Daily Devotion 每日灵修


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2 Corinthians 6:2- For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.

Do you know that God is outside time and He is never limit by time? Do you know that for the time that you've lost, you can redeem them back in
Jesus' name? Therefore, instead of sitting there and weep about what you've lost, instead of worrying when will it come true, look to jesus!
He has promised you that in the time of favor and in the time of salvation He has heard you, and followed by NOW is the time of favor and NOW is the
time of salvation! Therefore, we are not here to say when God's time comes, I'll get what I need; oh, I need to wait for God's timing so I just wait.
But He said in His Word that He wants to help you now, and He has saved you now! Which means from all your situation, be it sickness, be it lack,
Now Jesus has provided you! Now Jesus has healed! Therefore, all you need to do is to believe that all things are done! When you believe, that's the
time you receive! So stop asking when can you receive it? It's only when you start to believe in Him, and when are you start to believe in Him? The answer is that direct, NOW! :)


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

诗 28:7 - 耶和华是我的力量,是我的盾牌,我心里倚靠祂,就得帮助;所以我心中欢乐,我必用歌颂赞祂!

主是我们的力量,是我们的依靠,更是我们随时的帮助。无论何时何地,当我们的心是倚靠祂的,相信祂的,就必得福,无论我们要什么,祂都必为我们成全。想想看,什么时候你是处在喜乐的时刻?就是当你的心被满足的时候。而今天,能让我们的心满足只有一位,就是那爱我们到底的神,耶稣基督。祂的话告诉我们,祂必用美物使我们所愿的得以知足,(诗 103:5)意思就是, 我们所要的一切,都能够得着,并且是上好的,因为我们的主是赐下一切丰盛恩典的神,在祂没有难成的事。




Wednesday, July 1, 2015


基督徒在世上同样也遭遇患难与问题,但感恩的是,我们有依靠的对像 ,靠着耶稣,我们可以胜过困境,祂是我们的力量与避难所,在祂里面,我们得以刚强与重新得力。纵然有一天我们离开这世上了,也知道我们最终的归宿是在那里。


Victory in Christ

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:57- But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

One who knows how to give thanks is one who know that he has received. The word of God reminds us to
give thanks to The Lord because we have already received all that we need through Jesus Christ! Therefore,
instead of thinking defeated thoughts, think of the victory that Christ has purchased to you through His one and
only sacrifice! He has perfected you forever, redeemed you from the pit and now you're showered and chased by
blessings and favor! What you believe in is determining how you response in your daily life, if you believe in the
victory that Christ has given you, you'll live life lift up your head, be bold, you speak victories, you think victories!
Be assured that the victory that you need is found in Jesus Christ, instead of trusting on the resources, trust on the
Source! He is the Source of the healing, the breakthroughs that you need; start to give thanks as you are already a
victor not a victim!

How Real?

Monday, June 29, 2015

Mark 5:36- Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

My dear friend, if you will realize, fear and believe cannot work parallel, when there's fear, there's unbelief;
and when there's believe, there will be no fear! So what are you fearful of today? What is the area that you're
Always holding on fear? Let that particular area be in charged by God, compare how big He is and how small
will be your issues! Trust God that He is able, able to deal and defeat your issues in life, be it sickness, be it
anxieties, be it depression, be it broken relationship, be it lack; when you put all of them next to God, they fail in
comparison! Why? Because nothing can be as great as our God!
Therefore, if you'll see God as so real, you won't be afraid anymore! Ask yourself this question today, "Is God real
in my heart?" If you truly believe He is real, fear subsides and faith arises! Think and consider of His greatness today,
and you'll find all the rest of the issues cease automatically!


Monday, June 29, 2015

帖前 5:16-18 - 要常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩,因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。

神的话告诉我们,要常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事谢恩,就是要我们无论在什么环境中,都能够活得喜乐,有平安,能够享受祂所为我们预备的丰盛。现今这世界仍然在恶者的掌权中,因此难免在我们的生活上或有问题,会面对挑战,会有各种的情绪出现。但是,神对我们的旨意原是好的,祂要我们能够在祂里面得享安静,不怕灾祸,因此神要我们信靠祂,让祂在我们的生命中掌权。祂的话告诉我们说:在世上纵然有苦难,但是我们可以放心,因为耶稣祂已胜了这世界。(约 16:33)其实,耶稣就是要我们完全的依靠祂,不靠自己的聪明,也不靠自己的能力,而是单单的仰望神。

朋友们,就算今天你处在一个不好的环境中,但是你可以靠着主刚强,可以靠着主喜乐。神的本意是要我们一无挂虑,凡事藉着祷告、祈求、和感谢,把我们一切所需要的都告诉神,(腓 4:6)祂必为我们成就,并且会供应给我们超乎我们所求所想的。而我们要学会凡事交托,要以耶和华为乐,祂就必将我们心里所求的赐给我们。(诗 37:4)反之,若你今天是处在一个非常棒的环境,你更要喜乐,更要感谢,因为这并不是偶然,也不是因你的行为或能力,而是神所赐的。



Monday, June 29, 2015

路加福音8:17 因为掩藏的事没有不显出来的;隐藏的事没有不露出来被人知道的。



Conscious of Christ

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Psalm 23:6- Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

God is never far. You see, it's always our perception towards God that determines we see Him as far or near.
He is always with us, and He never leaves. But our perceptions and what we think and see determines we see
Him as big or small, far or near. Therefore, renewing of mind starts from the inside, the change explode too on the inside,
you can't change anything externally until you're changed internally. And that's why resting in the Word and allow it to
transform you from glory to glory is so important!
Therefore, today no matter where you are, be assured and have confident that God is with you! He never leave you or stay
afar, He is so near! Let the Word assures you again and again throughout this day. Therefore, surely goodness and favor will
follow you and chase after you, when you're conscious of His presence!

Let Go & Let God

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Psalm 46:10- He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

One who is worry and trouble about many things is one who do not know how to find rest in God.
Worrying and trusting are both contradicting, you can't say I believe in God and yet you're fearful and trouble
on many things; but of course, God is still remaining faithful, no matter how you are! But that is not the kind of
life that God wants us to live, he wants us to love life and see good days, enjoying each day in Him!
Therefore, today learn to be still by putting down all the burdens on your shoulder on Jesus, eye on His love
and grace instead of your difficulties. And you'll know that He is God, a God who loves and never judge, a God who is
your Father!!! You see, when you know who He is and who you are, worry automatically cease, fear will depart from you,
why? Because you're now still and be at rest and that's the only time when you let go and let God!


Saturday, June 27, 2015

路18:1 耶稣设一个比喻,是要人常常祷告,不可灰心。
帖前5:17 不住地祷告。





Friday, June 26, 2015

Luke18:1 Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
1Thes5:17 Pray continually.

Dear friend, do you know why do we pray?
We pray not because it is a religion activity, but we pray because we are building the relationship with the Father, just like how we talk to each others to know more about the others.
We pray not because we are commanded to pray but we pray because it is part of our life.
We pray not because we are begging for something but we pray simply because we know we cannot yet God can.

Friend, prayer is all about giving thanks and it is time for us to take up our authority to proclaim and speak life over our situations!
Whatever circumstances we are in right now, do not give up but to pray continually for we shall surely see things happen in our favor because the prayer of a righteous man-you and I (as we are justified by faith through grace in Christ) is powerful and effective!

So, we are to pray, believe and receive from the Almighty God in whom we trust!


Friday, June 26, 2015

西 1:13 - 祂救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁到他爱子的国里。





Friday, June 26, 2015






Hold On

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hebrews 10:23- Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

What is it that you are professing and holding unswervingly now?
Many of time we hold and process our problems more than what Jesus has done
in our lives, we look highly upon the seriousness of the issues and the facts more
than what Jesus has said and done. Therefore you become what you focus on and
you become what you believe in!
My friend, Jesus who has promised you a good life, health and abundance is faithful,
He has surely accomplish them for you! But the matter is, we are to hold on to Him and
His word unswervingly, trust Him more than ourselves, then we will see change!
So the matter now is are you trusting Him? Or are you believing in yourself and the facts
that you've heard? If you would switch your focus today, hold on to this hope, profess and
proclaim over your life, do not let it go, He who is faithful will surely bring it into manifestation
and completion!

Delivered From Deadly Pestilences

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Psalm 91:3- Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

Yes, the world might be focusing on how bad the spread out of the disease and the news of how
incurable the disease may be; but don't worry my friend, because you are shielded and well protected
under the everlasting arm of God! When He is your shield, you can be sure that no sickness, no virus can
be greater than God! Thus, Jesus has conquered everything at the cross, and He was scourged so that today
we can enjoy a healthy body in wholeness! Therefore, renew your mind today and turn your eyes on Jesus!
As you believe in Him and believe that nothing is able to harm you, you shall witness with your own eyes that
though thousands may fall at your each side, but it will not fall upon you. Believe in Jesus' good news today!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

诗 147:5 - 我们的主为大,最有能力。祂的智慧无法测度!





Wednesday, June 24, 2015



雅歌2:10-11:“ 我良人对我说:我的佳偶,我的美人,起来,与我同去!因为冬天已往,雨水止住过去了。”今天,耶稣要告诉你,你是祂的佳偶祂的美人,在祂眼里,你是美丽无暇疵,你可以来信靠祂,并且经历祂。也许你处在生命的寒冬,但今天耶稣要告诉你,你生命的冬天已经过去了,春天已经到了,突破已经在你里面了,是时候让它们彰显了!

雅歌2:12-13:“ 地上白花齐放,百鸟鸣叫的时候已经来到;斑鸠的声音在我们境内也听见了。”当春天来的时候,不也是如此吗?沉睡的大地苏醒了,地上的青草长出来了,你可以脱去冬衣,自由的奔跑在青草地上;你的生命亦如此,你的经济必然突破,病痛必全然得医治,被偷窃的得着补还,所缺乏的会得着供应。耶稣来,是为了要满足你,也只有祂才能使你在灵魂体都得着饱足(约翰三书2)。


A Wonderful Father

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Matthew 7:11- If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

If you look at the father in this world, they are the bread winner and the source of the family;
they provide to their children and they protect and support. So, if an earthly father can do that,
why would you worry about will God love you or not? Why would you worry about whether He will
provide you and protect you or not? If any father on earth can do that, how much more God!
So, meditate this today, if your Father in Heaven can give you the best of Heaven - Jesus; what else that
He cannot give? What else is too difficult for Him? Jesus is the darling of Heaven, the best of Heaven,
And yet because of us, because of our salvation, because of earnestly wanted to see us reconciled back
with Him, God has given us His best. So what else that He will not give? Surely nothing is more precious than
Jesus! Therefore, Find your confident and assurance in Him today, He is a wonderful Father, He is a giver,
not a taker!

Abide in Word

Monday, June 22, 2015

John 15:7 - If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Today know that the facts of the world is unable to change your life but many of times inserting fears and doubts in you.
Therefore, the remedy towards all these is the word of God, for only the word of God is active and living; is able to penetrate and help you towards all situation!
So let the word of God abide in you by keep on meditating and thinking about His word, let His word be rooted and grounded in you;
and the time you spend in the Word is the time you spend with Jesus.
Therefore, let His word lift you up from the pit today, and you shall witness that whatever your wish, the word will do it for you!
The healing that you wish to see, the Word will manifest that in your body; the wisdom that you wish, the Word will manifest that in every decision that you are making!


Monday, June 22, 2015

诗 55:22 - 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,祂必抚养你,祂永不叫义人动摇。


