Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Monday, June 22, 2015

希伯来书10:14 - 因为祂一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全。

你是否常有这样觉得:我总是发脾气,常常口出不智的话语,离「完全」还差十万八千里,所以你觉得不配。。。你多麼希望不要说错话,不要发脾气,事事完美。但活在这世上,这是不可能的事,再好脾气再完美的人,还是有软弱的一面,我们永远无法成为完全人。但有一句話,可以安慰你的心 ──「在基督裡得以完全」,在上帝的眼中,只要你在耶穌里,就算為完全。就在此刻,你也因着祂的愛子而蒙悅納,祂看你为保为尊,把你捧在掌心上。


You're Victorious!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Galatians 6:17- From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

Look at the word of God and you'll find how victorious you are in Christ!
The Word of God is mirroring you who you are in Christ, what you can do in Christ, and what
do you have in Christ; therefore, all these tell you how victorious you are because of Jesus'
finished work!
Therefore, from now on, let no sickness, no bad news, no issues can cause you trouble, why?
Because when you accepted Jesus, you bear the mark of Jesus; and when all these that are not of God
see you, they will be so terrified and flee! Always remember that no darkness can overcome light,
and you are the light!!

Cast To Him

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Psalm 68:19- Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.

Instead of depending on your own, why not leaning on God?
Instead of trying to accomplish by your own effort, why not trusting Jesus' finished work?
Jesus has done all things and all you need is to allow this truth sinked into your heart.
Believe that there's nothing too heavy or too hard that God cannot, He daily bears your burden,
so why are you worrying and troubled and trying to carry all these weight at your own strength?
Cast your cares to Him by focusing on how capable He is and not how much you can, for He loves
you like a Father!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

诗篇 56:3-4



Trust In You

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Psalms 56:3-4
When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
In god, whose word I praise, in god I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?

Dear friend, regardless what situation are you in right now, no matter how big the problem seem to be in your life, let not your heart be troubled, trust in god.
Though you might not feeling well physically, but bear in mind and trust in heart that Jesus has bore all your sicknesses on the cross 2015 years ago.
Perhaps you see lacking when you look at your bank account, but bear in mind and trust in heart that Jesus has been made poor that today you are rich in him! Is not about what the economic of the world can help but is all about the god who blessed you according to his glorious riches.
You may see things didn't work out the way you expected but do not lose hope and trust in god, for he can turn the bad into good and impossible become possible for you.

So no matter what, do not be afraid, for if you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!
Instead of focus in your problem, now let's eyes on the god who delivers us.
Because of him, no one and nothing can cause you trouble.


Friday, June 19, 2015

诗 37:5 - 当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠祂,祂就必成全。

很多时候,我们身边的人都不懂我们的心事,不了解我们的心情,也不完全知道我们到底要什么。但是,我们的主祂却知道我们所有的事,无论是大事小事,有人知道或不知道的,祂通通都明了。而今,当我们把所作的交托耶和华,我们所谋的就必成立。(箴 16:3)凡我们心所愿的,我们所想的,只要我们把一切的事都交托给祂,并依靠祂,祂就必成全。因为祂爱我们,祂愿意赐下万有给我们,好让我们在世上能够享受祂所为我们预备的丰盛。

当你觉得不舒服的时候,把它交托给神,因为祂就是我们的医治;当你缺乏的时候,把它交托给神,因为祂是我们的供应;当你觉得无助的时候,来依靠神,因为祂就是我们的帮助;当你伤心难过时,尽管到神那里,因为祂是我们的安慰;当你失落沮丧的时候,只管坦然无惧的来到神的施恩宝座前,因为祂是怜恤的神;当你孤单软弱的时候,不要忘记你有一个爱你的天父,祂必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。朋友们,我们的天父是信实的神,祂所说的必然成就,我们只管相信我们所需的,祂必供应,并且是超乎我们所求所想的。你知道吗?神的话语一出口,就绝不徒然返回,却要成就祂所喜悦的,在祂发他去行的事上必然亨通。(赛 55:11)今天,凡你在圣经里所看到的每一句话,每一个应许,都是不落空的,是赐给我们的。所以,只管相信神所应许的必能作成。阿门!


Friday, June 19, 2015

哥林多后书 13: 8 – 我们凡事不能抵挡真理,只能扶助真理。


所以,就如同保罗所说的,你的生命不能抵挡真理,却要扶助真理。什么意思呢?很多时候,人往往很难相信自己是被神所爱,是成功,是健康的;却总相信自己是那么的不堪,那么的失败,病痛是应当的。今天,唯有恩典和真理是从耶稣基督而来的(约翰福音1: 17)。这才是你要知道的真理。因着耶稣,你是被爱的,你是成功与富足的,你是健康与完全的。你的生命是要来扶助真理,而你将会看见圣经里的一切应许,因着你的相信,都要一一的成就在你的生命里。

如何要扶助真理呢?真理是从耶稣基督而来的,罗马书10: 17说:信道是从听道而来,而听道是从基督的话而来。重点在于,你要听从的是基督的话,因为当耶稣道成了肉身来到世界上,祂不是带着律法而来,更不是带着十诫要随时惩戒你,而祂,是带着恩典而来。所以今天,你要听耶稣祂说的一切话。天父的心意,就是要你晓得基督,要你完全的享受在祂的恩典之下,不要再靠你自己的努力去成就。 当你有了基督的话,并且相信祂,你就是在扶助真理。而当你拥有真理的时候,真理就叫你得自由(约翰福音 8: 32)!



Enjoy Everlasting Joy

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Isaiah 61:7- Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

Do you know that because of Jesus' finished work, He has promised and purchased all that we need in life and has given to us?
As a born again believer, as a new creation, we have the rights and access to enjoy all that the Father has! Well, do know that it is not
gain by your performance, but by Jesus finished work. Therefore, be sure that instead of your shame you will receive double portion, and
Jesus doesn't just want to bless you with double, but abundant portion of His blessings and love! You'll not find disgrace anymore, but you'll
enjoy in your inheritance, you'll enjoy in blessings, you'll enjoy in favor, you'll enjoy in good health, you'll enjoy in prosperity! In your land, in
your life, be expectant to see more abundance manifest, for it is your Father's heart to see you enjoying in everlasting joy!

He Laughs At The Enemies

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Psalm 2:4- The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

You may be weeping for a night over your issues and difficulties now, but do know that rejoicing comes in the morning!
Why? Because ultimately your hope should be placed on Jesus, not your issues. All these challenges ahead are temporal,
but Jesus and His promises are eternal! Even if the enemies come to you in one direction, they shall flee in seven ways?
For Jesus is your Help and Protection, He laughs at the problems and challenges that came before you, why? Because nothing is
impossible with God! Therefore, you are to get yourself rooted in this truth, instead of focusing on what is seen, we are to focus
on what is unseen; instead of focusing on what is in the natural, we are to look at things from a supernatural perspective!
Dear friends, Jesus has won the victory and we are now called the sharer and partakers of His victory; all you need is to believe in
Him, trust Him and you shall see the manifestation of the deliverance!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

诗 146:10 - 耶和华要作王,直到永远。锡安哪,你的神要作王,直到万代!你们要赞美耶和华!


对的王在你的生命中给你带来什么好处?一个对的王会确保他所照顾的子民是会得到他所为他们预备的一切,能享受他所给的福利,会确保他子民的安危。在我们生命中,对的王不单只给我们在世上的君王所给的,更甚的是祂给我们的是超乎我们所求所想,并且在世上不能给我们的东西,我们的主却能!在人眼中看为不可能的事,在神却凡事都能!当我们的主成为我们生命中的王时,祂必为我们看顾我们所顾念的一切,祂比我们更加在乎我们所在乎的,因为祂爱我们,祂不愿看见我们不快乐,更不愿看见我们忧伤难过。神的话告诉我们:要把一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。(彼前 5:7)


Standing Firm

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Proverbs 10:25- When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.

You might be facing some challenges now that you do not know how to handle them.
But do know that you've a God that all things are possible and yes in Him!
Therefore, no matter what storms are sweeping by now in your life, remember problems come
to pass, not to stay. All these storms are unable to hurt you, because God is a God that calms the
storm, so nothing is too hard for Him! Furthermore, Just Because you're the righteousness of God
(which means God has placed you back to the position that you're supposed to be), you stand firm
forever in love, in health, in His supply, in His grace and in all that the Father has for you!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015






Lifter of Your Head

Monday, June 15, 2015

Psalm 3:3- But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

Living in shame is not what God wants you to have, he wants you to live life in boldness!
Therefore no matter what is your past, what are the things that make you shameful and unable
to lift up your head, there's a good news for you! Jesus said He is the lifter of your head!
So when he lifts you up, no one can tear you down unless you yourself choose to! Have a full
understanding that you are shielded with the favor of God, so no matter where you are today,
you are a big magnet, atttracting goodness and blessings hunting and chasing after you!! There's
no more shame for Jesus is the lifter of your head, my friend!


Monday, June 15, 2015

赛 9:6 - 因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在祂的肩头上。祂名称为“奇妙策士”、“全能的神”、“永在的父”、“和平的君”!

有一个婴孩,早在两千多年前为了你我诞生。祂来,是要拯救世人,让世人得以与神相和,而这个婴孩就是我们的主,耶稣基督。耶稣的意思是,将自己的百姓从罪恶(黑暗)里救出来。耶稣就是世界的光,凡跟从祂的就不在黑暗里走,必要得着生命的光。(约 8:12)因为这世界依然是掌握在恶者的手下,而我们活在这世界就是活在恶者的掌权下。但是,若我们要在世上成为光,就必须跟从耶稣,因为唯有祂在世界上是真正的光。当我们跟从耶稣,就必得着生命的光,好让我们在我们的生命里不再被黑暗掌权,而是基督掌权。而耶稣来,就是为了要拯救世上的每一个人,好叫世人能因祂得赎,归到祂光明的国度里,享受祂为我们所成就的一切。


Wonderful Father

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Psalm 103:13- As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

Are you seeing God as a father that you can be so intimate and draw closer and build relationship with Him?
Or are you seeing Him as God who is far and you dare not even approach?
My friends, go to God today and see Him as a Father to you, He loves you and do know that He is taking care of
you no matter what issues that you're facing now. Understand that He is a good father and He said that you're His
responsibility! It is His responsible as a father to keep you safe, to lead you to the right path, to lift you up when you fall,
so all that you need is to believe that He is a good father and He is faithful is doing what He has promised!
Enjoy in His love today and you shall see all things fail into comparison!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

1. 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。

2. 他使我躺卧在青草地上,领我在可安歇的水边。

3. 他使我的灵魂苏醒,为自己的名引导我走义路。

4. 我虽然行过死阴的幽谷,也必不怕遭害,因为你的杖、你的竿,都安慰我。

5. 在我敌人面前你为我摆设筵席,你用油膏了我的头,使我的福杯满溢。

6. 我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我,我且要住在耶和华的殿中直到永远。


Good Shepherd

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Psalm 23:1- The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Ask yourself this question today, does the sheep keep the shepherd or the shepherd is the one keeping the sheep?
Know that in our lives, we are the sheep of God's pasture, it is Jesus who keeps us safe and leads us to where He
wants us to be, He is the one who takes responsible over us and all we need to do is to follow Him and trust Him!
Remember that it is out of love that He came to us, willingly to lay down His life and to take it up again so that all of us
who believe in Him are now His; He is such a wonderful shepherd, that He laid down His life for His sheep! Where to find
such a wonderful shepherd, no one but Jesus! Therefore my friend, all you need is to recognize His voice, and follow!
For He is yours, your personal shepherd, you'll lack nothing! He will make sure that you've your pastures on time, you have
clean water on time, and He will make sure that you well fed and fattened with blessings!

Psalms 23

Friday, June 12, 2015

1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Dear friend, is there anything you are lacking in life right now? Could it be financially? Emotionally? Or even physically? No matter what you are in want right now, do not lose hope, do not give up, for here is the good news for you! Do recognize who your shepherd is, stop letting your career be your shepherd, do not let your feeling be your shepherd, but let the Lord Jesus Christ be your shepherd! He is above all things! He is the sources of everything in your life. In Him, there is endless super abundance supplies that can fulfill your life and satisfy you!

2. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet water.
Do you know that you are a sheep that needs green pastures and water? Today, you no longer need to strive for a better job, for your shepherd-Jesus, has granted you with a position that glorifies His name. You can enjoy all the blessings He has done for you on the cross as what the sheep can enjoy on the green pastures. In your life, you are full with the daily bread that satisfy you, Jesus (the Word). Not only that, when you eyes on Jesus and trust in Him, you are in fact letting the living water to flow in you and through you. The water that God leads you to is not a water flowing with rush but is quiet one. The blessings He has for you are not with worries and burdens. All that Jesus has for you are unearned and unmerited favor. All you need to do is believe in Him and His finished work.

3. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Whatever your feelings and emotions tell you are not true, so stop letting them to take the control over your life. Let go and let God, He is the one that restores you with His loving kindness. For the sake of you, He became sin that you may become the righteousness of God. In Him, you have right standing and right position that reign in life.

4. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Though you might be facing giants that you think is too big and impossible to handle and overcome, but you can now take heart, for the Lord your God is above all your problems! There is nothing too hard that He cannot do! He will never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is always by your side to make sure that everything is alright and favor to you.

5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
When the devil comes in one way to attack you, you do not be afraid for it has to flee in seven ways! All you need to do is be still and know that He is God, He is the one fight for you and you are now standing in the ground of victory! Not only that, God restores in terms of quantity and also quality on what you have been stolen!

6. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
In Christ, you found love and goodness that chasing after you. Wherever you go, blessings are hunting you! Whatever you touch and do shall prosper! In the house of God, you found all you need and want!

Hallelujah! Be blessed!


Friday, June 12, 2015

诗 103:5 - 祂用美物使你所愿的得以知足,以致你如鹰返老还童。

我们的主为大,更是把一切的美物赐给我们的天父。很多时候,人总会觉得孤单,觉得没有人爱他,或是身边没有人明白他,甚至离弃他。但是,我们的主却说:我不撇下你为孤儿,我必到你这里来。(约 14:18)意思是,祂时时刻刻都与我们同在,是陪着我们,只是很多时候我们却不晓得,总觉得神离我们很远。其实,在俗世上有哪个父母不疼爱自己的孩子,不把好东西留给他们?更何况我们在天上的父,岂不更要把好东西留给祂所爱的每一个孩子吗?因此,祂赐下所有一切上好的东西给我们,让我们所愿的得以知足。我们的父神明白我们所需要的是什么,所以祂愿意给我们一切我们所需的,好让我们的喜乐可以满足。




Thursday, June 11, 2015

John 12:46- I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

Jesus came to the world as light, which means the world is in a total darkness! Why would we need light when it's already in brightness?
But when there's darkness, we need light as our direction and help! Likewise, when we were still sinners, darkness is all over us, we could not
see light in our situation, in our health, in our finance, in our lives. All that we see were hopelessness, but do you know what? Jesus came into
our lives as light, He has lighten up our path, and all that we need is to believe and develop a relationship with Him! Trust Him that He is a keeper
of our lives, and whatever that He has promised us will not return to us empty! Therefore, instead of believing in yourself and choose to walk away
from this light, learn to walk in His word and you shall see, there's no longer darkness for darkness has to flee from you! Sickness shall flee, lack shall
flee, fear shall flee!