Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, May 2, 2015

路 24:45 于是耶稣开他们的心窍,使他们能明白圣经。

同样的今天,耶稣已经赐给我们最好的保惠师-就是居住在我们心里的圣灵,为指教提醒耶稣所说的一切话。(林前3:16 & 约14:26)


Understand The Scriptures

Friday, May 1, 2015

Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

Dear friend, do you know how important the word of God is in your life?
Do you aware of its power? When you believe the word of God and act on it, it releases the tremendous power in your life! (Luke1:37)
That's why in the above verse mentioned that Jesus opened the mind of His disciples so that they could understand the Scriptures-the word of God!
Likewise today, Jesus has given us the best Counselor-Holy Spirit, who is now living in us, to teach and remind us all that Jesus has said. (1Cor3:16 & John14:26)
So, are you ready to let Jesus involve in your life today?
When we understand the Scriptures, that is the truth that set us free! (John8:32)
When we understand the Scriptures, only then we can meditate them day and night, and through the meditation on the word of God, we are like the tree planted by streams of water and whatever we do shall prosper! (Psa1:3)
When we understand the Scriptures, it is the lamp to our feet and the light for our path! (Psa119:105)
When we understand the Scriptures, the unfolding of God's words gives light and gives understanding to the simple! (Psa119:130)
The words of God is so powerful and important in our life. Therefore, it is essential for us to understand the words of God through the revelation and wisdom from Holy Spirit!

Friend, you have been told the importance of God's words. Now is your turn to decide whether to take up the promises given to you or not. When you ready and believe, you will surely see things change in your favor!
If you are ready and you want it, let's do this prayer together:
"God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, thank you for giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may know You better. In Jesus name we asked and give thanks, AMEN!"


Friday, May 1, 2015

林前 13:4 - 8 : 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。





Friday, May 1, 2015



All Yours

Friday, May 1, 2015

Ephesians 1:3- Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

You will never know how much that you're blessed! Look at what Jesus has done for you, it is always far more than
what our mind and thought can imagine! Therefore, know that today you are not running by the world's system, but you're
running by God's system! Because of that, you can be sure that God's system never run down, the blessings, the opportunities,
the power and rights, the healing that He has accomplished can never run down! Therefore, dear highly favored people, change
your mind today and know that all that you need pertaining life has been given to you through Jesus! Call forth those as were not
as though they are! See what God wants you to see rather than what you are seeing now! Thank God today that all the
blessings have been written down your name, and all you need is to believe your rights and receive and enjoy the inheritance!

Blessings Hunting The Righteous

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Proverbs 10:6- Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.

Righteousness is an identity given by Jesus to you, it is given not based on your perfect performance but it is given
based on Jesus' perfect finished work. Therefore the moment when you accepted Jesus, your identity has changed.
From a sinner to a righteous, it's like from a prisoner to a prince and princess, it's totally an opposite! Therefore, you have
to know that just because you're righteous, you can enjoy so much on God's promises, that all that He has is yours! Therefore,
know that today blessings are crowning your head, it is surrounding you no matter where you go. So, be full of confident and
expectation of good today that wherever you go, blessings will just hunt you down!
Proclaim this with me: I am the righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus, I am who God says I am, I have what God says
I have, and I can do what God says I can do! Today, blessings are hunting me down, in the name of Jesus!


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

约 8:32 - 你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。

在基督徒的生活里,圣经是我们在日常生活中非常重要的一件东西。因为圣经里藏着许许多多的真理,而真理就是神的话,是我们的指引,是我们脚前的灯,是我们路上的光。(诗 119:105)而我们必须要晓得真理,真理必叫我们得自由。晓得的意思就是明白,接受,相信。唯有当我们明白,我们才能完全地相信及领受。




Wednesday, April 29, 2015



以赛亚书42:16 “我要引瞎子行不认识的道,领他们走不知道的路。在他们面前使黑暗变为光明,使弯曲变为平直。这些事我都要行,并不离弃他们”。

The Power of Tongue

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Proverbs 18:21- The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Do you know that your word is a seed and whatever you sow you will reap? Whatever you plant with your word,
you will bear its fruit! Therefore my friend, instead of speaking negatives, start to speak what the word of God says,
instead of speaking fear, speak what the word of God talks about courage and boldness; instead of speaking of your lack,
talk about how wonderful it is that you have a Jesus who became poor for you so that you can become rich in Him!
Remember, your tongue is a powerful weapon, it carries the power to destroy and to build. Therefore, if you want to eat the fruit of peace,
speak encouraging words! If you want to eat the fruit of abundance, say that Jesus is your shepherd you shall not be in lack!
Speak life and you'll receive life! :)

Do Not Be Afraid

Monday, April 27, 2015

Psalm 3:6- I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

Fear is not of God but of the devil. While the opposite of fear is faith! The devil will always find
all sorts of way to insert fear into your life, but do you know that when you are in fear, you are
actually opening a door for the devil to come and destroy your life? That's why in the existence
of fear, it drains you up, it gives you no strength, but it makes you all the more worried and hopeless!
But in the existence of faith, faith not in yourself but in Jesus, when you put your faith in Jesus, instead
of fearful, you'll encounter great peace and joy in His presence!
Therefore, the moment when you rooted in the truth on how victorious you are in Christ, that Jesus has
conquered and exalted far above all powers, principalities and might; though ten of thousands on your
every side, you'll not fear! Stand firm and trust Jesus, your Deliverer, your strong tower, your refuge!


Monday, April 27, 2015

腓 4:6 - 应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。

我们生活在这个世界上,难免会遇见让我们忧心、让我们挂虑的事。但是,我们哪一个能用思虑使岁数多加一刻呢?(太 6:27)很多的基督徒对这个经节并不陌生,但是却有多少人是打从心里相信,并且让神的爱出去我们一切的忧虑呢?是的,当我们遇见问题时,我们就算忧虑,又能怎样呢?我们的忧虑不能使我们的寿数多加一刻,反而当我们忧虑的时候,这忧虑会导致我们失眠、夺走我们的健康和时间。只有当我们没有忧虑的时候,神大能的作为,祂的恩膏才能在我们身上通畅无阻的运行。我们真的要把一切的忧虑写给神,因为祂顾念我们。

你知道吗?喜乐的心,乃是良药。忧伤的灵,使骨枯干。(箴 17:22)因此,我们的阿爸父要我们保持一颗喜乐的心,祂要我们在最困难的时刻,依然能够靠着主喜乐。因为祂知道,今天就算你心事重重,就算你为了你所面对的问题担心,事情依然不能解决。唯有靠神,祂是我们的指引,更是我们的避难所,当我们把眼目定睛在祂的身上,不靠我们自己,祂必能为我们解决一切的问题,因为在祂没有难成的事。



Monday, April 27, 2015

腓立比书4:6-7 【应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念】。


He Is The Solution

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Matthew 11:28- Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Are you wearying because of all sorts of issues of life now? Are you burdened because of all the challenges that seems to be there for quite sometime?
Are you tired of all these problems that have been draining you up? Today, fear not! Worry not! Because there is one man that you can always go to,
He is Jesus, and He is mighty to save! No matter what is the issues now, do know that Jesus has overcome the world, and all you need is to go to Him!
Go to Him and find refuge in His love, go to Him and be reminded that He is capable in delivering you! Go to Him simply by focusing on what He has done
for you, and enjoying yourself in His finished work! Have a constant reminder that I will not be afraid for God is with me! When you choose to go to Him
instead of trying on your own effort, you will find rest in Him! You will find security, you will find comfort, you will find strength in Him! For He is the solution
of all the answer that you need in life!

It's Done

Saturday, April 25, 2015

John 19:30 - When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "it is finished" with that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Do you know that whatever it is that Jesus is doing, it is always because of you? You are the very reason that He came, He died
and He resurrected! Therefore, you have to be assured that even if you fail, or even if you made a mistake, He never comes at your best,
but instead while you were still a sinner, Christ chose to die for you! The moment when Jesus said " It is finished", you have to know that
all your sins and iniquities on Him has been dealt with, it has been judged and punished! and it is done! The sickness, curses and poverty
has been on Him and He has dealt with them all! Therefore, the healing that you need for your body is done! The supply and abundance
of life that you need is done! The good success and good life that you need is done! All that you need in life is done! So all you need to
do today is to receive and say "Thank you Lord, I receive!"


Saturday, April 25, 2015

罗 4:25耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯;复活,是为叫我们称义。



The Righteousness

Friday, April 24, 2015

Romans 4:25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

Dear friend, do you know what is the righteousness?
Righteousness is the right standing, where you are been positioned.
You are to know that righteousness is not a work you can achieve, but it is a gift given freely to you when you believe Christ Jesus, the resurrected God who is willing to die for your sins. (Rom3:24)
When Jesus said is DONE before His last breath, the debts of our sins were fully paid by His own life. So the moment He resurrected from the death, there righteousness took place.
Righteousness is the proof of payment that proving we are having the right of holding authority which enables us to reign in life. (Rom5:17)
So, we-the righteous one, is now standing at the right position, with authority, power and right opportunity!
When we are righteous, our prayers are effective with power!
When we are righteous,we cannot be uprooted!
When we are righteous, nothing can harm us!
When we are righteous, we have joy!
When we are righteous, we are healthy!
When we are righteous, our path shining ever brighter till the full light of day!
The righteous one thrive like a green leaf!
The desire of the righteous ends only in good!
All that we touch shall be prospered because we are righteous in Christ!

So, treasure this special identity and start to take up our authority as the righteous one today!
You are greatly blessed!


Friday, April 24, 2015

彼前 3:12 - 因为主的眼看顾义人,主的耳听他们的祈祷;惟有行恶的人,主向他们变脸。


朋友们,义人的道路是越来越明亮的,(箴 4:18)所以义人前面的路有神的指引,是越来越好的;义人的有主成为他们的坚固台,(箴 18:10),所以当义人奔向耶稣,他们必得安稳;义人有主成为他们的盾牌,(诗 18:35,5:12)今天,神的救恩就是义人的盾牌,祂的恩惠也如同盾牌四面护卫义人,所以义人不怕祸患临到;义人的福分是不能被夺去的,(诗119:57,73:26)我们的主就是义人的福分,今天父所有的都是属于义人的。因此,当我们投靠神,奔向祂,口里承认耶稣为主,心里相信祂从死里复活,我们就是义人,而义人的根永不动摇,意思就是,我们的生命有神的话为根基,是不容易被动摇,是不能被毁坏的。阿门!


Friday, April 24, 2015

當兒子「相离还远,他父亲看見,就动了慈心,跑去抱着他的頸項,连连与他亲嘴」 (路加福音15:20)。最可貴的是,這一家之主是跑向他的兒子,这在当时的社会似乎被視為不够莊重,但這位父親却因兒子回來,內心充滿喜樂,已不在意这些繁文缛节了。
其实這兒子並不值得父亲这样待他。因為之前他要求父親把他的那份家產分給他,(在当时,意味着这儿子希望父亲早点死去)。隨后离开家出走,但是尽管兒子如此对待父亲,这位父亲依然视他为兒子 (路加福音15:24)。


When Jesus is Magnify

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Psalm 13:6- I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.

One who always magnify his problem is one who does not know how to rejoice and does not know
how to give praise; but one who magnifies Jesus and His finished work, knows how to rejoice in The Lord
and give praises to Him. Why? Because their focus is different! Likewise today, no matter what is going on
around you, you have to ask yourself, what is my focus? What do I focus now? What do I meditate now?
All the more you look at the greatness of Jesus, all the more you will see the problems as small, all the more
you'll give praise and honor and all the more you'll rejoice in Him!
So, no matter what's going on, start to magnify God instead of your problems! Sing to The Lord praises,
lift His name up, meditate on His love for you! For He is always faithful, He has been good and He is worthy
to be praised! When Jesus is magnify, all things faded into comparison!

He Turns Your Life Around

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Micah 7:8- Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

The moment when you have Jesus, your life is hidden in Him. Know that when Jesus was on earth, No matter
where He went, He is always the one who turns thing around! The sick is healed, the lack was provided, the lame
could walk, the dead shall rise! Whenever Jesus is there, no challenges, no sickness, no fear is able to stay! That's why
believing is the key to receive, ask yourself today: what am I believing in today? Sickness, lack? My dear friends, you are
the child of God, and no enemies can boast in front of you! No fear, no lack, no sickness can be greater than jesus! Though
you fall, but you shall rise, for It's the time for a turnaround! Have faith in Jesus that He is able to turn your life around, and of course,
towards even brighter future! :)