Daily Devotion 每日灵修

Open Your Heart To God

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Revelation 3:20- Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

All the doors that you need in your life today has been opened for you. The door of prosperity, the door of health,
the door of peace, the door of salvation, all these has been opened for you. However, there's only one door that Jesus
has to stand at the door and knock, and that is the door of your heart. You know what, what is important to God is not how
much that you can do or serve, but rather your heart, is your heart believing in Him? Is your heart truly for Him?
He cares what is inside of you more than what is outside. Therefore He said if you hear His voice and open the door, He will
come in and dine with you! In order to open this door for Him, you just have to listen and recognize Him, through His sayings,
through His word, then as you allow Him to access to your life, He said He is there to dine with you! All that you need He will bring
in together with Him!
So, today let your heart be opened to God, when you hear Him through His Word and allow Him to access to your life,
you'll experience great change!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

弗 5:20 凡事要奉我们主耶稣基督的名,常常感谢父神。



Giving Thanks

Friday, July 10, 2015

Eph 5:20 Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear friend, no matter what kind of situation you are in right now, is time to give thanks to our God for He has done everything for us.
In time of lacking, give thanks for we know that He is the shepherd and we shall not be in want.
In time of worrying, give thanks for we know that we can cast all our cares to Him.
When we are sick, give thanks for we know that God is our healer.
When we are weak, give thanks for He is our strength.

Regardless how things seem to be, stop eyeing on the circumstances nor feeling, but to start giving thanks for we know that God has not spare His own Son Jesus Christ for us, and He has done all and gave us all the best!
Hallelujah! In Him, we found hope and joy. In Him, we are deeply loved, highly favored and greatly blessed!


Friday, July 10, 2015

罗 12:1 - 所以弟兄们,我以神的慈悲劝你们,将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的;你们如此事奉,乃是理所当然的。





Friday, July 10, 2015





Giving Thanks Always

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ephesians 5:20- always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A person who will give thanks is one who knows that I cannot but God can. Giving thanks is
powerful, and giving thanks to God the Father enable us to put our focus back on Him! The word of God says
Always; let's think of what do we always do in our daily lives? Are we always complaining? Are we always murmuring?
Are we always holding grudges? Are we always looking things at the bad side? The word of God says we are to
always giving thanks to God the Father! Which means this is a constant act of worship. Thank Him for His love,
thank Him for giving us Jesus, thank Him for providing all that we need, thank Him for keeping us safe from all harms!
So dear friends, no matter how many times you may fail in the past, remember, God is still faithful in your life! If He can
lead you through that time, He can lead you through this time! Thank Him for He is good and His love endures forever!


Thursday, July 9, 2015






Know that You're Loved

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:14- For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

Let the love of Christ compels you today, for one who knows that he is loves much is able to move on in life with power and
strength! So as sure that how immeasurable is the Heaven and the earth, that's how much God loves you, immeasurable!
So regardless what you've been going through today, keep yourself be reminded constantly that God loves you and He means it!
The way He shows you His love is through the giving of Jesus, so that all of us now are reconciled back to Him!
So, no matter how many times you fail, no matter how many times you're weak, His love never fails! You're His beloved,
so be empowered!! Move on knowing that you're loved, and when you truly know that, nothing is able to overcome you!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015




Knowing God

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2 Peter 1:2- Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

It does not mean that God has not blessed you with His grace and peace when you read this verse.
But it simply means that the knowledge that we have about Jesus, how much that we know Him determines the
level of grace and peace that we encounter! For instance, if you only know and believe that God loves you only when
you behave, then your response toward God will most probably be in fear, you do not enjoy Him as a Father, and thus
you can't even believe that grace and peace can be abundantly yours! But on the other hand, if you truly know who you
are in Christ, and what Jesus has done and accomplished for you, and how loving our Father in Heaven is, then you'll
enjoy His grace and peace no matter how many times you may fail! Because you still know you're being loved and that empowers
you to live life in a different way! So start to know and gain the knowledge of who you are and who God is today, as lack of knowledge
will destroy you, but as you know Him, the abundance of grace, favor and shalom peace shall be added in your life!

Worry Cannot Add Your Life

Monday, July 6, 2015

Matthew 6:27- And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

Many of times we choose to live in fear instead of trusting that God is able to deliver us from all
that issues of life. We tend to look upon our issues highly than how great our God is. Do you know
that anxious and worry cannot go together with faith? Both are contradicting. If you have faith in Christ,
Fear and worry has no place to stay. However, many of times we responded to the anxiousness more
than the confident and assurance that we can find in Christ.
Since anxious and worry can never add a single hour to your life, not only it does not help, it destroys you
physically, mentally, emotionally! Therefore, look to Jesus, the prince of peace and move in His perfect
peace today, in Him you're secured, healed and saved my friend!


Monday, July 6, 2015

约 6:29 - 耶稣回答说:“信神所差来的,这就是做神的工。”

很多的人都觉得,“为什么我的祷告没有被垂听?”、“为什么我所祈求的都得不到?”、“为什么我已经祷告了那么久,事情还是没有改变?”、“事情没有发生,是不是因为我做的不够好,不够多?” 很多类似的问题在基督徒的圈子里打转,一直不断的重复又重复。其实神已赐下一切的丰盛和恩典,并天上各样属灵的福气给我们,我们所需的,祂一样也没有少给。但是却与很多的基督徒却以为自己必须先靠自己做些什么来给神,然后神才会赐下他们所需的来满足他们。其实,神唯一要我们做的就是信神所差来的,就是相信祂的独生爱子耶稣基督。

今天,圣经里的每一句话,每一个应许都是真实的,是决不徒然返回的。很多时候,人却不相信可以白白的得到神的祝福,而是应该要自己的去做些事情才对。也有人觉得神的话很难遵守,自己没有那个能耐。其实,神的诫命,神的话不是难守的,当我们遵守祂的诫命,就是爱祂的。(约一 5:3)我们之所以能够走在神的诫命,能够遵守,不是因着我们自己有多厉害,而是靠着神的恩典。因为凡是从神而生就胜过世界;使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心。(约一 5:4)我们能够在这世上得着一切所应许的,是因为信神的话;我们能够胜过这世界一切的考验试探,是因为我们有信心,而这信心不是我们自己的,而是从神而来的,乃是因着我们认识耶稣基督而来的。而我们是藉着神的话来认识这个唯一的真神。



Monday, July 6, 2015

约翰福音11:40 耶稣说:我不是对你们说过,你若信,就必看见神的荣耀吗? 约翰一书5:19 我们知道,我们是属神的,全世界都卧在那恶者手下。


彼得前书2:11 亲爱的弟兄啊,你们是客旅,是寄居的。


Spring Up Possibilities

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Isaiah 43:19- See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

It is impossible to see way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. By the natural, all these can never be done.
But do you know what? God is making a promise to you and I that He is turning impossible into possible! Only He has that
capability to open way in wilderness and streams in wasteland! If you're in wilderness today, seeing no way that you go out from
this trouble, from this lack, from this persecution, God can and He is doing new things in your life! If you're in the wasteland today,
seeing no supply of streams in your situation or there's impossibilities towards receiving an abundance of supply, you know what?
God wants you to perceive Him, that He is doing new things in springing up provisions in your life!
My friend, you are in a good hand; what you think is impossible is possible with God. So have confident expectation today that God
is doing new things in your life, so expect the impossible to spring up!

Trust Him

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD ’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go, he's the one who will keep you on track.

Trusting God instead of yourself today, for by your own strength, all things are limited; but by the
strength of God, all things are unlimited and possible! You may not understand how, but you just need
to trust God from your heart, trust that He is able to save you, trust that He is greater and stronger than
the issues you face! Remember, God always has His perfect way for you. He has the best solution for you.
Instead of trusting other, look to Him! Listen to Him for only He can keep you on track!


Saturday, July 4, 2015

诗篇 48:9 神啊,我们在你的殿中,想念你的慈爱。



Friday, July 3, 2015

Psalms 48:9 Within Your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love.

Dear friend, do you know that meditation affects one's life? What you meditate will reflect in your life.
When you meditate on the sickness that attacks you, then pain and suffering reflect in your life.
When you meditate on the problems you encounter, worries and fear reflect in life.
When you meditate on the broken relationship that you ever had, unhappiness reflects.
So that is why Psalmist David said we are to meditate on God's unfailing love.
Instead of meditating on negative thoughts, we are to meditate on the goodness of God, what He has done for us!
So friend, let's put aside the negative thoughts and start to meditate the positive thoughts that we can think of in Christ Jesus.
Let's begin our day by meditating on God's unfailing love for us, who we are in Christ, what we have in Christ and what we can do in Christ.
Stop meditating on the pasts that hold us back, but start to meditate on the only way-JESUS, who can ensure our better and lighter future!



Friday, July 3, 2015

帖前 5:16-18 - 要常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩,因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。


神知道我们很多时候在面对问题或挑战的时候都不能快乐起来,所以神的话告诉我们,要常常喜乐,要靠主常喜乐!(腓 4:4)若是靠着我们的肉体,我们根本不能在问题里喜乐起来,根本不能!但是,今天神不要我们靠着自己的肉体,而是要靠着主,因为祂要让我们晓得,无论我们面对什么难题,面对什么风暴,祂永远是我们的避风港,祂永远是为我们挡在前头的。不但如此,神要我们不管在什么环境下都要不住的祷告,因为义人的祷告是大有功效的,并且当我们相信的时候,事情就必成就!有时候当我们已经不晓得该如何祷告的时候,圣灵亲自用说不出的叹息为我们代求。无论我们往哪里去,圣灵都在托着我们,带领我们。当然,少不了的就是凡事谢恩。今天,无论我们的情况如何,是好是坏,我们都要凡事谢恩,因为当我们懂得感恩,才会看见神的恩典其实是够我们使用的,因为祂的恩典天天都是新的。



Friday, July 3, 2015






Our Solid Rock

Thursday, July 2, 2015

1 Samuel 2:2 - “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

Rock is not like stone, rock is big, firm and unmovable! Therefore, there's no one like God,
solid and strong in your life! Therefore, you have to have confident that when we have God,
whom shall you fear? Just like David, he did not compare giants with himself and stay defeated,
but as he looked at giant and God, he sees God bigger and stronger! So, instead of looking at your
own capability, look at God! God is the solid rock in our lives, He is the only foundation and support.
So, Trust in Him today! As you compare both, you'll realize that He is stronger and He is Able!