Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Saturday, April 11, 2015

林前 3:11 因为那已经立好的根基就是耶稣基督,此外没有人能立别的根基。
太 7:24-25 所以,凡听见我这话就去行的,好比一个聪明人,把房子盖在磐石上;雨淋,水冲,风吹,撞着那房子,房子总不倒塌,因为根基立在磐石上。


再一次我劝你,让耶稣-神的话,成为我们生命的根基,肯定没有什么太大太难的事情能难倒我们,因为我们的主最大最有能力!(诗147:5 & 耶32:17)

He Never Withheld His Love

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Psalm 66:20 - Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!

The love of God towards you never change, though things may change around you or circumstance may varies from time to time.
Therefore, you are to be sure that as a child of God, the Father's love towards you is constant, and it is never judge by your behaviour but by
what Christ has done for you at the cross. Hence, the moment that you are sure of your standing in Christ, the moment when you know who
you are in Christ, you will only give praises to God for He never rejected your prayer! You will no longer complain, you will no longer grumble,
because all the more you have revelation towards the love of the Father, all the more you will give praise and give thanks to Him!
So have that assurance knowing that He never withheld his love from you, therefore, no matter what happens, if God can give you Jesus His
one and only Son, how much more other things that you need in life!

The Foundation Of Life

Friday, April 10, 2015

1Cor 3:11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Mat 7:24-25 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Dear friend, I believe you know how important a foundation is. A building without foundation does not stand, likewise, your life without foundation also will fall easily.
Today, what is the foundation of your life? Is career your foundation? Or health? Or wealth? Yourself? Or God is the foundation?
Foundation of life simply means the thing you put as first in your life, it is your priority of priorities.
Therefore, let Jesus be the center of it all for He is the one before all things and in Him all things hold together. (Col 2:17)
You know what, everything was created through the word of God (Heb 11:3), and Jesus is the word (John 1:1). Hence, how much time we spent in the word is actually how much time we spent with God.
And since the word is the beginning and foundation of everything, let the word also be the foundation of our life.
In the Word, we found the answers; in the Word, our directions found; in the Word, our problems resolved!

Once again I urge you, let Jesus-the Word, be the foundation of our life, surely nothing is too big or too strong that can be against us, for our Lord is the biggest and strongest! (psa 147:5 & Jere 32:17)
Be blessed!


Friday, April 10, 2015

林后 9:15 - 感谢神,因祂有说不尽的恩赐。


圣灵显在各人身上,是叫人得益处。有人蒙圣灵赐他智慧的言语,也有人蒙这位圣灵赐他知识的言语,又有一人蒙这位圣灵赐他信心,还有一人蒙这位圣灵赐他医病的恩赐,又叫一人能行异能,又叫一人能作先知,又叫一人能辨别诸灵,又叫一人能说方言,又叫一人能翻方言。这一切都是这位圣灵所运行、随己意分给各人的。(林前 12:7-11) 恩赐原有分别,圣灵却是一位。(林前 12:4)我们所得的恩赐都是从圣灵而来,是一体的。因此我们要互相配搭,作神的肢体来服事祂。

朋友们,神的恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。(罗 11:29) 一旦祂给了我们,就不会向我们收回。当我们得着神的恩赐,就要好好的使用神所托付给我们的,好让我们能够荣耀祂的名。阿门!


Friday, April 10, 2015






The Righteousness of God

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Proverbs 24:16- for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

My friend, your behavior is unable to hold on to your identity, instead it is your identity that change the way you behave.
Therefore we are to understand that righteousness is never from our effort or achievement, but rather it is a gift from Christ!
It enables us to stand right in front of God without any guilt and shame. Therefore, the moment when you truly know who you are,
you'll live your life just as who you are! As the righteousness of God through faith, now you can declare that you have the right to
be healthy, to prosper and to success!
So, when you are the righteousness of God, though you may fall, but you shall rise again! You shall bounce back higher, and remember
the enemies may come to you in one direction, but they shall flee in seven directions!

Powerful In Christ

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Colossians 2:10- and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.

The moment when you accepted Jesus, your identity has changed! You're no longer powerless but With power in Him!
That power that raised Jesus from the dead is on you, that power that healed the blind men is in you, that power that turns
Water into wine is in you, and that power that defeats giants is in you! Therefore, when Christ in you is full of power, when the
immeasurable power is in you, you will not tremble in front of any giants of life! You'll not tremble of sickness, darkness, challenges!
Why? Because You're already completed and in fullness! You're not weak but strong in Christ! That as Jesus is so are you in the world!
Therefore remember jesus is the head of all power and authority, likewise He has given you power and authority to reign in life!
Never trade your identity in Christ with the lies of the devil anymore! Remember you are powerful and strong!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

诗 150:6 - 凡有气息的都要赞美耶和华!你们要赞美耶和华!





Wednesday, April 8, 2015



以弗所书4:23 - 又要将你们的心志改换一新,

Right believing

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Psalm 1:2- but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.

What are you believing now? Are you believing in the doctor's report? Are you believing in what
the devil has even lying to you? Are you believing that you are not righteous in Christ?
Whatever it is, remember that a right believing produces a right living, and likewise a wrong believing will
Definitely produces a wrong living! Therefore instead of meditating and thinking again and again on your
problems, the Word of God teaches us to think about His Word instead! As what you meditate on today can
greatly affect your life, when you meditate on the Word , it can greatly affect your living!
therefore choose not to meditate your problems but the Word of God. Day and night remembering what He
says, as you delight in His Word, you're blessed and whatever you touch shall prosper!

Be Jesus Focus

Monday, April 6, 2015

Acts 5:29- Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

What you obey today shows what you focus and submit to, for instance, if you are
obeying the doctor's report and believe that you're sick, you're submitting to that report and
shows your focus on it. Therefore, God wants us to obey and trust Him not because of for His
benefits, but rather, ours. It helps us to turn our focus back to Jesus and His finished work, and live
life in accordance and obedience in His Word!
Therefore, regardless how people may perceive you, what the word of men have said, remember that
the basis of your life is based on the Word of God. Today, choose to follow the Word of God, focus on
Jesus instead of man, and taste His goodness and faithfulness!


Monday, April 6, 2015

罗马书 4:21 - “且满心相信神所应许的必能作成。”

你要满心的相信神有能力成就一切祂所应许你的。祂会把一切成就在你的生命里。你所需要的只是满心的相信神能够为你成就这一切!满心的相信父所有的都是你的(路加福音 15:31)。



Monday, April 6, 2015




Dwell in the Word

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Proverbs 6:22- When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.

Do you know that the Word of God is powerful and essential in our Christian life?
It helps us to know who we are in Christ, what we can do and what we have in Christ!
Therefore, without the Word you'll not be able to know of your identity. And live the life that
God calls you to live! Jesus is the Word made flesh dwelling among us, so we are to know
that the Word of God is able to guide you, watch over you and speak to you at all times.
Choose to yield to the Word of God instead of the word of man, as the word of man is not able to
sustain and help you but the Words of God is able. Find yourself in His Word today, you'll
see how powerful it is!

He Has Risen

Saturday, April 4, 2015

John 11:25 - Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.

Do you believe that Jesus is risen? All that He has done, He did it because of you. You are the reason He went to the cross, and you are the
reason that He lives. Therefore, you can be sure that when Jesus has risen, there is nothing that can hold him back! He has conquered death and
death is no match to Him. How much more is your problem, your challenges, your sickness, your depression? They are certainly no match to Jesus!
He is the resurrection, and He lives in you. Which means, you now have the resurrection in you. It is not going to happen, it is already in you!
He is the life, and He lives in you. Which means, you now have the life in you, and no death is able to withhold His life!
All you need is to believe in Him, if you can believe, all things are possible for those who believes! And those seem to be dead shall turn to be alive
again! Your finance shall turn to be alive, your health shall turn to be alive, your future shall turn to be alive, just because you have a God who has risen
and nothing is too hard for Him!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

林前 1:18 因为十字架的道理,在那灭亡的人为愚拙;在我们得救的人却为神的大能。
罗1:16 我不以福音为耻;这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是犹太人,后是希腊人。



The Power Of The Cross

Friday, April 3, 2015

1Cor 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Rom1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

Dear friend, do you know that the message of the cross is the gospel you and I heard today? It is all about the gift of salvation that redeems us from the darkness into light.
2015 years ago, the Son of God became Son of man, He came down from the heaven to earth, walked through the journey of life for 33 years on this earth just like you and me, solely because He loves you and sympathize with our weaknesses, He has been tempted in every way just as we are-yet was without sin.
He died for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrow so that today you and I can live a life of worry-free and stress-free, knowing that the power of the cross has set us free;
He was pierced for our transgression so that we are now free from the punishment and there is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus;
He was crushed for our iniquities to take away all our sins and by the power of the cross, our sins and lawless deeds God will remember no more;
He was been punished so that today you and I can live a life of peace for we no longer need to be punished;
By His wounds, we are healed!

Therefore, by the power of the cross, we are now healthy, wealthy, joyful, peaceful, and can live a life of abundance!
In Christ Jesus, we are highly favored, greatly blessed and deeply loved!


Friday, April 3, 2015

歌林多前书 16:13 - “你们务要警醒,在真道上站立得稳,要作大丈夫,要刚强。”

是的,你要作大丈夫,要刚强!当神与你同在,谁能抵挡你呢?(罗马书 8:31)。答案是,没有!没有任何人能抵挡你,没有任何事情能抵挡你。

要在真道上站立得稳,你需要神的话。因为,信道是从听道而来,听道是从基督的话来的 (罗马书 10:17)。要在真道上站立得稳,你需要在神的话里站立得稳。当神的话说:“因着祂的鞭伤,你得医治”,你就要相信你已经得着医治。当你坚定相信神的话,你就会看见神的话在你的生命中成为真实,你会经历到医治、突破、富足、平安,喜乐和一切耶稣所为你赎回的。


How Much He Loves You

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Take time to remember what Christ has done for you and I today, He came to bring us new life, and life more abundantly.
He came to do whatever that we could not by our own effort. The reason that He died is because of you, because He loves you,
because He saw the great satisfaction and joy ahead, therefore He chose to walk up to the cross for you. God never demonstrate
His love by only talking, but how He demonstrated it: while you were still sinner, Jesus died for you. While you were still in your most
undeserving state, He chose to die for you. He gave up His life so that you can have life, He was dead so that you can be alive, He was
being crushed and beaten so that you can be wholeness and health, He was being despised and shamed so that today you can lift up
your head. Therefore, take time to remember Him today, that is how much that He loves you!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

罗马书 10:8 - 他到底怎么说呢?他说:“这道离你不远,正在你口里,在你心里。”就是我们所传信主的道。

圣经说,生死在舌头的权下(箴言 18:21)。

以其发牢骚,让我们宣告信心的话语 – 我的丈夫或我的太太对我非常好。
以其埋怨,让我们宣告信心的话语 – 事情都会变好的。我的孩子都是听话的,他们的学习能力是强的。在我身边的人都是棒的,他们都在灵里成长。