Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
Dear friend, do you know how important the word of God is in your life?
Do you aware of its power? When you believe the word of God and act on it, it releases the tremendous power in your life! (Luke1:37)
That's why in the above verse mentioned that Jesus opened the mind of His disciples so that they could understand the Scriptures-the word of God!
Likewise today, Jesus has given us the best Counselor-Holy Spirit, who is now living in us, to teach and remind us all that Jesus has said. (1Cor3:16 & John14:26)
So, are you ready to let Jesus involve in your life today?
When we understand the Scriptures, that is the truth that set us free! (John8:32)
When we understand the Scriptures, only then we can meditate them day and night, and through the meditation on the word of God, we are like the tree planted by streams of water and whatever we do shall prosper! (Psa1:3)
When we understand the Scriptures, it is the lamp to our feet and the light for our path! (Psa119:105)
When we understand the Scriptures, the unfolding of God's words gives light and gives understanding to the simple! (Psa119:130)
The words of God is so powerful and important in our life. Therefore, it is essential for us to understand the words of God through the revelation and wisdom from Holy Spirit!
Friend, you have been told the importance of God's words. Now is your turn to decide whether to take up the promises given to you or not. When you ready and believe, you will surely see things change in your favor!
If you are ready and you want it, let's do this prayer together:
"God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, thank you for giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may know You better. In Jesus name we asked and give thanks, AMEN!"