Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

林后 6:18 - 我要作你们的父,你们要作我的儿女。这是全能的主说的。





Wednesday, July 22, 2015






Tuesday, July 21, 2015

2 Corinthians 3:12- Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—

The bible hope is different from the worldly hope. The worldly hope teach you to wish for something
and hopefully it can happen. But bible hope speaks of a confident expectation of good, knowing that
because of Jesus Christ, all that you have is to place your confident on Him, and expect good things
which will surely come!
My friend, the first thing that faith activates is your mouth, therefore speak what you believe in Christ today
instead of what the circumstances say. The moment when you speak forth in faith, remember the whole heaven
backs you up! Your voice is the address for blessings & opportunities to come! Place your hope in Christ for He
will never fail you!

Do Not Worry

Monday, July 20, 2015

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭26‬ NIV)

We can worry and trouble about a whole lot of things but don't you realize that it never
solves the issue but instead making you more and more stress? God never demand you
to settle those issues your own, but rather He asked that you'll rely on Him and see what He
can do for you. We may be limited by our effort, but through God, all things are unlimited!
So my friend, today know that you're Heavenly Father's responsibility, If He can take care
the birds of the air, how much more you? Therefore worry not, for He shall supply all your needs
according to His glorious richest!


Monday, July 20, 2015

诗 5:11 - 凡投靠你的,愿他们喜乐,时常欢呼,因为你护庇他们。又愿那爱你名的人,都靠你欢欣。



Monday, July 20, 2015

诗篇94:19 - 我心里多忧多疑,袮安慰我,就使我欢乐。

这世界有太多的声音,我们一早起来,这些声音就排山倒海的涌进我们的思想,但神的儿女们啊,我们还是可以享有内心的平静与安稳,以赛亚书31:15说 【我们得力在乎平静安稳】,那住在我们里面的圣灵时刻提醒我们说,我们不是随波逐流的一群,有耶稣为我们的牧者,生命肯定不会缺乏,不至流离失所,我们是神家的一份子。哈利路亚,感谢主!
我们需要认识神的话,因为当在烦乱的当儿,唯有神的话才是我们脚前的灯,路上的光,这话照明我们的黑暗,带离我们出离窘境。当我们的思想偏激了,神的话能把我们引回正确的轨道上;因为,唯有当你有对的思维,才能有对的人生。以赛亚书33:6(新译本)说 祂是你一生一世的保障,丰盛的救恩,智慧和知识;敬畏耶和华就是你的至宝。


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hebrews 8:12 - For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

Jesus' finished work at the cross is perfect, and no man can add any single thing into it.
Not your effort, not your achievement, not how well you can perform.
Instead it is fully dependent on Jesus' performance, and you can be sure that His performance is
perfect! Therefore, it is by His grace and love that He chose to die for you, in order to see you reconciling
back to the Father. Therefore my friend, through Jesus' once sacrifice, you've been forgiven and redeemed!
So, when He has forgiven you, you too have to forgive yourself. He remembers your sins no more, then why
are you holding on to it? Know that you've been forgiven much, and now is the time to know how much you're
being loved!

Perfected Forever

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hebrews 10:14- For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

We can never try by our own effort to perfect ourselves, because it is never possible. Even if you can do
a thousand of good works, even if you can plan a lot of charities, but if we do not have Jesus, we do not have life.
It is only with the son of God we have life, without the son of God we do not have life. So, no good works are able
to perfect us and sanctify us, but only the blood of Jesus. Thus, through His once sacrifice it is powerful enough to
make you holy! So, we are to be thankful that it is by the grace of God that we have Jesus, and as sure enough as His
finished work, therefore you can be as sure on your salvation!! You've been made perfect my friend, so stop seeing yourself
as full of sin, but through the blood of Jesus, you're holy and righteous!


Saturday, July 18, 2015

林后 9:15 感谢神,因他有说不尽的恩赐!
罗 11:29 因为神的恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。



Indescribable Gift

Friday, July 17, 2015

2Cor 9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Rom 11:29 for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable.

Hallelujah! Dear friend, do you know that your life is full of gifts? In fact, God has given to you a lot of talents and anointing. All these indescribable gifts have been credited in your life when you are still in your mother's womb.
The breath you have, the heartbeat that is beating, the smile that you could give, the voice you have, the word you can speak out and many many more are all the gifts from God!
The wealth you have is a gift from God.
The health you have is a gift from God.
The provision you have is a gift from God.
The joy and peace you have is the gift from God.
The fruits of Holy Spirit are gifts from God too.
Most importantly, the best gift we have in life from God is JESUS CHRIST, God's one and only Son!
God did not spare His own Son but has given Him to us, what else will He withhold from giving us?

So friend, it's time to give thanks and be glad of all that God has given to us!
His gifts and call are irrevocable for His love will never changed and He is faithful forever!
In Him, we are truly blessed!


Friday, July 17, 2015

箴 13:3 - 谨守口的,得保生命;大张嘴的,必致败亡。

我们晓得,舌头虽在百体中是最小的,但是却能说大话。最小的火能点着最大的树林。(雅 3:5)意思是,我们的口是带着能力的,是能够影响人的。但是,我们必须要善用我们的口,要注意我们口里所出的一切话,因为我们是神的使者,是代表基督的。因此,我们的口要说造就的话,要说赞美的话,是能够建立人,能够使人得安慰的,而非如同一把利刃,是伤害人,绊倒人的。

经上记着说:人若爱生命,愿享美福,就要禁止舌头不出恶言,不说诡诈的话。(彼前 3:10)这意表着我们的言语很多时候会带给我们正面,或是负面的影响。一个常埋怨的人不能够享受身所赐给他的丰盛,因为在他埋怨的同时,他看不见神所为他预备的一切。反之,若一个人无论何时何刻都在赞美的时候,不管环境有多糟糕,他都只仰望神的荣耀,那么就算在不好的环境下,也不能影响他,因为他依靠的乃是主耶稣基督,一个大有能力,能把不好变为好的神。



Friday, July 17, 2015




腓立比书1:6 - 我深信那在你们心里动了善工的,必要成全这工,直到耶稣基督的日子。


当你说:天父啊,我相信的时候,你会看见祂将亲自的为你成就这份工。而这份工不是源自于你的劳力与苦干的成果,而是当你相信的时候,祂将会亲自的为你实现。一切你所失去的,你所难过与你失望的,都必得着补偿。 别忘了,你的指望是不至断绝的。所以,你的明天不会是黑暗的,你的未来也不会是糟糕的。而耶稣就是你的希望。阿门!

Let Him Take Care of You

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Galatians 6:17- From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

If something is able to cause you trouble and making you worry, think twice, you may view that thing
greater in your life than God. If you're turn your magnifying glass away from your problems, or see it with
another different direction, you'll realize that when you're in Christ, and when Christ is in you, nothing can
be seem as big anymore! All you need to do is to put the magnifying glass over Jesus, instead of counting of
your lack, counting His faithfulness; instead of worrying on your supply, trust that He is your Provider and He never
My friend, let no one and nothing trouble you from now on, for you belong to Jesus! When you're His, you can be sure
that you're His responsibility, and He can surely take care of you better than you taking care of yourself!


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

箴 29:18 - 没有异象,民就放肆;惟遵守律法的,便为有福!

一个国家,不能没有异象,不能没有法律。同样的,在神的国度里,也不能没有异象,不能没有律法。而如今,神的律法就是基督,就是神的话,使凡信祂的,都得着义。(罗 10:4)在我们基督徒的生活里,要清楚地知道神国的异象,要明白主的旨意如何。而神的旨意就是要我们相信祂所差来的耶稣基督,相信神的话,并且享受祂所为我们预备的一切。




Wednesday, July 15, 2015

创世记30:12 - 神给了我价值。。。

所以从從今天開始,不要再從人的身上找尋自我價值感,却知道神對你的愛是永不改变的,希伯来书1:11-12说 【天地都要灭没,祢却要长存;天地都要像衣服渐渐旧了。祢却要将天地卷起来,像一件外衣;天地就都改变了。惟有祢永不改变,祢的年数没有穷尽】。領受從天父而來的平靜與安稳,你的價值感是來自於天上永恒的国度。阿门!

Your Way

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

John 14:6- Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

If you're searching for a direction today, just be assured that Jesus is your only direction. He knows exactly which way is the
best for you, he knows where to find green pastures, he knows which way is safe, He knows every single details in your life!
You may be struggling now, but do understand that God as a Father He knows and He understands, all the more He will look after
you! So instead of feeling lost, look upon Jesus, you'll find that He will direct your steps!
So my friend, when there seems to be no way, remember that Jesus is your way. When there seems to be a dead end in your finance,
Jesus is your supply! When there seems to be no way in your health, Jesus is your healing and wholeness! Turn your eyes on Him today
and you'll know, He is the answer for all!

Irrevocable Promises

Monday, July 13, 2015

Romans 11:29- for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

God is a wonderful father. He loves you for eternity, and therefore His gifts and call in your
life is irrevocable! Nothing can turn back what God has blessed and called you, and He is a God
who keeps His promises, and nothing shall return to Him empty!
Therefore you can be so sure that healing is already yours, supply is already yours, and all that the Father
has are yours! But do know that when all the gifts and call are irrevocable and cannot be void, it is not only
for your own benefit, but rather, because someone needs it. So, all you need is to believe that your Father is
able to take care of you, do not worry, trust in Him.


Monday, July 13, 2015

赛 55:8-9 - 耶和华说:“我的意念非同你们的意念,我的道路非同你们的道路。天怎样高过地,照样,我的道路高过你们的道路,我的意念高过你们的意念。

很多时候,当人遇到问题,生活中经历风暴的时候,往往人都会第一时间把自己的想法套在问题中,想要靠自己来解决问题。但是,结果往往都出乎意料,常常是往自己意思的反方向而行。到最后,把自己搞得灰头灰脸,一败涂地,不但问题没有解决,反而把自己弄得满身伤痕。甚至有时候人会觉得“为什么发生这样的事?”,“神到底有没有在看顾保守?”,“为什么神允许这样的事发生?” 等等的问题。然而这些疑问都是出于自己的意思,而非神的意思。




Monday, July 13, 2015

约翰一书5:4 『因为凡从神生的,就胜过世界;使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心』。




Forget Him Not

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Psalm 103:2- Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—

Forgetting can be something very dreadful in our lives, imagine if you've forgotten your identity,
Imagine you've forgotten who are your loved ones, imagine you've forgotten where you come from;
imagine how mess up it can be if you lost your memories!
Therefore the word of God reminds us not to forget but to recall all the benefits that Jesus has done for us.
It is important that to take moments in each day to be reminded and recalled what God has given and helped us,
the moment when you recall, when you do not forget, then you're able to praise Him with all your soul. You're able
to live each day confidently, why? Because you know who you are, you know who you have! Thus, when you can
only remember the good of Jesus, you'll not focus on the bad of your issues! If he's able to lead you through that time,
He is able to lead you through again this time!
So, praise Him for His faithfulness and love, for He keeps your life organized and in abundance!