自己的儿女,更何况是我们在天上的父,祂岂不更要把好东西留给祂的儿女们吗?(太 7:11)我们的天父把最好的独生儿子,耶稣基督给了我们,祂又将一切上好的福分,一切属灵的福气都赐给了我们,好叫我们在世上能够享尽祂一切的丰盛。这一切已作成的完工,就是父神对我们的爱的行动,祂已作成了一切,只为了让我们今天能够享受现成的果子。



Wednesday, May 13, 2015

